problem with textures in subassemblines during rendering

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Tom L, Feb 22, 2006.

  1. Tom L

    Tom L Guest

    As the subject states, I'm having a problem with some rendering.

    I have a desk I made, where the top has the wood texture to it, and in the
    normal viewing mode, and when it renders, it's fine. Then, I have another
    assembly, of the whole room, with the desk in it - the room even has a
    wooden floor - and when I render it, the floor and walls render fine, but
    the desk won't render the wood. I've only been working hard at rendering
    for a few days, so I'm a total n00b.. Thx
    Tom L, Feb 22, 2006
  2. If the desk isn't rendering the wood in the assembly what does it look like
    when the rendering is complete??
    Rob Rodriguez, Feb 22, 2006
  3. Tom L

    Tom L Guest

    oh, the desk top looks just like any other object without the texture/color
    set, a basic grayish color - its like it's just ignoring it.
    Tom L, Feb 22, 2006
  4. Tom L

    Rock Guy Guest

    Have you appllied the texture to the desk as a PhotoWorks texture or a
    SolidWorks texture? If it is a SolidWorks texture you need to be sure
    hte option for using SolidWorks materials is checked in your PhotoWorks
    options box.
    Rock Guy, Feb 22, 2006
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