problems with break views

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by davidmccall5, Dec 3, 2005.

  1. davidmccall5

    davidmccall5 Guest


    I was wondering if anyone has encountered this problem before. I am
    struggling to make wire harnesses without the aid of Routing. I have
    the model completed and inserted into the drawing. However, when I try
    and break the view horizonally and then use the feature 'shaded with
    edges', there remains an outline of the edges of the unbroken view in
    the background. If anyone knows how to remove the outline of the
    unbroken view it would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.

    davidmccall5, Dec 3, 2005
  2. davidmccall5

    Sporkman Guest

    Oi vey, it looks to me like it's time for a bug report. That REALLY
    shouldn't be, and ISN'T, as far as I can tell in SW2005 (SP5.0).
    Sporkman, Dec 3, 2005
  3. davidmccall5

    Zander Guest

    Similiar in 2006 is a shaded with edges detail of a 'surface only
    section' ingores the surface only toggle and display's the full section
    view. Also, even without shaded with edges a detail view of a 'surfac
    only section' will begin to ignore that setting after saving a

    Zander, Dec 5, 2005
  4. davidmccall5

    Dominic V Guest

    Try using multiple cropped views, and right click the view to select
    the align option. There is an SPR open for the bug with broken views
    in '06, and I don't think its been fixed in SP2.0.
    Dominic V, Dec 6, 2005
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