Problems with assemblies

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by pete, Jul 7, 2003.

  1. pete

    pete Guest

    Network Blitz
    I have a problem with an assembly. I have drawn a castor wheel,with a 80mm
    bolt( much like a shopping trolley),by fixing the bolt, I can rotate the
    wheel and castor, in all the directions that it should rotate and not in the
    directions that it shouldn't.. the problem comes when I insert this assembly
    in to another assembly (25mm square extruded box section). it refuses to
    rotate at all. Even if I don't constrain it to the other parts in the second
    assembly, and just fix the bolt. I am only using the concentic and
    coincident mates in the castor assembly. Another problem that I have is that
    if I try to contrain (coincident and concentric) the castor to the tube
    insert( which contrained to the box section) I get an error stating that the
    assembly is over constrained! but without these constraints the castor would
    fall off!! Oh! one more thing, Smart fasteners, AAhhhh! Am I trying to use
    this the wrong way? I have a 25mm square box section with two, "4mm tapped
    holes"(not cut extrusions) and a planel with two 4.2mm cut extrusion holes.
    I want to fix the panel to the box section using two, 4mm panhead screws and
    washers, but smart fasteners states that there are no suitable holes??
    Hmmmm, I will learn this program one day, maybe? lol
    pete, Jul 7, 2003
  2. check your Online User's Guide under "Flexible Sub-Assemblies" to solve your
    first problems.
    About Smart Fasteners, the general idea is that they should fit into
    HoleWizard holes with matching size (according to ISO, ANSI...)

    Philippe Guglielmetti -
    Philippe Guglielmetti, Jul 7, 2003
  3. pete

    Sporkman Guest

    Pay particular close attention to the requirement to have different
    configurations of the subassembly if you use it more than once in your
    upper level assembly. The configurations can be identical, but you
    can't have more than one flexible subassembly otherwise. SolidWorks
    will give you rebuild errors.

    Sporkman, Jul 8, 2003
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