Problem with licensing under Cadence 5.1.41

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by jwageneder, Dec 6, 2005.

  1. jwageneder

    jwageneder Guest

    Dear Ladies and Sirs,

    I have a Problem with licensing on a Sun workstation (see attached
    files). There is cadence 5.0.32 and 5.1.41 USR2 installed on that
    machine and I want to start both license files under one lmgrd.

    If I execute lmgrd, I get warnings (see the log-file about that) and I
    get problems if I (for example) execute Cadence on another machine
    (installed locally, 5.0.32 or 5.1.41). It then stops after a while and
    I have to kill the process.

    Could you help me?

    Yours respectfully

    Josef Wageneder, Systemadministration


    SERVER servername 80c43580 5280
    DAEMON cdslmd /opt/cds5141/tools/bin/cdslmd
    DAEMON cdslmd /opt/cds/tools/bin/cdslmd
    FEATURE 111 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 CDF3E0D44C58D0160092 "UHD"
    FEATURE 12141 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 1D53F0C4B116FB39AE98 "UHD"
    FEATURE 14020 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 3D93F0D4701FF005A0DE "UHD"
    FEATURE 206 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 EDA36094335B47DB00CD "UHD"
    FEATURE 21060 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 1D33F034B119F241AF90 "UHD"
    FEATURE 21400 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 1DB3F054AD13F637AB96 "UHD"
    FEATURE 276 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 EDA350A42C5238E0F7CF "UHD"
    FEATURE 300 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 EDE350C4305443D801CE "UHD"
    FEATURE 305 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 EDB36044335949D501CE "UHD"
    FEATURE 32140 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 1D73E0F4B71DF341B987 "UHD"
    FEATURE 32150 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 1DD3E0E4B11CF33CB98C "UHD"
    FEATURE 32150 cdslmd 6.000 31-dec-2005 3 7D7330740ACDD889EA70 "UHD"
    FEATURE 32500 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 7D6330A413D1D888E563 "UHD"
    FEATURE 32500 cdslmd 6.000 31-dec-2005 3 7DB330A406D1D888EA70 "UHD"
    FEATURE 32501 cdslmd 6.000 31-dec-2005 3 7DA3309406D0D888E970 "UHD"
    FEATURE 32510 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 1DD3F024B518F738B58C "UHD"
    FEATURE 32760 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 1D73F0D4A9B3FD334BA3 "UHD"
    FEATURE 33301 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 3DE3F0A47B1DF309A2C8 "UHD"
    FEATURE 34500 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 0DD3E0F4A71BEB3DA59B "UHD"
    FEATURE 34510 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 0DB3E0E4A91AEB40A598 "UHD"
    FEATURE 365 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 9 DD3360443D5D430DFFA4 "UHD"
    FEATURE 3D_FieldSolver_Engine cdslmd 15.200 31-dec-2005 3
    2D0350F41641E479911A "J"
    FEATURE 550 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 DDE340D4253F46E5F0CE "UHD"
    FEATURE 570 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 DDE340342B393CDFEACE "UHD"
    FEATURE 940 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 CDE3F0243A5ACF06F3AC "UHD"
    FEATURE 945 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 6 FD1340F4174445DEF3D1 "UHD"
    FEATURE 960 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 CDE36004385C3D10F5A4 "UHD"
    FEATURE 994 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 CDA340D4413B4A11F09A "UHD"
    FEATURE ADE_ElectronStorm_Option cdslmd 4.000 31-dec-2005 3
    9D13F0D47C25DDF47D75 "J"
    FEATURE ADE_VoltageStorm_Option cdslmd 4.000 31-dec-2005 3
    FD33C034EE7F0AD58204 "J"
    FEATURE AMS_Option_to_Incisive cdslmd 5.500 31-dec-2005 3
    AD536074B9115A35C52C "J"
    FEATURE AMS_environment cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 2D5350F4ED7378712615
    FEATURE Adv_Encrypt_Std_64bit cdslmd 1.000 31-dec-2005 3
    EDD320E402F48BFA3F03 "S"
    FEATURE Affirma_3rdParty_Sim_Interface cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3
    ED7310C4CAA2B057F1B1 "UHD"
    FEATURE Affirma_AMS_distrib_processing cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3
    7DE3A0647DC7DF09C8C2 "UHD"
    FEATURE Affirma_NC_Simulator cdslmd 5.500 31-dec-2005 3
    4D43205409E56B8C312B "J"
    FEATURE Affirma_RF_IC_package_modeler cdslmd 6.000 31-dec-2005 3
    ADB3B07487B52F2C1A8D "UHD"
    FEATURE Affirma_RF_SPW_model_link cdslmd 6.000 31-dec-2005 3
    FD435074274AAE42A1A1 "UHD"
    FEATURE Affirma_model_packager_export cdslmd 5.500 31-dec-2005 3
    AD5350F4B2C5AAFB4BE7 "J"
    FEATURE Affirma_sim_analysis_env cdslmd 5.500 31-dec-2005 3
    8DA3E014E8B0769A8431 "UHD"
    FEATURE Affirma_sim_analysis_env cdslmd 6.000 31-dec-2005 3
    9DD390C4A972F05725C0 "UHD"
    FEATURE Allegro_PCB_Router_610 cdslmd 15.200 31-dec-2005 6
    1D43C0949933A093FFB3 "J"
    FEATURE Allegro_PCB_SI_630 cdslmd 15.200 31-dec-2005 3
    4D7390C4B93AE04C2256 "J"
    FEATURE Allegro_PCB_SI_630_Suite cdslmd 15.200 31-dec-2005 3
    ED13E03411C3357FC63E "UHD"
    FEATURE Allegro_Package_Designer_620 cdslmd 15.200 31-dec-2005 3
    7D13D0E4C2376502333E "J"
    FEATURE Allegro_Pkg_Designer_620_Suite cdslmd 15.200 31-dec-2005 3
    AD43E01411E0E7292963 "UHD"
    FEATURE Allegro_Viewer_Plus cdslmd 15.200 31-dec-2005 6
    3D63D02470E0CEEA8A1C "J"
    FEATURE Allegro_design_expert cdslmd 15.200 31-dec-2005 3
    BD9350F4A95B783E7963 "J"
    FEATURE Allegro_studio cdslmd 15.200 31-dec-2005 3 DD43F0D43D0074FF3BB2
    FEATURE Artist_Optimizer cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3
    5D233084BD1F384050E0 "UHD"
    FEATURE Artist_Statistics cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3
    6DE3F0B452FFB538C310 "UHD"
    FEATURE Assura_DRC cdslmd 3.100 31-dec-2005 3 CD13F0F454EFE7C1B708 "J"
    FEATURE Assura_DV_LVS_checker cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3
    0DE3201447DCF11719FF "UHD"
    FEATURE Assura_DV_design_rule_checker cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3
    5D03F0943ABC05074CF1 "UHD"
    FEATURE Assura_DV_parasitic_extractor cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3
    CD6320946F5A5AE177D4 "UHD"
    FEATURE Assura_LVS cdslmd 3.100 31-dec-2005 3 CD93F034711404A2FDFA
    FEATURE Assura_MP cdslmd 3.100 31-dec-2005 3 BDB32014C344BC2D89FD "UHD"
