Problems with "cut with surface" when working with "spilt"

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by mmar2087, Mar 27, 2009.

  1. mmar2087

    mmar2087 Guest

    Found this Usenet group recently and hope that you can help me with a
    problem in Solidworks.

    I have been using the mold tool functions in Solidworks 2009 and can
    make a mold on a complex part in a rather short time.
    The problem is that it isn't flexible if changes appears during the
    We work 100% with customer parts, so all parts in my mold designs are
    imported from different cad systems.
    If the customer sends a new part it's often quicker to start all over
    with the inserts than to try and reimport it because of all errors.

    Another approach would be to use the "older" cavity function in
    I shut off all holes by extruding a thin boss.
    Outer parting surface is created with planar, ruled, radiate and
    lofted surfaces.

    Everything works well until the cavity is made and it's time to cut
    the part with my parting surface.
    In 9 out of 10 cases, the "cut with surface" doesn't work and it's
    failing because of "geometric condition".
    The solution is often to extrude the parting surface about 0,2-0,5 mm
    into the cativy.
    Then it often works, but it takes a lot of time to do this extra step
    that shoulden't be required since the parting surface goes all the way
    in to the cavity.

    How do you handle this problem?
    I'm running SW 2009 SP2.1 but this problem is the same also on older

    Thank you in advance for your answers.
    mmar2087, Mar 27, 2009
  2. mmar2087

    manager Guest

    Can you use the fill surface to close up the parting surface over the

    manager, Mar 29, 2009
  3. mmar2087

    mmar2087 Guest

    Hmm, not sure if I understand what you mean.
    I can't just do a fill surface to close the parting surface since
    there are several "cores" and bosses in the cavity that extends over
    the parting surface.
    If I make a fill and then cut with surface, I will also cut the bosses
    in the cavity.

    It almost seems to be a tolerance problem, since I'm using the outer
    edges (parting line) when extruding my surfaces.
    This surface should go all the way in to the cavity, but as I mention
    it seldom does and I have to extend it a little bit inside to make a
    clean cut.
    mmar2087, Mar 30, 2009
  4. mmar2087

    mmar2087 Guest

    Ok, it's not a tolerance problem. I tried to do a mold part in
    Solidworks and then made the parting surface with the "radiate
    surface" command. Cut with surface failed until I also extended the
    parting surface 0,1 mm inside the cavity. Do any of you have a better
    idea on how to split the part after using the "cavity" function?
    mmar2087, Mar 30, 2009
  5. mmar2087

    manager Guest

    SW frequently needs help dealing with tolerances along edges. This
    phenomenon is familiar to users who sweep along edges. The fill is a
    simple solution if there are no complications. You have complications. :)

    manager, Mar 30, 2009
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