ProE Interoperability

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Martin Euredjian, Nov 12, 2004.

  1. New SolidWorks user. No Pro-E experience.

    My fabricator uses Pro-E. Is there a way to interoperate with Pro-E users
    such that the parametric data is retained? I'd like to be able to move
    parts back and forth and have each camp be able to modify the design without
    loosing parametric information. I know that I can make and open .prt files,
    but they come in as a dumb solid that you have to slice and dice in order to
    get back to useful and editable entitites.


    Martin Euredjian

    To send private email:

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    Martin Euredjian, Nov 12, 2004
  2. Martin Euredjian

    MM Guest


    There "may" be direct translators available now that will work one way or
    the other. However, there is nothing available for the kind of back and
    forth scenario your describing. It's probably not even possible.

    Pro-E and Solidworks produce very similar types of data, but they get there
    in different ways. As such, there will allways be translation involved. This
    will (and does) cause rounding errors in just one translation. In a one
    time, one way translation, the error may not be large enough to cause a
    problem. Do this several times in two directions, and you'll have a real
    mess. This would happen even if features were being generated on both ends,
    as opposed to dumb solids.


    MM, Nov 12, 2004
  3. I'll keep it unidirectional then. Thanks!

    Martin Euredjian, Nov 12, 2004
  4. Martin Euredjian

    CAD Guy Guest


    Have you tried the Pro/E feature base import capabilities that SolidWorks
    includes? The latest version works with Pro/E V17 thru Wildfire 2 parts and

    While not perfect, they are the only CAD vendor (I'm aware of) that provides
    this type of advanced technology. There are 3rd party feature based
    translators, but they seem pretty expensive.

    FeatureWorks (part of Sw Office & Office Pro) is another option to consider.
    I don't believe that Pro/E has any equivalent "feature recognition" tools.

    My 2 cents.

    CAD Guy, Nov 12, 2004
  5. Martin Euredjian

    P. Guest

    Wouldn't it be nice if we just all got along. But we don't. I predict
    that some day SolidWorks will be the MicroSoft of CAD and somewhere out
    there will be the Linus Torvalds that strikes back.
    P., Nov 13, 2004
  6. No, I haven't. I'll look for it and try it. I have SW Office.

    Martin Euredjian

    To send private email:

    "0_0_0_0_" = "martineu"
    Martin Euredjian, Nov 13, 2004
  7. Martin Euredjian

    Bo Clawson Guest

    What you are asking for may be one of the reasons eDrawings was
    developed by Solidworks with user Sectioning, Markup, & Measuring.

    That means you can send a small file to the vendor to be reviewed and
    the person can check specific design elements and bring up any
    questions or markup needed changes before the design is finalized.
    eDrawings is a relatively small download and free for your vendor.

    I just did this again in September with a moldmaker I use in Auckland,
    N.Z. who checks out my part first as an eDrawing prior to me sending
    the "dumb solid" for EDMing the part cavities.

    To get advanced Measure/Markup features in eDrawings (assemblies or
    single parts) in Swks 2004, you need to go to File/Publish eDrawing
    2004. eDrawings works slick.

    I like to use suppliers using SolidWorks, but there are good
    toolmakers out there who use ProE I can not ignore.

    Some observations:

    What I see in moldmaking, is that once I use a part to create a cavity
    in a mold plate, then the mold plate is, guess what..., a dumb solid,
    though it can be updated by changing the part. So we have to deal
    with these issues in one way or another even within Solidworks.

    I would much rather take all responsibility for being the person
    controlling my design documents rather than giving a vendor a chance
    to do something I don't understand, or that may adversely affect my
    design in some way I don't realize. eDrawings works very well to keep
    me in charge of my designs.

    Bo Clawson, Nov 13, 2004
  8. Martin Euredjian

    Erico Guest

    In my tests I could open 2000i, Wildfire 1 & 2 parts but no assemblies.
    I haven't tried feature recognition because it seems to depends more on who
    and how built ProE
    model than anything else.
    Erico, Nov 13, 2004
  9. Martin Euredjian

    Jeff Howard Guest

    Couple of years old, but might help you get an idea. I thought I'd seen SW
    listed on someone's literatue, but can't remember where (or even if). Just
    FYI, I think that some of these (Proficiency?) are very pricey; ~ 20K and
    Jeff Howard, Nov 13, 2004
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