    FEATURE Assura_RCX cdslmd 3.100 31-dec-2005 3 CDF32054739CC5220563
    FEATURE Assura_RCX-FS cdslmd 3.100 31-dec-2005 3 3DC370148DCCC26DA14C
    FEATURE Assura_RCX-HF cdslmd 3.100 31-dec-2005 3 4DC350C47DC5A287A447
    FEATURE Assura_RCX-MP cdslmd 3.100 31-dec-2005 3 4DA360347FC0C26CA24C
    FEATURE Assura_RCX-PL cdslmd 3.100 31-dec-2005 3 FDC37024CDE7AAB7AE0D
    FEATURE Assura_RCX-PLC cdslmd 3.100 31-dec-2005 3 6D53F0E431D4172DC00E
    FEATURE Assura_RCX_ACI cdslmd 3.100 31-dec-2005 3 ED939084833EF7729316
    FEATURE Assura_UI cdslmd 3.100 31-dec-2005 9 ADD3A044A8A5AA38985E "UHD"
    FEATURE Base_Verilog_Lib cdslmd 12.100 31-dec-2005 6
    4D43A044CEE5A956CD79 "UHD"
    FEATURE Cadence_chip_assembly_router cdslmd 11.200 31-dec-2005 3
    ED13E04459DD9AE23685 "J"
    FEATURE Celtic_NDC cdslmd 4.500 31-dec-2005 3 CD83D0F43E069649C9BB "J"
    FEATURE Composer_EDIF300_Connectivity cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3
    EDC3F0545620FF50FB3D "UHD"
    FEATURE Composer_EDIF300_Schematic cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3
    9DF310B4A3DC9C0360BC "UHD"
    FEATURE ConcICe_Option cdslmd 3.000 31-dec-2005 3 6DF3C0044E7AFECDAB67
    FEATURE Concept_HDL_expert cdslmd 15.200 31-dec-2005 3
    7D23E064F504DB5373BE "UHD"
    FEATURE Conformal_Asic cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 1D5350747DFECFB5C90A
    FEATURE Conformal_Ultra cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 DD7360B4E38582CAA07E
    FEATURE Corners_Analysis cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3
    0D637014289CB1164A28 "UHD"
    FEATURE DFM_Core_Technology cdslmd 3.000 31-dec-2005 12
    9DF3D0D46740B703CEA9 "S"
    FEATURE DFM_Core_Technology cdslmd 4.200 31-dec-2005 3
    DD03E0C4422A1A1353D4 "S"
    FEATURE DRAC2CORE cdslmd 4.900 31-dec-2005 9 9DE380A47CFE8A2C6D27 "J"
    FEATURE DRAC3CORE cdslmd 4.900 31-dec-2005 9 9DE370F47C1D781E8C3C "J"
    FEATURE DRAC3DRC cdslmd 4.900 31-dec-2005 3 3DF360D4A23D4021F6E2 "J"
    FEATURE DRAC3LVS cdslmd 4.900 31-dec-2005 3 5DB37094BEA568097EC6 "J"
    FEATURE DRACDIST cdslmd 4.900 31-dec-2005 9 2D23A0C45BA5E35B3680 "J"
    FEATURE DRACERC cdslmd 4.900 31-dec-2005 6 9DC32034F9E6664B756A "J"
    FEATURE DRACLPE cdslmd 4.900 31-dec-2005 3 ADB33064EFE67B368D90 "J"
    FEATURE DRACLVS cdslmd 4.900 31-dec-2005 3 9DB34044234C7D34D55C "J"
    FEATURE DRACPRE cdslmd 4.900 31-dec-2005 3 AD5330A4E96011A0019A "J"
    FEATURE Distributed_Dracula_Option cdslmd 4.900 31-dec-2005 9
    9DB360D49A650FD6200C "J"
    FEATURE ElectronStorm_Transistor cdslmd 3.000 31-dec-2005 3
    CD0390F49C4EF0B83782 "J"
    FEATURE Encounter_C cdslmd 4.100 31-dec-2005 3 9DF3B0B499E9492E3253 "J"
    FEATURE Encounter_Wave_Viewer cdslmd 4.100 31-dec-2005 3
    AD2300F41DDA7A7FA11C "UHD"
    FEATURE Envisia_PKS cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 ADA3B03444F68A49B3AD "J"
    FEATURE Envisia_SE_SI_place_route cdslmd 5.400 31-dec-2005 6
    4D33E0642673DE18DCEE "UHD"
    FEATURE Envisia_SE_ultra_place_route cdslmd 5.400 31-dec-2005 6
    CDD300E4DFEAF54A4980 "UHD"
    FEATURE Envisia_Utility cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 3D03D0649EFEE463D798
    FEATURE Extended_Verilog_Lib cdslmd 12.100 31-dec-2005 6
    8D332024C142E0CF846F "UHD"
    FEATURE Fire_Ice_Cell_NanoMeter cdslmd 3.000 31-dec-2005 3
    DD23B034968BEB400B9E "J"
    FEATURE Fire_Ice_Cell_Transistor cdslmd 3.000 31-dec-2005 3
    1D732034801F372A1D27 "J"
    FEATURE Fire_Parallel cdslmd 3.000 31-dec-2005 150 7D2380246992FC6E8A33
    FEATURE Fire_Parallel cdslmd 4.100 31-dec-2005 75 AD7310E491D852A35D74
    FEATURE Ice_Parallel cdslmd 3.000 31-dec-2005 150 8DE330245CC1AEEFAB93
    FEATURE Incisive_Verif_Engine cdslmd 5.500 31-dec-2005 3
    0DF3A0E4C6AB135829EA "J"
    FEATURE Incisive_Verif_Environ cdslmd 5.500 31-dec-2005 3
    3D43207447E4FF700A61 "UHD"
    FEATURE LEAPFROG-CV cdslmd 2.700 31-dec-2005 15 AD1380F4CB8783E52355
    FEATURE Multithread_Route_Option cdslmd 5.400 31-dec-2005 3
    7D53E0E4D8981D1014EE "J"
    FEATURE OASIS_RFDE cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 1D63A0344FE0ED9FC292 "J"
    FEATURE OASIS_Simulation_Interface cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3
    5DE330948523D43889AE "UHD"
    FEATURE PCB_design_expert cdslmd 15.200 31-dec-2005 3
    7DA3B0D4856BBEF71FBB "UHD"
    FEATURE PCB_librarian_expert cdslmd 15.200 31-dec-2005 3
    7DA3B084D3B44E6A413E "UHD"
    FEATURE PSpiceStudio cdslmd 15.200 31-dec-2005 3 BDF31024F67E4243DD35
    FEATURE Pearl_Cell cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 1D931044F72E4052F638 "J"
    FEATURE PlaceBase_ALL cdslmd 10.000 31-dec-2005 9 2D9320349E66E9E587AD
    FEATURE PowerIntegrity cdslmd 15.200 31-dec-2005 3 DD73A014C4E32D7CD149
    FEATURE RELXPERT cdslmd 6.000 31-dec-2005 3 8DA370B4B914CC3BED08 "J"
    FEATURE RTL_Compiler_Ultra cdslmd 4.200 31-dec-2005 3
    5D6380843D05FA6B1BA4 "J"
    FEATURE RouteMVIA_ALL cdslmd 10.000 31-dec-2005 12 5DD34034348681443CA1
    FEATURE SOC_Encounter cdslmd 4.100 31-dec-2005 3 ED73F0D40E61C1869CFA
    FEATURE SPECCTRAQuest cdslmd 15.200 31-dec-2005 6 ED0360F41EF7ED3989DB
    FEATURE SPECCTRAQuest_SI_expert cdslmd 15.200 31-dec-2005 3
    5DC33004F13760BC52E0 "UHD"
    FEATURE SPECCTRAQuest_signal_expert cdslmd 15.200 31-dec-2005 6
    4D8350243A6400D462F8 "J"
    FEATURE SPECCTRA_expert cdslmd 15.200 31-dec-2005 9
    4DB3502421A8AAA13829 "J"
    FEATURE SPECCTRA_expert_system cdslmd 15.200 31-dec-2005 3
    3D4380C4A7A9AFF8CB2A "J"
    FEATURE SignalStorm_Lib_Characterizer cdslmd 4.200 31-dec-2005 3
    CD133024CDE0229C8488 "J"
    FEATURE SignalStorm_Parallel_Sim cdslmd 4.200 31-dec-2005 6
    4D23F0D4B4D446A3165E "J"
    FEATURE Signalstorm_NDC cdslmd 4.200 31-dec-2005 3 EDD3F004E89646130F39
    FEATURE Silicon_Ensemble cdslmd 5.400 31-dec-2005 6
    9D63D094843EE0239B17 "UHD"
    FEATURE Silicon_Ensemble_DSM cdslmd 5.400 31-dec-2005 6
    5D2300B49AC43D88E77B "UHD"
    FEATURE SpectreRF cdslmd 6.000 31-dec-2005 3 DD13F004F336B99F9B37 "UHD"
    FEATURE Spectre_Burst_AllegroSI cdslmd 15.500 31-dec-2005 6
    4D0390344898FDC8D783 "J"
    FEATURE Spectre_Parallel_Analysis cdslmd 3.300 31-dec-2005 12
    DD53D0E4B5CD8A2FF1BD "J"
    FEATURE Spectre_Parallel_Analysis cdslmd 4.100 31-dec-2005 12
    AD535094F8FA1DE4EEAD "J"
    FEATURE Substrate_Coupling_Analysis cdslmd 6.000 31-dec-2005 3
    1DC340144AFEF3122E04 "UHD"
