Process technology independent pcells

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by wolfpack, Jan 11, 2009.

  1. wolfpack

    wolfpack Guest

    Hi all,

    I have been able to code some layout pcells recently. What I did is
    create a library, attached it to CMOS180 tech file, and load the code

    However, if I tried to call these pcells in a CMOS130 library (where
    the cds.lib does not include the CMOS180 libraries), the pcells
    evaluation failed, giving the message that it could not find the
    "poly" layer. I managed to circumvent this issue by creating another
    pcell library and attaching it to the CMOS180 tech file.

    My guess is that dbCreateRect or some of the rodCreateRect could not
    find the appropriate layer definition.

    I would like to seek advice on how I can create a process independent
    layout pcells. Which section of the reference could I refer to?


    Shu Teng
    wolfpack, Jan 11, 2009
  2. wolfpack wrote, on 01/11/09 05:43:
    It's quite possible to write pcells that are technology independent. Normally
    you need to have some properties somewhere (either as library properties, cell
    properties, techFile params, or even just a SKILL data structure loaded in the
    library's which defines the mapping of:

    a) layer names
    b) design rule information

    It's a little hard to advise a good way of doing this without knowing how you
    wrote your pcells in the first place, or how your technology files are set up.
    But in general, the idea is that you try to avoid hard coding any specific
    technology information in the pcell code itself, and always look that up from
    some central data which can be shared amongst all the pcells.


    Andrew Beckett, Jan 12, 2009
  3. wolfpack

    ef Guest

    Shu Teng,

    One way to write process-portable PCells is with PyCells. The
    Interoperable PCell Library, at, is an open-source
    PCell set containing a variety of basic and advanced devices, and
    compatible with any OpenAccess tool. At Ciranova we have a variation
    of this library running in over a dozen different process technologies
    from quarter micron to sub-45nm, and we maintain all this with about
    one and a half engineer-equivalents.

    As Andrew points out, the principle is not to have process-specific
    information in the PCell code itself. However, how you write your
    PCells and set up your tech files covers a very large span of
    territory. Building a general, scalable solution to this problem took
    us tens of engineer-years.

    If you’re doing it from scratch, one way to simplify the problem is to
    limit your focus a couple of closely-related process nodes; 130 and
    90nm for example. Also, advanced nodes introduce DFM-related
    structures such as fixed pitches and conditional rules which require
    more sophisticated methods than older geometries.

    If you want to use PyCells, the development environment and API are a
    free download from There’s also a white paper,
    “Using Ciranova Python API to Develop Process Portable PyCells,”
    posted at

    Regards, Eric
    ef, Jan 13, 2009
  4. wolfpack

    Riad KACED Guest

    Dear Shu Teng,

    I used to develop technology independent Skill Pcells without any
    As explained by Andrew, I was mainly having 3 skill files. A main
    technology independent, using generic DRC rules/layers, skill file
    that draws the whole geometry + technology dependent file that
    contains the rules and layers for that particular technology + a 3rd
    file that contains the rules and layers for that particular device.
    The latter is handy for super-Pcells, like misbalance MOS
    transistors ... etc. The whole lot works with a UNIX makefile that
    would generate a final technology-dependent Pcell code upon the target
    you have specified.

    Making techno-independent Skill Pcells is something commonly used
    indeed. Each company has it's specific flow for handling this though.
    As said by Andrew, each foundry, PDK provider has it's own ways of
    making techfiles and other files that might affect the final pcell-
    making flow.

    Best Regards,
    Riad KACED, Jan 14, 2009
  5. wolfpack

    jimka Guest

    There is another system available from cadence called EPM which lets
    you write
    PCells in technology independent ways using object oriented
    techniques however
    technology independence only goes so far. things like layer mappings
    and spacing
    rules are quite easy to represent tech-independently. but different
    technologies also
    have very different selections of devices and often very different
    jimka, Jan 15, 2009
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