Problem with mdlMinDist_betweenElms

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by sworna vidhya, May 4, 2004.

  1. Hai,
    I am getting problem with mdlMinDist_betweenElms for 3d files in
    some cases. We have to find the minimum distatnce for nearest element
    from the end point of the processing element. Sometimes I am getting
    the value correctly as the nearest or the closest point on the nearest
    element found with the processing element. Sometimes I get the other
    point which is far away from the end point even a closest point is
    present in the nearest element.

    So i followed an idea to find the distance as for 2d elements and
    when i processed with the same function, i am facing the same problem.

    Also i need the alternate solution to find the minimum distance
    between two elements without using the function
    mdlMinDist_betweenElms, if the alternate solution exists.

    Help with suggession, code, idea is required.

    Thanks and Regards,
    M.Sworna Vidhya
    sworna vidhya, May 4, 2004
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