    FEATURE UET cdslmd 2.300 31-dec-2005 3 9D53D004C1741F75E252 "J"
    FEATURE ULTRASIM cdslmd 6.000 31-dec-2005 3 CDE3A0C4A0230EE00631 "J"
    FEATURE VERILOG-XL cdslmd 5.500 31-dec-2005 3 7DB310F42857F3456B56 "J"
    FEATURE VIRTUOSO_CM_OPTION_FOR_VSDE cdslmd 4.100 31-dec-2005 3
    9DE320E46FD785DD5D43 "UHD"
    FEATURE VIRTUOSO_SPEC_DRIVEN_ENVIRO cdslmd 4.100 31-dec-2005 3
    1D73A0C414BE778B9A59 "UHD"
    FEATURE Virtuoso_Layout_Migrate cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3
    2D7350D44ED95CC5E1CD "UHD"
    FEATURE Virtuoso_NeoCircuit_DFM cdslmd 3.200 31-dec-2005 3
    6DF370F457BB5F9E0302 "UHD"
    FEATURE Virtuoso_NeoCircuit_HSPICE cdslmd 3.200 31-dec-2005 3
    8DF330D4036E8D7CD103 "UHD"
    FEATURE Virtuoso_XL cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 5D93F0243AF3D3893240
    FEATURE VoltageStorm_Cell_Transistor cdslmd 3.000 31-dec-2005 3
    3D6320C43E55B6E8985B "J"
    FEATURE VoltageStorm_PE cdslmd 4.000 31-dec-2005 3 BD73806441D51F1E47C1
    FEATURE _21900 cdslmd 5.300 31-dec-2005 3 7D13C08454264FD1B570 "UHD"
    FEATURE adv_package_engineer_expert cdslmd 15.200 31-dec-2005 3
    7D13C034719AF5C873FB "UHD"
    FEATURE advanced_package_designer cdslmd 15.200 31-dec-2005 3
    1DC300D4EBE922AC3B88 "J"
    FEATURE expgen cdslmd 2.600 31-dec-2005 9 2D13F0B468442F43AE68 "J"
    FEATURE pcomp cdslmd 2.600 31-dec-2005 9 3D73704440F010B261AA "J"
    FEATURE plotVersa cdslmd 93.040 31-dec-2005 60 6D537024CCC395F86A59
    FEATURE skillDev cdslmd 96.040 31-dec-2005 6 CD8330F4AEC0BC74A87F "UHD"
    FEATURE tw01 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 7D2320C43E339DF95708 "UHD"
    FEATURE tw02 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 7D2320B43E339DF85708 "UHD"
    FEATURE verifault cdslmd 3.200 31-dec-2005 3 8D1350842D05B8827AE3 "J"
    FEATURE 100 cdslmd 4.400 31-dec-2005 3 9D41A36E589FB06CC3C0 "UHD"
    FEATURE 12141 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 ADC1339E11D0DB871961 "UHD"
    FEATURE 14020 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 AD61336ED4CAD3860EA5 "UHD"
    FEATURE 21060 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 AD6133CE04B8E086FE70 "UHD"
    FEATURE 21400 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 9DA133AE10BCD48CFE70 "UHD"
    FEATURE 21900 cdslmd 5.300 31-dec-2005 3 DDF113FE6C9FEA40D0D9 "UHD"
    FEATURE 26000 cdslmd 4.300 31-dec-2005 3 0D41037E9C6D54668AC8 "J"
    FEATURE 276 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 5DB1B39EA473B3A3F3E2 "UHD"
    FEATURE 300 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 4D91A31E2849B2A3DF6F "UHD"
    FEATURE 305 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 4D61A31E2B50A6A8DF6F "UHD"
    FEATURE 32140 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 AD31334E17CBDB851663 "UHD"
    FEATURE 32150 cdslmd 4.400 31-dec-2005 6 DD31434E5E18FE2D26F4 "UHD"
    FEATURE 32150 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 6 ADD1532E0DE8D5871668 "UHD"
    FEATURE 32500 cdslmd 4.400 31-dec-2005 6 CDD1339E6825F23E32DF "UHD"
    FEATURE 32500 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 6 BD11335E09CCDB801668 "UHD"
    FEATURE 32501 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 AD4133BE13D2DB851363 "UHD"
    FEATURE 32502 cdslmd 4.400 31-dec-2005 6 CDD133BE6817EE4224E1 "UHD"
    FEATURE 32510 cdslmd 2.300 31-dec-2005 3 EDA113CE46E7DD4A21FD "UHD"
    FEATURE 32510 cdslmd 4.400 31-dec-2005 6 DD31338E6224F23932E4 "UHD"
    FEATURE 32760 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 BD1143AE09E5D3891663 "UHD"
    FEATURE 33301 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 9DA1430E1AD1D88C1065 "UHD"
    FEATURE 34500 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 AD7133AED5C9DD87109F "UHD"
    FEATURE 34510 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 AD7133BED5C9D78E109F "UHD"
    FEATURE 570 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 4D91A3CEB964B79CF6E7 "UHD"
    FEATURE 940 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 6D1193FEAA57B66DF911 "UHD"
    FEATURE 945 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 6 5D2193EEB95DAA9FF9E4 "UHD"
    FEATURE 960 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 6D11A31EA459B867FB1D "UHD"
    FEATURE 994 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 4D51A32EC34EB16EEC17 "UHD"
    FEATURE AMS_Option_to_Incisive cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3
    5DB103EEA9CF6DFA0ADC "J"
    FEATURE AMS_environment cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 0D5113BED3EC7B9D0B48
    FEATURE ANALOG_WORKBENCH cdslmd 3.400 31-dec-2005 6
    2D8173AE5C9E1616AFD9 "UHD"
    FEATURE AWB_BEHAVIOR cdslmd 2.300 31-dec-2005 3 ADE1437EBF21AC46EEB3
    FEATURE AWB_BEHAVIOR cdslmd 3.400 31-dec-2005 6 0DE133EEC325B7756A84
    FEATURE AWB_DIST_SIM cdslmd 3.400 31-dec-2005 6 BDC1738EF2304DC428AF
    FEATURE AWB_MAGAZINE cdslmd 3.400 31-dec-2005 6 BD01C31EC3B9F117018C
    FEATURE AWB_MAGNETICS cdslmd 3.400 31-dec-2005 6 CD7173BEBE5B4E55AFA5
    FEATURE AWB_MIX cdslmd 3.400 31-dec-2005 3 AD31738EF4523ABC1FB6 "UHD"
    FEATURE AWB_PPLOT cdslmd 3.400 31-dec-2005 6 5D7173DEDD36A4CBF193 "UHD"
    FEATURE AWB_RESOLVE_OPT cdslmd 3.500 31-dec-2005 6 2D41038E31E9A9212725
    FEATURE AWB_SIMULATOR cdslmd 2.300 31-dec-2005 3 ADB1F3DE9DC193F3E854
    FEATURE AWB_SIMULATOR cdslmd 3.500 31-dec-2005 9 2DA1A3DEFE0AC61AF891
    FEATURE AWB_SMOKE cdslmd 3.500 31-dec-2005 6 5D9113EEB8F9ED8917B3 "UHD"
    FEATURE AWB_SPICEPLUS cdslmd 3.400 31-dec-2005 6 DDA163EEEE45AF7BC8FD
    FEATURE AWB_STATS cdslmd 3.500 31-dec-2005 6 FD9153DEE28A86C9E289 "UHD"
    FEATURE Affirma_3rdParty_Sim_Interface cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3
    ED4103AE0E0B3E7550A8 "UHD"
    FEATURE Affirma_AMS_distrib_processing cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3
    BD31D32E91985D29D745 "UHD"
    FEATURE Affirma_NC_Simulator cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3
    0DB1430E521C940BFF25 "J"
    FEATURE Affirma_RF_IC_package_modeler cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3
    5D51B35E86B32E2DC48E "UHD"
    FEATURE Affirma_RF_SPW_model_link cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3
    FD41633E2B4FBA41A69E "UHD"
    FEATURE Affirma_model_checker cdslmd 3.700 31-dec-2005 3
    FD71934E1993ED446220 "J"
