programmatically setting ProjectWise 3.01 program associations

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by baphensley, Aug 4, 2006.

  1. baphensley

    baphensley Guest

    We have about 3000 users with ProjectWise 3.01.

    We are upgrading Acrobat from 5 to 7, and in building the install
    packages found that the path to the Acrobat exe is different in 7 than
    in 5. This means that the association is wrong in ProjectWise.

    We don't want to tell 3000 users how to manually configure their
    program association for Acrobat to the new location.

    Can we make the change programmatically, so that we could add the code
    to the Acrobat 7 install package? If so, how?

    baphensley, Aug 4, 2006
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