Problem with spectre noise simulation of multi-rate time-discretesystem

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Jan Mikkelsen, Dec 22, 2005.

  1. Hi

    I am having a problem with the PSS/PNOISE simulations in Spectre. I have
    a sampling mixer followed by a series of Switched-Capacitor sections.
    The SC sections use :8/:4/:4 down sampling rations as the signal passes
    through the chain.

    For the PSS simulation I have the beat frequency set to the LO frequency
    divided by 8*4*4 = 128. The LO is at 2GHz.

    When I simulate the noise I would expect to see "traces" of the
    frequency response, but the noise curve produced shows a nice flicker
    noise term and then a thermal term ... this is to say that the noise
    curve is nice and smooth and shows no signs of any filtering.

    Question: Am I just stupid for expecting to see effects of the filtering
    in the noise simulations? Or have I done something wrong in setting up
    the simulation?


    Jan Mikkelsen
    Jan Mikkelsen, Dec 22, 2005
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