    FEATURE Affirma_model_packager_export cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3
    6DF143AE42C5EF2D863C "J"
    FEATURE Affirma_sim_analysis_env cdslmd 2.200 31-dec-2005 3
    9D61D39E0A539FDF157B "UHD"
    FEATURE Affirma_sim_analysis_env cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 6
    FDF163AE528CC6A59ABA "UHD"
    FEATURE Allegro_Designer cdslmd 14.000 31-dec-2005 3
    DD9163AE8BC8D24D0D2A "J"
    FEATURE Allegro_Expert cdslmd 14.000 31-dec-2005 3 8DE1F38E1E8EE37770D2
    FEATURE Allegro_Symbol cdslmd 12.200 31-dec-2005 6 0DC1830E207639D74B17
    FEATURE Allegro_Viewer_Plus cdslmd 14.000 31-dec-2005 6
    2D31330EFD3EF626C478 "J"
    FEATURE Allegro_studio cdslmd 14.000 31-dec-2005 3 AD71138E14B0FB93AAC7
    FEATURE Aptivia cdslmd 3.200 31-dec-2005 3 1DD1B36E4B9430C4CC90 "UHD"
    FEATURE Aptivia_DCM cdslmd 3.200 31-dec-2005 3 1DC143DE8AF591624A07
    FEATURE Artist_Optimizer cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3
    6D91330ED49C16310E1C "UHD"
    FEATURE Artist_Statistics cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3
    FDD1F35E52381DE753BB "UHD"
    FEATURE Assura_DV_LVS_checker cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3
    FDA123AE3FC9E3D18E00 "UHD"
    FEATURE Assura_DV_design_rule_checker cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3
    ED81338EE71DCE4D5E8D "UHD"
    FEATURE Assura_DV_parasitic_extractor cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3
    CDD1B38E26B0DC1EC2DB "UHD"
    FEATURE Base_Digital_Body_Lib cdslmd 97.030 31-dec-2005 3
    5DB163BEAFE1F11B6ADC "UHD"
    FEATURE Base_Verilog_Lib cdslmd 12.100 31-dec-2005 9
    1D81B3BEF8615E793BAC "UHD"
    FEATURE CWAVES cdslmd 2.300 31-dec-2005 3 2D8163DE6EA3944EE535 "UHD"
    FEATURE Cadence_chip_assembly_router cdslmd 11.100 31-dec-2005 3
    EDE1D35E5CCC9CDE3E81 "J"
    FEATURE Composer_EDIF300_Connectivity cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3
    9D31A3AE254AEC386FF1 "UHD"
    FEATURE Composer_EDIF300_Schematic cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3
    6DC1D36E98D37FE5D770 "UHD"
    FEATURE Concept_HDL_expert cdslmd 14.000 31-dec-2005 3
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    FEATURE Corners_Analysis cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3
    6DF1D35E8F49453B1E2A "UHD"
    FEATURE DFM_Core_Technology cdslmd 3.000 31-dec-2005 15
    9D51D38E7F429822C88E "S"
    FEATURE DISCRETE_LIB cdslmd 3.400 31-dec-2005 6 BD11234E31020BBFA418
    FEATURE EditBase_ALL cdslmd 10.000 31-dec-2005 3 FDE123CEF3F05B2A3F03
    FEATURE EditFST_ALL cdslmd 10.000 31-dec-2005 3 3DE193AE1ED98F0C2BF3
    FEATURE ElectronStorm_Transistor cdslmd 3.000 31-dec-2005 3
    BDE1A31E9E22F3B50982 "J"
    FEATURE Encounter_C cdslmd 3.100 31-dec-2005 3 2DE1B37E08E940333255 "J"
    FEATURE Encounter_Wave_Viewer cdslmd 3.100 31-dec-2005 3
    AD71131E269F14E56B15 "UHD"
    FEATURE Envisia_PKS cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 6 BD11F32E5BD1D0389CA7 "J"
    FEATURE Envisia_SE_SI_place_route cdslmd 5.400 31-dec-2005 6
    3D21E37E3573DF18DCF0 "UHD"
    FEATURE Envisia_SE_ultra_place_route cdslmd 5.400 31-dec-2005 6
    7DC103CEDFE8F649F880 "UHD"
    FEATURE Envisia_Utility cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 6 1D21E32E9231EC5DE5A7
    FEATURE Extended_Digital_Body_Lib cdslmd 97.030 31-dec-2005 3
    FD61134EF96626095EEC "UHD"
    FEATURE Extended_Verilog_Lib cdslmd 12.100 31-dec-2005 6
    3D41230EC140E3CC356F "UHD"
    FEATURE FUNCTION_LIB cdslmd 2.300 31-dec-2005 3 0DB123DE4A6627D5DC50
    FEATURE FUNCTION_LIB cdslmd 3.400 31-dec-2005 6 EDB1236EA6121CE6F06F
    FEATURE Fire_Ice_Cell_Transistor cdslmd 3.000 31-dec-2005 3
    1D91231E7EED362BED27 "J"
    FEATURE Fire_Parallel cdslmd 3.000 31-dec-2005 150 6DF143FE6C61FA6E8A33
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    FEATURE Framework cdslmd 2.300 31-dec-2005 3 9D71D30E585DB6DC3626 "UHD"
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    FEATURE Ice_Parallel cdslmd 3.000 31-dec-2005 150 9DF1331E4DC1ADEFAB91
    FEATURE Incisive_Verif_Engine cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3
    7D1163DE2E7BCC9004F9 "J"
    FEATURE Incisive_Verif_Environ cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3
    BD11F3DEF7AB7176C586 "UHD"
    FEATURE LEAPFROG-CV cdslmd 2.700 31-dec-2005 15 3D2183EE388782E52357
    FEATURE LINEAR_LIB cdslmd 3.400 31-dec-2005 6 EDB1837EAFD3F6C0FD5F
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    FEATURE LSE cdslmd 2.300 31-dec-2005 3 0D31C38E8E3240C3DFDF "J"
    FEATURE MAG_LIB cdslmd 3.400 31-dec-2005 6 CDE1333E698A26B3A43B "UHD"
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    FEATURE Model_Check_Analysis cdslmd 3.700 31-dec-2005 3
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    7D51E3EED8951B4111BF "J"
    FEATURE OASIS_RFDE cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 9D41E3DE56DC03F599C6 "J"
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    ADB1A30E429E13BEC406 "UHD"
    FEATURE OpenModeler cdslmd 1.800 31-dec-2005 3 3D2153CE88466B1C986B "J"
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    FEATURE OpenModeler_SWIFT cdslmd 1.800 31-dec-2005 3
    8D0183FEB257A61F61A0 "J"
    FEATURE OpenSim cdslmd 4.700 31-dec-2005 3 3D7143EEED3879015FD5 "J"
    FEATURE OpenWaves cdslmd 4.800 31-dec-2005 3 2DB1336E0CCB8CFB50FB "J"
    FEATURE PCB_librarian_expert cdslmd 14.000 31-dec-2005 3
    3D51E3BE0A1088DEBEF2 "UHD"
    FEATURE PPRoute_ALL cdslmd 10.000 31-dec-2005 3 3D91439ED8ED1B08C6EC
    FEATURE PSpiceStudio cdslmd 9.200 31-dec-2005 3 7D81132EF67E45409635
    FEATURE PWM_LIB cdslmd 3.400 31-dec-2005 6 ED3183BE40C76A7FBB71 "UHD"
    FEATURE Pearl cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 7D6183CEFBBF4D44561F "J"
    FEATURE Pearl_Cell cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 1D91233EF82E4F54F635 "J"
    FEATURE PlaceBase_ALL cdslmd 10.000 31-dec-2005 12 4D51D38E9716E8E89CB0
    FEATURE PowerIntegrity cdslmd 14.000 31-dec-2005 3 2D2143CE1F9D42920AA2
    FEATURE RapidPART cdslmd 2.200 31-dec-2005 3 8D2133FED437C8B5174A "J"
    FEATURE RouteMVIA_ALL cdslmd 10.000 31-dec-2005 9 5DB1632E29D48A816F6C
    FEATURE SOC_Encounter cdslmd 3.100 31-dec-2005 3 EDA1030E0B64D2759DFB
    FEATURE SPECCTRAQuest cdslmd 14.000 31-dec-2005 6 ED11130E3BC5AEB59761
    FEATURE SPECCTRAQuest_SI_expert cdslmd 14.000 31-dec-2005 3
