Programming AutoCAD 2002

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Neil Burgess, Apr 5, 2004.

  1. Neil Burgess

    Neil Burgess Guest

    Hope someone out there can help me.
    I've just accepted a challenge to try to program acad 2002 to work for the
    fashion industry drawing patterns for clothing. I've been told there is a
    way to program it so that you simply input the vital stats of the measured
    person and acad will do the drawing.
    Actually someone told me they had it done with acad 10.
    Does anyone know where I should even start?
    I know how to use AutoCAD, I need to know where to start to program it to
    simply punch numbers in and a drawing is produced...if that is at all
    This is nothing archtectural or engineering but for the clothing design

    Thank you
    Neil Burgess, Apr 5, 2004
  2. What is your programming language expertise?

    Hope someone out there can help me.
    I've just accepted a challenge to try to program acad 2002 to work for the
    fashion industry drawing patterns for clothing. I've been told there is a
    way to program it so that you simply input the vital stats of the measured
    person and acad will do the drawing.
    Actually someone told me they had it done with acad 10.
    Does anyone know where I should even start?
    I know how to use AutoCAD, I need to know where to start to program it to
    simply punch numbers in and a drawing is produced...if that is at all
    This is nothing archtectural or engineering but for the clothing design

    Thank you
    michael puckett, Apr 5, 2004
  3. Neil Burgess

    Neil Burgess Guest

    Actually I have no experience in programming...just a lot actually using
    Is that a bad thing?
    Neil Burgess, Apr 5, 2004
  4. While I have no specific expertise in the fashion industry
    you can program AutoCAD to do just about anything you
    would like. You could start by using AutoLISP or VBA
    to create a custom program. Help files are a good source
    of what functions are available for you to use.

    Help -> Developer Help -> AutoLISP reference

    Help -> Developer Help -> ActiveX and VBA Developers Guide.

    In addition to those resources you can also participate
    in the following Autodesk discussion groups.


    By NNTP discussion group reader at

    By HTTP (web-based) interface at


    By NNTP discussion group reader at

    By HTTP (web-based) interface at


    Autodesk Discussion Group Facilitator

    Jason Piercey, Apr 5, 2004
  5. Guess I should pay more attention <g>

    You have already found the LISP group


    Autodesk Discussion Group Facilitator

    "Jason Piercey" <Jason@AtrEngDotCom> wrote in message news:407177fc_1@newsprd01...
    Jason Piercey, Apr 5, 2004
  6. Neil Burgess

    hendie Guest

    pretty easy to do.... as long as you have the formulas !
    actually, it's not that easy but it is possible.
    I work for a company that does design in fabrics. You have to take into allowance different types of seams/seam thicknesses/material thicknesses etc. even material elasticity sometimes.
    You really need to lay your hands on some of the formulas. They should be available from the company hiring you
    hendie, Apr 5, 2004
  7. Neil Burgess

    Barr Guest

    Among other more traditional drafting/design applications, I use Acad
    to design knitwear.
    For me, the beauty of Acad is the ability to customize and automate
    repetitive tasks.

    I knew NOTHING about programming when I wrote my first little routine
    for my knitwear project. It took a bit of code larnin, but mostly it
    took a good objective look at what tasks could be automated.

    You can do it too.
    If you need any suggestions, I'll gladly offer what I'm able. If I
    can't figure it out, Mr. Puckett can.
    Barr, Apr 5, 2004
  8. Neil Burgess

    Rudy Tovar Guest

    Welcome to an old world and a new career...

    You've asked something that you'll play a big role in.

    Among other things, I would also suggest you learn how to create dialogs.

    I have a friend that does custom quilting, actually that's the name of his
    company, "Custom Quilting, Inc.", except he uses Autosketch linked a huge
    plotter that sews. He draws the pattern, and the plotter does the rest.
    Actually he has two offices, one in Costa Mesa, and the other in Tustin,
    California, his name is Alfredo Mena, and has been very successful. I have
    another friend, Ramiro Silva, that does custom cabinets, "PacifiCraft, Inc."
    I wrote all the utilities for his custom cabinets back in 1992 or so, and
    he's now moved to Santa Ana, CA and bought a new building for about $1.5
    mil. and producing more that over $ in sales a year, and growing, and
    he's just bought a new CNC.

    You have a wonderful venture ahead of you, good luck...

    Authorized Developer
    Rudy Tovar, Apr 5, 2004
  9. <quote>I have no experience in programming</quote>

    <quote>Is that a bad thing?</quote>

    Not necessarily.

    For example, you have no bad programming habits :)

    Also, you already know AutoCAD, so you have some understanding /
    appreciation of what can be drawn; what can be modified. A vast
    playground for sure.

    As mentioned, Visual Basic for Applications, or VBA, is available
    with your AutoCAD 2002 installation. It is a decent enough
    environment to start learning how to program AutoCAD and it is
    free (after the nominal AutoCAD entry fee of course). You might
    want to start doing some "vanilla" programming, that is, some
    programming that deals with general programming topics, then ease
    into AutoCAD automation after establishing a strong
    "fundamentals" foundation.

