problem with the revsurf command. PLEASE HELP!

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Jonas Sourlier, Aug 26, 2003.

  1. hi all!

    I've a little problem with the REVSURF command in AutoCAD 14.

    I have a circle and a line. I want to rotate the circle around the
    line to create a sort of a torus. Should be about 45 degrees, so it
    doesn't create a complete torus like the AutoCAD "Torus" command.

    Now the direction of the created surface depends on where I click on
    the rotation axis (the line). When I draw this revolved surface
    manually, there are no problems, because I can choose where I click on
    the rotation axis.

    But if I want to draw it through the ADSRX application development
    system, I can't choose where to pick the axis. My code looks as this:

    //draw the circle
    ads_command(RTSTR, "_circle",
    RT3DPOINT, CenterPoint,
    RTREAL, Radius, RTNONE);
    ads_name circle;
    ads_entlast(circle); //saves a reference to the circle

    //draw the rotation axis
    ads_command(RTSTR, "_line",
    RT3DPOINT, StartPoint,
    RT3DPOINT, EndPoint,
    RTSTR, "", RTNONE);
    ads_name line;
    ads_entlast(line); //saves a reference to the axis line

    //create revolved surface
    ads_command(RTSTR, "_revsurf",
    RTLB, RTENAME, circle, RTLE, //passes the circle
    RTLB, RTENAME, line, RTLE, //passes the rotation axis
    RTREAL, 0.0, //start angle = 0 °
    RTREAL, 45, RTNONE); //included angle = 45 °

    Now how can I control in which direction the circle is rotated?

    Thank you very much for your appreciated help!

    Jonas Sourlier
    Jonas Sourlier, Aug 26, 2003
  2. got it!!

    instead of
    i have now
    so I can choose which side of the axis is "clicked"...

    anyway, thanx for everybodys help

    Jonas Sourlier, Aug 26, 2003
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