Product Labels

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Chris Newman, Nov 30, 2006.

  1. Chris Newman

    Chris Newman Guest

    OK guys here is a challenge.

    We make certain products that have requirements for labels on their
    front panels and cabling etc. Does anyone know of a label printer that
    also cuts out apertures directly from SW? At the moment we use a
    package from a company called LightHouse but the software is rubbish
    and does not have any import facility from CAD which means that you
    have to re-draw the panel again freehand - which is great when you have
    100 holes. We have a printer called MAX CPM-100 but I am not sure if
    that is the weak link or the software.

    Any thoughts, any help?
    Chris Newman, Nov 30, 2006
  2. Chris Newman

    bvw Guest

    bvw, Dec 1, 2006
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