Problem with my network license for VIZ4

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Nicolaas Van Ransbeeck, Jul 27, 2003.

  1. I asked this in the viz4 forum, but they directed me to this one...

    "No, this is an error with a network license (since the middle digit is 5;
    also the negative number is a clue). Please post your question in"

    Could please help me someone with this:

    I had a harddisk crash and reinstalled my Win2K system(SP4, excl. the hotfix
    that causes errors with viz4).

    Then I installed my VIZ4, and I get error 1.5.-5.

    I only use administrator as a login.

    Please need it fast...

    Nicolaas Van Ransbeeck, Jul 27, 2003
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