    CDB1A3FE74E2539F9A34 "UHD"
    FEATURE SPECCTRAQuest_signal_expert cdslmd 14.000 31-dec-2005 6
    6D31F36E6D9C6E0EFE0A "J"
    FEATURE SPECCTRA_APD cdslmd 14.200 31-dec-2005 3 ED61533E917949D5D81B
    FEATURE SPECCTRA_VT cdslmd 14.200 31-dec-2005 3 5D11630E67CC2F27C246
    FEATURE SPECCTRA_expert cdslmd 10.000 31-dec-2005 6
    2D61F38E0F758D33AA36 "J"
    FEATURE SPECCTRA_expert_system cdslmd 10.000 31-dec-2005 3
    4D71D31E2A8B1C58C423 "J"
    FEATURE SQ_Digital_Logic_SI_Lib cdslmd 14.000 31-dec-2005 3
    1DA1239EBEA8FB594699 "S"
    FEATURE SQ_FPGA_SI_Lib cdslmd 14.000 31-dec-2005 3 ADE1A3CEE6854BA98C29
    FEATURE SQ_Memory_SI_Lib cdslmd 14.000 31-dec-2005 3
    3D01D3AEF03DA4DD746E "S"
    FEATURE SQ_Microprocessor_SI_Lib cdslmd 14.000 31-dec-2005 3
    0DD1535E7FF92F0B58EC "S"
    FEATURE SigNoiseEngineer cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 3
    3D71032E87465F60E623 "J"
    FEATURE SignalStorm_Delay_Calculator cdslmd 1.500 31-dec-2005 3
    6DB1E31EC3F1DAA7E827 "J"
    FEATURE SignalStorm_Lib_Characterizer cdslmd 1.500 31-dec-2005 3
    6D01333E22159195BD31 "J"
    FEATURE SignalStorm_Parallel_Sim cdslmd 1.500 31-dec-2005 6
    5D61A3AEEB0C044D606A "J"
    FEATURE Silicon_Ensemble cdslmd 5.400 31-dec-2005 6
    9D61438E813E4F259B18 "UHD"
    FEATURE Silicon_Ensemble_DSM cdslmd 5.400 31-dec-2005 6
    ED31039E9AC23E87787B "UHD"
    FEATURE SpectreRF cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 DD1133EEF93907A09E30 "UHD"
    FEATURE Spectre_Parallel_Analysis cdslmd 3.200 31-dec-2005 12
    6DD1932EEE3722E0F3EF "J"
    FEATURE Substrate_Coupling_Analysis cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3
    1DD103DE49CDED152E04 "UHD"
    FEATURE Substrate_Noise_Analyst cdslmd 3.100 31-dec-2005 3
    8D11338EF7F8B040B88E "J"
    FEATURE UET cdslmd 2.300 31-dec-2005 9 ED41C3DE746E2283E242 "J"
    FEATURE VERILOG-XL cdslmd 2.800 31-dec-2005 3 AD21D34EF430947E5F59 "J"
    FEATURE VERILOG-XL cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 BDB1B35EABE3BD2B30B2 "J"
    FEATURE VHDLLink cdslmd 1.900 31-dec-2005 3 0D01F34E8D7E781BAAFE "J"
    FEATURE VXL-VCW cdslmd 2.300 31-dec-2005 3 3D81034E799386E84696 "J"
    FEATURE VXL-VET cdslmd 2.300 31-dec-2005 3 3D11035E6E7B680626A1 "J"
    FEATURE VXL-VLS cdslmd 2.800 31-dec-2005 3 7D7153CE0CEC8D591A1F "J"
    FEATURE VXL-VRA cdslmd 2.300 31-dec-2005 3 2D3103AE90B277F74A7F "J"
    FEATURE ViewBase_ALL cdslmd 10.000 31-dec-2005 9 1D2143BEF0D97F475E06
    FEATURE Virtuoso_XL cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 0D21D3FEE6368A86DA89
    FEATURE VoltageStorm_Cell_Transistor cdslmd 3.000 31-dec-2005 3
    0D5123BE6D55B5E8985D "J"
    FEATURE _21900 cdslmd 5.300 31-dec-2005 3 7D11C38E54214DA2B0A1 "UHD"
    FEATURE actomd cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 6 DD7123AEE5644B5C0263 "J"
    FEATURE adv_package_engineer_expert cdslmd 14.000 31-dec-2005 3
    6D21B3DE7B5B76EC6182 "UHD"
    FEATURE advanced_package_designer cdslmd 14.000 31-dec-2005 3
    5D71E3FE67FE72A1C5E3 "J"
    FEATURE allegro_dfa cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 6 DD61632E4B772AB35742
    FEATURE allegro_dfa_att cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 6
    FD81438EE408D35BEF23 "J"
    FEATURE allegro_non_partner cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 6
    AD61036E137B92244862 "J"
    FEATURE allegro_symbol cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 6 CD91535E56EABF87E9ED
    FEATURE archiver cdslmd 3.900 31-dec-2005 3 6D0133EE0886164E13FD "UHD"
    FEATURE arouter cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 3 9D51E39EAC0231862D1A "J"
    FEATURE cals_out cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 6 0DF173CEBB4ADE0276FC "J"
    FEATURE cbds_in cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 6 BD71039E9F4737B08609 "J"
    FEATURE cdxe_in cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 6 DD31939EBDDD45A890CD "J"
    FEATURE comp cdslmd 2.600 31-dec-2005 3 9D21E3FE1479FFA72F57 "J"
    FEATURE crefer cdslmd 3.900 31-dec-2005 3 5DE1F30EE4E540332B7F "J"
    FEATURE cvtomd cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 6 DDB1235EB87944571793 "J"
    FEATURE expgen cdslmd 2.600 31-dec-2005 12 FD01936E6ADF2E437F69 "J"
    FEATURE fethman cdslmd 2.700 31-dec-2005 3 5D61435E30180C9F8D87 "J"
    FEATURE fetsetup cdslmd 1.700 31-dec-2005 3 AD4123CED83E21EE0667 "J"
    FEATURE gbom cdslmd 10.600 31-dec-2005 3 AD81B39E65A8FCC9A8E5 "J"
    FEATURE glib cdslmd 10.600 31-dec-2005 3 FD61034EA584FAB22E65 "J"
    FEATURE gloss cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 3 0D81034EEA95FAD4A14E "J"
    FEATURE gphysdly cdslmd 10.600 31-dec-2005 3 7D81B3BE1099295E0314 "J"
    FEATURE gscald cdslmd 10.600 31-dec-2005 3 4DE1F3BE22573538773C "J"
    FEATURE gspares cdslmd 10.600 31-dec-2005 3 DD21538E1245784033A8 "J"
    FEATURE hp3070 cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 6 9D61939EBCF5163A0606 "J"
    FEATURE intrgloss cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 6 8D51432EF3A9ACCA1BC4 "J"
    FEATURE intrroute cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 6 EDB1034EF7F38F3CA90B "J"
    FEATURE intrsignoise cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 3 0D81437E7E646C2D4C0E
    FEATURE ipc_in cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 6 6D0113BE33BE86A809A3 "J"
    FEATURE ipc_out cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 6 0DC1D37E5A1AF3B35A09 "J"
    FEATURE lwb cdslmd 4.800 31-dec-2005 3 ED4163AE7C2FCDAC65C5 "UHD"
    FEATURE mdin cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 6 AD61F39EC1BD97187EA2 "J"
    FEATURE mdout cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 6 ED3103EE6451EED936E3 "J"
    FEATURE mdtoac cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 6 8DE1831EEDBD4A3FC684 "J"
    FEATURE mdtocv cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 6 AD31833EC2BF4A3FDBAF "J"
    FEATURE multiwire cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 6 DD01E3FEC569F9B6CC0C "J"
    FEATURE packager cdslmd 6.400 31-dec-2005 3 CD91533EBF98D9E69C0E "J"
    FEATURE pcb_editor cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 3 5D81336ED7735EE9FD48 "J"
    FEATURE pcb_interactive cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 3
    4DD1539E28C0117DFE92 "J"
    FEATURE pcomp cdslmd 2.600 31-dec-2005 9 3D51731E42ED1FA361AA "J"
