ProE Translator (SW2007) does nothing

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by post, Mar 26, 2008.

  1. post

    post Guest


    Greets all. The SW dox say it can handle up to WF v2. I can
    see the file (as a ProE part doc) in the Open dialog box -- I get
    SW Import Options for the ProE part (BREP, Knit, Diagnose, etc)..
    but when I click okay nothing happens. Literally -- the window
    goes away and like nothing ever happened.

    Has anyone had any luck with this?

    post, Mar 26, 2008
  2. post

    j Guest

    We've been able to import Pro E files in 2007 without problems. Can you
    have them send you a step file. Is it possible there's no solids
    information in the Pro E file.
    j, Mar 26, 2008
  3. post

    post Guest

    I don't receive an error message -- or a new part window. When I hit
    'Ok' the dialog box simply disappears.

    Whats the diff between a '*.prt' file and a '*.prt.3' file?
    I even tried lopping off the .3 :)

    It should be a real part. I have a large assembly that needs some
    and, although it does come in if imported as a step file, I lose alot
    info. I was hoping to get some intelligence back by opening the
    ProE file.

    I'll try it on a different part and see if anything changes.

    Thanks j.
    post, Mar 26, 2008
  4. post

    Cliff Guest

    Did the file perchance come from a UNIX system?
    Cliff, Mar 26, 2008
  5. post

    post Guest

    I don't believe so, no -- windows OS.
    I thought it odd to have a 'double dot' extension: xxxxxxx.prt.3
    then again its my first encounter with ProE files.. is this
    post, Mar 26, 2008
  6. post

    WormSign Guest

    The numbers at the end of the extension show the number of times the files
    was saved or revised. Shouldn't be the problem.
    WormSign, Mar 26, 2008
  7. post

    Cliff Guest

    Might they need at least a ".prt.1" or similar?

    But had the files come from a UNIX system they might not
    have been "translated" to DOS files.
    BTW, What about text case? UNIX can support mixed case but I
    suspect that some MS Windows stuff may require all lowercase in
    file names. Perhaps SW does but Pro_E does not?
    Cliff, Mar 26, 2008
  8. post

    gk Guest

    The .3 just means that this is the 3rd copy of the part. It shouldn't
    have any effect on whether or not it opens in SW. WF2 parts normally
    come into SW (at least 2006) without problems.

    gk, Mar 27, 2008
  9. post

    gk Guest

    Sorry, didn't see the other posts on the subject.

    gk, Mar 27, 2008
  10. post

    j Guest

    When you tried the import, did you choose the option to import features
    or just the bodies when asked. I've seen it try to import features on
    simple parts without to much difficulty but on more complex parts bomb
    when trying to import them. Try to do an import and just do the bodies
    and see if that works. You wont get any intelligence in the model.
    j, Mar 27, 2008
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