    Your programming path, if you decide to go with VBA, should
    include an awareness that the path forward from VBA is VB.NET; at
    least in terms of any VBA code you have authored and wish to
    bring to Visual Studio .NET. If you are like most folks that have
    considered the .NET options, C# will probably serve you better in
    the long run, so keep that in mind as well. However, I don't want
    to write a novel here, so that's as much as I will say about .NET
    for now.

    AutoLISP, or VisualLISP, while being a language I greatly enjoy
    programming in, is rather specialized, so unless you are going to
    study at MIT, automate EMACS, or just want to tear it up with
    Rene and Vlad, I'd choose VBA over LISP.

    Either way, there is a abundance of information available,
    including these newsgroups, which are frequented by some of the
    industry's better programmers. Google searching these forums is
    better than using Autodesk's <cough> search engine.

    Aside from the challenge of learning one or more computer
    languages the important thing is to be able to map out exactly
    what your application is supposed to do; can be narrative or
    diametric in nature, but if you cannot do this step to the point
    where any programmer can understand the design I wouldn't bother
    trying to code the beast; you'll have a disjointed application at
    best that is difficult to impossible to update / maintain. You
    must have a good map to work from. IMHOOC.

    Sorry Neil, a novel could be written on this topic but I have to
    go; best of luck on what I think amounts to an exciting time for

    Actually I have no experience in programming...just a lot actually using
    Is that a bad thing?
    michael puckett, Apr 5, 2004
  10. Neil Burgess

    Neil Burgess Guest

    Just wanted to thank everyone, especially Michael Pucket, for the very
    valuable information.
    I'm about to dive in.
    Thanks again everyone.
    Neil Burgess, Apr 5, 2004
  11. Thank you the acknowledgement Neil, but I think the real
    brains have yet to respond to your post -- In other
    words, I'd keep watching this thread if I were you :)


    Just wanted to thank everyone, especially Michael Pucket, for the very
    valuable information.
    I'm about to dive in.
    Thanks again everyone.

    michael puckett, Apr 5, 2004
  12. I wish to rephrase to (words to the effect) "More brains will
    respond to your post".

    I meant no disrespect to the other posters who have already
    responded. It was more of a shot at myself than anything.


    Thank you the acknowledgement Neil, but I think the real
    brains have yet to respond to your post -- In other
    words, I'd keep watching this thread if I were you :)


    Just wanted to thank everyone, especially Michael Pucket, for the very
    valuable information.
    I'm about to dive in.
    Thanks again everyone.

    michael puckett, Apr 5, 2004
  13. Neil Burgess

    Anne Brown Guest

    As a customer of Doug's knit pattern company, I will personally
    vouch for how well designed, presented and correct the designs
    are. I often wear my "Northern Forest" sweater. Her is the URL for pattern example.

    Anne (in personal mode, not administrator mode)
    Anne Brown, Apr 5, 2004
  14. Neil Burgess

    Barr Guest

    Heya Anne!
    You're a knitter?
    Okay, I get it... you bought the pattern and converted it to a
    (y'know, that's not such a wacko idea)

    Didja buy it from us? I don't remember your name among our customers!
    Barr, Apr 5, 2004
  15. Neil Burgess

    Rudy Tovar Guest

    Thanks Michael, so how I feel a lesser person today...heeheee...

    If anything, he's got a long road ahead of him....

    But at least if he sticks around he can hitch a ride with some of
    us......batteries not included.....
    Rudy Tovar, Apr 5, 2004
  16. Neil Burgess

    Phil Guest

    Locate this someone. It may be readily converted and at least it may
    have the formlas completed and they should not change in whatever cad
    you use.
    Phil, Apr 6, 2004
  17. Neil Burgess

    Anne Brown Guest

    Answered email so I didn't have to delete this off topic

    Anne Brown, Apr 6, 2004
  18. Neil Burgess

    Rakesh Rao Guest


    Here's my 2 cents for this discussion.

    As already told by others, you will first need to decide if you want to
    go with VBA or with Lisp. Obviously, the more current trend is to go
    with VBA but there is a whole lot of Lisp experience and third party
    tools and apps that are written in Lisp and performing well too. You may
    find use for some of these codes in your programming as the need arises.

    Learning to program AutoCAD is not too difficult and the only reason is
    the presence of wonderful groups like this one. You can get help and
    share help through this forum.

    Our web-site has a TechCenter free download areas (see URL in signature)
    where you can see over 300+ different Lisp functions you may want to use
    if you chose Lisp as your programming language.

    As someone in the fashion design and garment industry, I guess you will
    use a lot of hatches to depict different hatches.



    Please email me your replies. I may not always be observing the posts here.


    AutoCAD customization for Engineering/Mapping/GIS
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    Rakesh Rao, Apr 6, 2004
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