    FEATURE placement cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 3 8D71035EC69CE5DFD62C "J"
    FEATURE plotVersa cdslmd 93.040 31-dec-2005 54 AD2123BEDB759CEAB869
    FEATURE quanticout cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 6 4D81439E212A23D902BA "J"
    FEATURE realchiplm cdslmd 4.700 31-dec-2005 3 ED41C30ED0022900A382 "J"
    FEATURE signoise cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 3 ED31B38E756AB45B9D82 "J"
    FEATURE skillDev cdslmd 96.040 31-dec-2005 6 CD81A3EEADC02B76A87E "UHD"
    FEATURE swap cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 3 5D01C3BEE477A40A67D7 "J"
    FEATURE tscr.ex cdslmd 3.900 31-dec-2005 3 ED61136E1E0711934EB3 "UHD"
    FEATURE tw01 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 FD0143CEC5EE159F978A "UHD"
    FEATURE tw02 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 FD0143DEC5EE15A0978A "UHD"
    FEATURE verifault cdslmd 2.800 31-dec-2005 3 3D1103FEAB4087FE65D1 "J"
    FEATURE vloglink cdslmd 1.900 31-dec-2005 3 7D4133FEFE817B26C16A "J"
    DAEMON attcad ./attcad
    FEATURE fcengine attcad 6.000 31-dec-2005 3 DBF801DFC976C49CB340 "15"
    FEATURE fcheck attcad 6.000 31-dec-2005 3 5B08A1DFBA7767A13E60 "15"
    FEATURE odan attcad 6.000 31-dec-2005 3 1B38114F82993DA58284 "15"


    11:56:45 (lmgrd) -----------------------------------------------
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) Please Note:
    11:56:45 (lmgrd)
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) This log is intended for debug purposes only.
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) In order to capture accurate license
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) usage data into an organized repository,
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) please enable report logging. Use Macrovision's
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) software license administration solution,
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) FLEXnet Manager, to readily gain visibility
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) into license usage data and to create
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) insightful reports on critical information like
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) license availability and usage. FLEXnet Manager
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) can be fully automated to run these reports on
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) schedule and can be used to track license
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) servers and usage across a heterogeneous
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) network of servers including Windows NT, Linux
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) and UNIX. Contact Macrovision at
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) for more details on how to
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) obtain an evaluation copy of FLEXnet Manager
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) for your enterprise.
    11:56:45 (lmgrd)
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) -----------------------------------------------
    11:56:45 (lmgrd)
    11:56:45 (lmgrd)
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) -----------------------------------------------
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) Solaris Note:
    11:56:45 (lmgrd)
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) We recommend adding the following command to the
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) scripts due to a bug in the Solaris operating
    11:56:45 (lmgrd)
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) Solaris 2.1-2.6:
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) /usr/sbin/ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_close_wait_interval
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) Solaris 2.7 and higher:
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) /usr/sbin/ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_time_wait_interval
    11:56:45 (lmgrd)
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) By default on Solaris, upon stopping a license
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) 1 to 5 minutes are required for the port to free up
    so it
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) will restart, which can result in checkout failures.
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) The command above resets this default to 2.4 seconds
    11:56:45 (lmgrd)
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) -----------------------------------------------
    11:56:45 (lmgrd)
    11:56:45 (lmgrd)
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) The license server manager (lmgrd) running as root:
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) This is a potential security problem
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) and is not recommended.
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) FLEXnet Licensing (v10.1.3) started on servername
    (Sun) (12/1/2005)
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) Copyright (c) 1988-2004 by Macrovision Corporation.
    All rights reserved.
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) US Patents 5,390,297 and 5,671,412.
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) World Wide Web:
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) License file(s):
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) lmgrd tcp-port 5280
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) Starting vendor daemons ...
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) Started cdslmd (internet tcp_port 34190 pid 3009)
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) license daemon: execute process failed: (./attcad or
    ../attcad) -T servername 10.1 4 -c
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) license daemon: system error code: No such file or
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) Started attcad (internet tcp_port 34191 pid 3010)
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) Please correct problem and restart daemons
    11:56:45 (cdslmd) FLEXnet Licensing version 10.1.3

    CADENCE_WARN_MSG: FEATURE "PSpiceStudio" with a lower version "15.200"
    will override a higher version "9.200" because lower version was
