"Produced by an autodesk educational product" stamp

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Deonysius, Sep 14, 2003.

  1. Deonysius

    Deonysius Guest

    At our offices, we have liscenced versions of AutoCAD 2002. We have had
    legitimate liscences for Autodesk products since release 10. However, I keep
    getting the "Produced by an autodesk educational product" stamps while
    plotting on one particular drawing. This drawing was set up at our offices
    but has blocks from an online ressource, I believe it was Cadalyst or

    This error only happens in this drawing. Also, I tried wblocking it out,
    even creating a new drawing & inserting, but still the stamp goes with it.

    How does this work, is it attached to every entity in that drawing now? I
    even tried removing the blocks beforehand, to no avail.

    This drawing has several hours of work on it... how do I recover my drawing?
    Is there a way out?


    Deonysius, Sep 14, 2003
  2. Deonysius

    Deonysius Guest

    Can anyone tell me how to delete this watermark?

    Deonysius, Sep 14, 2003
  3. Deonysius

    john Guest

    Paul just told you.

    John B

    johnbogie btinternet.com
    Put the "at" in the gap.
    john, Sep 14, 2003
  4. Deonysius

    Deonysius Guest

    Well... not really. But I thank Paul anyways.

    Ian from Australia suggested I DXFout to an earlier version, then reinsert
    into new (or in my case, the last good saved version). I did so, to r14 &
    was able to get my drawing back.

    I forget Ian's last name because his reply is on my home PC.

    Deonysius, Sep 15, 2003
  5. Deonysius

    Chip Harper Guest

    It's very possible that Ian from Australia send you a private email instead
    of posting here because he didn't want any trouble with AutoDesk Corporate.
    So perhaps he would prefer that you not post his last name. Just a thought.
    Chip Harper, Sep 16, 2003
  6. Deonysius

    Deonysius Guest

    How exactly could this cause him 'problems' with AutoDesk? The 'infected'
    block was inserted into a drawing done on a perfectly legal copy of AutoCAD.

    My thinking is that AutoDesk should have incorporated some type of alert
    when one of these 'educational' drawings is accessed or inserted onto
    another. I know add-ons are available to detect these, but if you're
    unaware these exist, like I was, how can you protect yourself? I was in no
    way warned of this.

    I do agree having a student edition of AutoCAD is a good idea, but there
    must be a better way to keep them from getting into corporate hands.

    You could ruin a perfectly good drawing, losing hours of work becasue of
    this 'virus'.

    just a thought

    Deonysius, Sep 16, 2003
  7. Deonysius

    cadmaster Guest

    Uh, yes he did, read it again. Paul said "The official word from
    Autodesk is 'contact your dealer' for a solution."
    cadmaster, Sep 16, 2003
  8. The thing is - there has to be a certain level of trust - that users will
    largely attempt to stick to the licensing.
    The implication of Autodesks attitude to the educational stamps is that they
    believe some places are buying up copies of the educational version
    (presumably through students or something like this)?
    If people are willing to do this (& I don't believe for a moment that a
    significan percentage of the market is lost through this practise, then
    wouldn't they be just as willing to use cracked software to get around the
    restriction altogether?

    Matthew Taylor, Sep 16, 2003
  9. Deonysius

    Deonysius Guest

    With the amount of R&D going into AutoCAD, I can see they'd want to protect
    their interest... but there has to be a better way to do this.

    No problem if it ever happens again... at least now I know what to do.

    Deonysius, Sep 17, 2003
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