ProE 2001

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Shaun T, Jul 13, 2004.

  1. Shaun T

    Shaun T Guest

    I am trying to mirror a protrusion, I want one feature to be mirrored
    across one plane and then acrosss and other plane to leave me with two
    of the features. Can ProE do this? I can only get it to mirror it
    about one plane at a time? anyone know how I can do this?

    I have a mold for a forging, the feature is in the upper right corner
    I want to mirror in don to the lower left corner, to do this I want to
    mirror it about datum 1 and them dataum 2, Pro won't let me, I tryed
    makin a plane at 45 degree and wasn't correct please help?
    Shaun T, Jul 13, 2004
  2. You could create a surface copy of the protrusion, transform that quilt
    so that it is mirrored, and then create a protrusion using that quilt.
    Repeat to mirror across an additional plane.

    - Wallace
    Wallace White, Jul 13, 2004
  3. Shaun T

    David Janes Guest

    : I am trying to mirror a protrusion, I want one feature to be mirrored
    : across one plane and then acrosss and other plane to leave me with two
    : of the features. Can ProE do this? I can only get it to mirror it
    : about one plane at a time? anyone know how I can do this?
    : I have a mold for a forging, the feature is in the upper right corner
    : I want to mirror in don to the lower left corner, to do this I want to
    : mirror it about datum 1 and them dataum 2, Pro won't let me, I tryed
    : makin a plane at 45 degree and wasn't correct please help?

    One of the tricks with Pro/e is to create features so that you can do things with
    them down the road. So, for example, if you had created the lower right feature
    referencing an on-the-fly 45 degree datum, I'm sure you could have either mirrored
    using it or done a rotational pattern, 2 instances, 180 degrees apart. You can't
    mirror about the 45 if the feature doesn't reference that datum. So, redefine or
    reroute the feature and as the sketcher 'Top' reference, use your 45 degree datum.
    Then you should be able to mirror it in one go.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Jul 14, 2004
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