Problem with PNoise

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Allen, Aug 18, 2006.

  1. Allen

    Allen Guest

    I am doing PNoise using ADE with modified netlist. The way how I do it
    is the following.
    First, run PSS and PNoise using ADE with the original circuit
    Second, modified the netlist by replacing all components substrate node
    by my own substrate model.
    Their, run simulatoin again using ADE with the modified netlist.
    I got the expected result for PSS and DC, however PNoise simulatoin
    result is not available in the direct plot form. And I got this warning
    message in the log file "Warning from spectre during PNoise analysis
    'pnoise'. pnoise: Stop limit not given. Logarithmic steps cannot be

    Can anyone give me some suggestions on how to solve this problem?

    Allen, Aug 18, 2006
  2. Allen,

    Can you post the bottom part of the input.scs (all the analysis and options
    statements) - this will give a clue as to what is the root cause of the error?


    Andrew Beckett, Aug 30, 2006
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