process in Plotter, or process in Computer?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Gordon Price, Mar 8, 2005.

  1. Gordon Price

    Gordon Price Guest

    I have always assumed you want to do the former, not the latter. Especially
    since setting the latter brings up a little dialog box warning you that
    doing so " ... may make printing slow. Use only to solve out of memory
    problems". However, I tested my problem HP 430, and with in Plotter
    processing, the file was just getting going (mayby 20% of the page plotted)
    at 5.5 minutes, while with in Computer processing it was done, including dry
    time, in 5.0 minutes. And large areas of text plot without error.
    Thus, I am very tempted to just set the plotter to process in Computer and
    be done. however, this goes against how I understand things to work, so I
    ask you all:
    Using one plot setting sure would make batch plotting easier, as I was
    planning on using two PC3s, and just setting up Named Page Setups for the
    "standard" (in Plotter) plotter, with another PC3 for problem plots. But one
    PC3 would be so much easier. Am I mad to do this? Is this plot an anomoly,
    and I will rue the day I went to in Computer processing? Do I need to do
    extensive testing, or just trust this test as indicative?

    Thanks again, in advance,
    Gordon Price, Mar 8, 2005
  2. Gordon Price

    Tim Scully Guest

    When the plotter is as old as the 430, its CPU is relatively much slower
    than your host computer's, and its memory is much smaller. Hence, as long as
    your network is fast and the connection to the plotter is fairly fast, you
    come out ahead with "process in computer." I'm of the opinion that this is a
    sensible option to routinely choose in this case.

    With a newer plotter that has a faster CPU and more memory, it makes more
    sense to let the plotter's CPU do the work. Also, some plotters will produce
    better plot quality when the plotter processes the data.
    Tim Scully, Mar 8, 2005
  3. Gordon Price

    Gordon Price Guest

    Thanks for the info Tim. I think I am going to go with in computer for now,
    and run some more test plots for quality. I suspect a new plotter is on the
    aggenda, but the Acad upgrade and new seat where rather pricy, so it is on
    the horizon, not next week. the joys of the small office ;)

    Gordon Price, Mar 8, 2005
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