Problems with mating parts.

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Jake, Oct 15, 2004.

  1. Jake

    Jake Guest

    I am having a heck of a bad time selecting surfaces to mate parts. I have
    all filters off and half the time it wont let me pick specific surfaces.
    What the heck is going on here. Never had this problem with 2004 or 2003. I
    am working with models that were created in 2004 and translated. All of a
    sudden Im having these really idiotic problems that I havnt had in years.
    Another bug????....Jake Barron
    Jake, Oct 15, 2004
  2. Jake

    Jake Guest

    Another thing I just noticed. If I clear all my filters, as soon as I hit
    the mate command, certain filters come on automatically. And one is face.
    Now how do they expect you to mate a face to face if the filter comes on
    like this?? Jake Barron
    Jake, Oct 15, 2004
  3. Jake,
    When you try to select a face, are you picking up edges instead? Just a shot
    in the dark, but do you have the option to allow selection of edges in HLR
    and shaded modes?

    I don't know why your filters would be acting the way they are??

    Richard Doyle, Oct 15, 2004
  4. Jake

    Jake Guest

    I did a fresh reload after cleaning out registry and all folders. Seems to
    be doing much better now. Knock on wood :) Jake Barron
    Jake, Oct 16, 2004
  5. Jake

    MM Guest


    Seems to be 2005 is subject to flaky installs. I had a problem where editing
    an existing explode step would send me to the desktop instantly. It didn't
    matter what assembly or part, Pooof ! every time.

    This may have something to do with 2005 picking up all the settings of an
    existing 2004 installation, and applying them during installation.

    Anyway, I just deleted the "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Solidworks\Solidworks 2005"
    key and that fixed it.


    MM, Oct 17, 2004
  6. Jake

    Seth Renigar Guest


    I have a SPR on this very issue in SW2004. I don't know if it was fixed in

    A workaround on this issue is to NOT use the "clear filters" button to clear
    your filters. Instead, manually de-select each of the filters from the
    filter toolbar and the filters should not turn themselves back on.
    Seth Renigar, Oct 18, 2004
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