Proe running slow

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by graminator, Jun 4, 2007.

  1. graminator

    graminator Guest

    I'm running WF 3.0, version M070 on a new computer with Vista. It's an
    HPxw8400, whatever that is. 2.33 GHz processor, 3071 MB of RAM, 32 bit
    operatin system, although it can be set up to run 64 bit.

    Sometimes, often, it runs really slow. I can just change windows or
    move the arrow up the tree a couple of features, no major change to
    the model and it will take 20-30 seconds to repaint the screen. When I
    look at Taskmanager during this period it's using 50 percent of CPU,
    then it drops back to zero. I've closed most of the background
    operations that I'm not using, like Quicktime and Messenger but it
    makes no difference.

    It must be a combo of the operating system and ProE because we have
    another guy here using the same setup but he's running Alias and it
    steams along with no delays. Anyone have an idea?
    graminator, Jun 4, 2007
  2. graminator

    Aggrevated Guest

    Check your video card and drivers. Make sure you have the newest

    You need to have a video card with decent Open GL support.

    I ran into stability issues with the ATI Mobility Fire GL T2 card in
    my HP nw8000.

    If I used the "pro/e" setting in the video driver settings, it crashed
    constantly and bogged down. Switching to a "Default" or "OpenGL
    Gaming" improved performance by multiple orders of magnitude.

    The "Pro/e" setting was made for Wildfire 1.0. Something serious was
    changed during the development of the newer releases.
    Aggrevated, Jun 18, 2007
  3. graminator

    graminator Guest

    We've done all that with the exception of the video drive setting.
    Will give that a shot. Thanks.
    graminator, Jun 19, 2007
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