ProE to SolidWorks file import

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Michele, Oct 5, 2004.

  1. Michele

    Michele Guest

    I am looking for users that have had experience bringing in ProE files
    into SolidWorks (not Wildfire). I am interested to know if the files
    come in cleanly and with parametrics. I am a sales rep for a
    SolidWorks Reseller. We have not had much access to ProE files to try
    this ourselves. If anyone is comfortable commenting on this for me, I
    would appreciate it. Good or not so good comments welcome.
    Thank you in advance.
    Michele, Oct 5, 2004
  2. Michele

    Krister L Guest

    I have recently imported some ProE files and they seem to com in pretty
    clean.....there was few though which looked weired...but we tracked it down
    to be files once exported from SW as igs to ProE and now brought back again.
    One thing I miss is to have some kind of mates along with with the parts
    when I import an assy from ProE. I'm not sure about what You mean with far as I know none of the files had any incontext
    relations....and You can't open any ProE drawings in SW but You'll get the
    features in the parts.
    You can try to download files from ...browse to
    cad files and i think You'll find a lot of ProE files to download and play

    Krister L
    Krister L, Oct 5, 2004
  3. Michele

    Seth Renigar Guest

    So far, I have not had very good results importing a Pro-E file and trying
    to regenerate features. I get a lot of cherries.

    I have done this though. If there are not that many cherries, I will import
    it a second time without features just so I can see what the model is
    supposed to look like properly. Then I may edit some of those cherries in
    the first import to make it correct. If there are a lot of cherries
    though.... forget it.
    Seth Renigar, Oct 5, 2004
  4. Michele

    Rocko Guest

    work with alot of pro-e files and SW2005 does a pretty good job on them.
    They are complicated plastic parts with a flair towards industrial design/
    consumer items. Yes you will get some features but i wouldnt count on all of
    them ever coming through, plus the more complicated the surface the more
    likely the feature will not show up on the tree except as a surface.
    Rocko, Oct 5, 2004
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