    generated at a later date.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "12141" with code "ADC1339E11D0DB871961" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "14020" with code "AD61336ED4CAD3860EA5" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "21060" with code "AD6133CE04B8E086FE70" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "21400" with code "9DA133AE10BCD48CFE70" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "276" with code "5DB1B39EA473B3A3F3E2" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "300" with code "4D91A31E2849B2A3DF6F" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "305" with code "4D61A31E2B50A6A8DF6F" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "32140" with code "AD31334E17CBDB851663" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "32150" with code "DD31434E5E18FE2D26F4" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "32150" with code "ADD1532E0DE8D5871668" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "32500" with code "CDD1339E6825F23E32DF" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "32500" with code "BD11335E09CCDB801668" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "32501" with code "AD4133BE13D2DB851363" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "32510" with code "EDA113CE46E7DD4A21FD" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "32510" with code "DD31338E6224F23932E4" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "32760" with code "BD1143AE09E5D3891663" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "33301" with code "9DA1430E1AD1D88C1065" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "34500" with code "AD7133AED5C9DD87109F" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "34510" with code "AD7133BED5C9D78E109F" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "570" with code "4D91A3CEB964B79CF6E7" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "940" with code "6D1193FEAA57B66DF911" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "945" with code "5D2193EEB95DAA9FF9E4" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "960" with code "6D11A31EA459B867FB1D" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "994" with code "4D51A32EC34EB16EEC17" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "AMS_Option_to_Incisive" with code "5DB103EEA9CF6DFA0ADC" is
    not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "AMS_environment" with code "0D5113BED3EC7B9D0B48" is not the
    same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Affirma_3rdParty_Sim_Interface" with code
    "ED4103AE0E0B3E7550A8" is not the same as the allowed start date
    "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Affirma_AMS_distrib_processing" with code
    "BD31D32E91985D29D745" is not the same as the allowed start date
    "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Affirma_NC_Simulator" with code "0DB1430E521C940BFF25" is not
    the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Affirma_RF_IC_package_modeler" with code
    "5D51B35E86B32E2DC48E" is not the same as the allowed start date
    "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Affirma_RF_SPW_model_link" with code "FD41633E2B4FBA41A69E" is
    not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Affirma_model_packager_export" with code
    "6DF143AE42C5EF2D863C" is not the same as the allowed start date
    "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Affirma_sim_analysis_env" with code "9D61D39E0A539FDF157B" is
    not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Affirma_sim_analysis_env" with code "FDF163AE528CC6A59ABA" is
    not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Allegro_Viewer_Plus" with code "2D31330EFD3EF626C478" is not
    the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Allegro_studio" with code "AD71138E14B0FB93AAC7" is not the
    same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Artist_Optimizer" with code "6D91330ED49C16310E1C" is not the
    same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Artist_Statistics" with code "FDD1F35E52381DE753BB" is not the
    same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Assura_DV_LVS_checker" with code "FDA123AE3FC9E3D18E00" is not
    the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Assura_DV_design_rule_checker" with code
    "ED81338EE71DCE4D5E8D" is not the same as the allowed start date
    "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Assura_DV_parasitic_extractor" with code
    "CDD1B38E26B0DC1EC2DB" is not the same as the allowed start date
    "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Base_Verilog_Lib" with code "1D81B3BEF8615E793BAC" is not the
    same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Cadence_chip_assembly_router" with code "EDE1D35E5CCC9CDE3E81"
    is not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Composer_EDIF300_Connectivity" with code
    "9D31A3AE254AEC386FF1" is not the same as the allowed start date
    "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Composer_EDIF300_Schematic" with code "6DC1D36E98D37FE5D770"
    is not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Concept_HDL_expert" with code "4D41D35EC14CF6F40098" is not
    the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Corners_Analysis" with code "6DF1D35E8F49453B1E2A" is not the
    same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "DFM_Core_Technology" with code "9D51D38E7F429822C88E" is not
    the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "ElectronStorm_Transistor" with code "BDE1A31E9E22F3B50982" is
    not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Encounter_C" with code "2DE1B37E08E940333255" is not the same
    as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Encounter_Wave_Viewer" with code "AD71131E269F14E56B15" is not
    the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Envisia_PKS" with code "BD11F32E5BD1D0389CA7" is not the same
    as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Envisia_SE_SI_place_route" with code "3D21E37E3573DF18DCF0" is
    not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Envisia_SE_ultra_place_route" with code "7DC103CEDFE8F649F880"
    is not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Envisia_Utility" with code "1D21E32E9231EC5DE5A7" is not the
