product life cycle Managment

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Gowda, Mar 8, 2006.

  1. Gowda

    Gowda Guest

    hi all,

    The product life cycle Managment (PLM). friends come together to have
    discussion regarding the Product Life Cycle mangment which very
    important in the product design and development.

    Gowda, Mar 8, 2006
  2. Gowda

    TOP Guest

    How would you like to start the discussion?
    TOP, Mar 8, 2006
  3. Gowda

    Gowda Guest

    We will start with product.
    What do you mean by the product?
    According to me a product is one which can be offered to a market to
    satisfy the customer needs.
    And we can classify the product into many different categories.
    For example:
    1. Industrial product,
    2. Consumer products
    Let me know if there more

    When ever you're into the new product design, identifying the
    customer needs is very important. Identifying the customer needs is one
    of most difficult part of product design. I thing that it self will
    take all our time. Is their any systematic approach to identify the
    customer needs so that it can reduce the time?
    Gowda, Mar 9, 2006
  4. Gowda

    TOP Guest

    Seymour and Powell spoke about this at SWW.
    TOP, Mar 9, 2006
  5. Gowda

    Gowda Guest

    hi top,

    could you tell, what is this SWW?

    Gowda, Mar 10, 2006
  6. Gowda

    SW Monkey Guest

    SolidWorks World 2006 in Las Vegas. SolidWorks mentioned that a number
    of people asked if the presentation could be put on DVD and that they
    would look into it.

    We are suppose to be getting a DVD at the end of the month, not sure
    what else is going to be on it besides highlights and presentation data.
    SW Monkey, Mar 13, 2006
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