Profile does not scale correctly

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by RAD, Apr 6, 2006.

  1. RAD

    RAD Guest

    Help fellow CAD people. I recently went to work for a company who
    makes all their viewports 1:1 and then plots to whatever scale they
    want. I come from a totally different school of thought where the
    viewports are set to whichever scale you want and you plot the drawing
    1:1. Their titleblock etc. are all set up on this method. The company
    has alot of people who have been here 15 years, so you're not going to
    get people to change the way they do things. My current problem is
    this. I have a road plan and profile on one sheet. Both view ports
    are set 1:1. When I create the profile and tell it to be a vertical
    scale of 10 (which is what the boss wanted) it plots out not to scale.
    With trial and error I found that if I create the profile using a
    vertical scale of 7.5, it will then scale on a 10 scale when plotted at
    40. Am I being obtuse? Why should I have to do that? The vertical
    scale shouldn't be affected by the overall scale of the drawing right?
    Is there some setting somewhere that is affecting my profile? HELP..
    please. Thanks
    RAD, Apr 6, 2006
  2. RAD

    RAD Guest

    So it turns out I *was* being obtuse, in Project manager, page setup,
    the drawing default had been set to 30 horiz. and 3 vert. I was
    plotting at 40 and the horiz. was fine, but on the vertical that 3
    overrode the 10 I was giving it when creating the profile, which is why
    I had to plot it at 7.5 to get 10.....such a stupid little thing, why I
    didn't find it right away...sigh....thanks for your thoughts, yes I
    believe there will be headaches, and no the money is not fantastic, but
    thats because I relocated to the South from the west, major pay cut!
    RAD, Apr 7, 2006
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