    same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Extended_Verilog_Lib" with code "3D41230EC140E3CC356F" is not
    the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Fire_Ice_Cell_Transistor" with code "1D91231E7EED362BED27" is
    not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Fire_Parallel" with code "6DF143FE6C61FA6E8A33" is not the
    same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Ice_Parallel" with code "9DF1331E4DC1ADEFAB91" is not the same
    as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Incisive_Verif_Engine" with code "7D1163DE2E7BCC9004F9" is not
    the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Incisive_Verif_Environ" with code "BD11F3DEF7AB7176C586" is
    not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "LEAPFROG-CV" with code "3D2183EE388782E52357" is not the same
    as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Multithread_Route_Option" with code "7D51E3EED8951B4111BF" is
    not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "OASIS_RFDE" with code "9D41E3DE56DC03F599C6" is not the same
    as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "OASIS_Simulation_Interface" with code "ADB1A30E429E13BEC406"
    is not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "PCB_librarian_expert" with code "3D51E3BE0A1088DEBEF2" is not
    the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "PSpiceStudio" with code "7D81132EF67E45409635" is not the same
    as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Pearl_Cell" with code "1D91233EF82E4F54F635" is not the same
    as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "PlaceBase_ALL" with code "4D51D38E9716E8E89CB0" is not the
    same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "PowerIntegrity" with code "2D2143CE1F9D42920AA2" is not the
    same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "RouteMVIA_ALL" with code "5DB1632E29D48A816F6C" is not the
    same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "SOC_Encounter" with code "EDA1030E0B64D2759DFB" is not the
    same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "SPECCTRAQuest" with code "ED11130E3BC5AEB59761" is not the
    same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "SPECCTRAQuest_SI_expert" with code "CDB1A3FE74E2539F9A34" is
    not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "SPECCTRAQuest_signal_expert" with code "6D31F36E6D9C6E0EFE0A"
    is not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "SPECCTRA_expert" with code "2D61F38E0F758D33AA36" is not the
    same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "SPECCTRA_expert_system" with code "4D71D31E2A8B1C58C423" is
    not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "SignalStorm_Lib_Characterizer" with code
    "6D01333E22159195BD31" is not the same as the allowed start date
    "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "SignalStorm_Parallel_Sim" with code "5D61A3AEEB0C044D606A" is
    not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Silicon_Ensemble" with code "9D61438E813E4F259B18" is not the
    same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Silicon_Ensemble_DSM" with code "ED31039E9AC23E87787B" is not
    the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "SpectreRF" with code "DD1133EEF93907A09E30" is not the same as
    the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Spectre_Parallel_Analysis" with code "6DD1932EEE3722E0F3EF" is
    not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Substrate_Coupling_Analysis" with code "1DD103DE49CDED152E04"
    is not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "UET" with code "ED41C3DE746E2283E242" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "VERILOG-XL" with code "AD21D34EF430947E5F59" is not the same
    as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "VERILOG-XL" with code "BDB1B35EABE3BD2B30B2" is not the same
    as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Virtuoso_XL" with code "0D21D3FEE6368A86DA89" is not the same
    as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "VoltageStorm_Cell_Transistor" with code "0D5123BE6D55B5E8985D"
    is not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "_21900" with code "7D11C38E54214DA2B0A1" is not the same as
    the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "adv_package_engineer_expert" with code "6D21B3DE7B5B76EC6182"
    is not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "advanced_package_designer" with code "5D71E3FE67FE72A1C5E3" is
    not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "expgen" with code "FD01936E6ADF2E437F69" is not the same as
    the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "pcomp" with code "3D51731E42ED1FA361AA" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "plotVersa" with code "AD2123BEDB759CEAB869" is not the same as
    the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "skillDev" with code "CD81A3EEADC02B76A87E" is not the same as
    the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "tw01" with code "FD0143CEC5EE159F978A" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "tw02" with code "FD0143DEC5EE15A0978A" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "verifault" with code "3D1103FEAB4087FE65D1" is not the same as
    the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Server started on servername for: 111
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) 12141 14020 206
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) 21060 21400 276
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) 300 305 32140
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) 32150 32150 32500
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) 32500 32501 32510
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) 32760 33301 34500
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) 34510 365 3D_FieldSolver_Engine
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) 550 570 940
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) 945 960 994
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) ADE_ElectronStorm_Option ADE_VoltageStorm_Option
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) AMS_environment Adv_Encrypt_Std_64bit
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Affirma_AMS_distrib_processing Affirma_NC_Simulator
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Affirma_RF_SPW_model_link
    Affirma_model_packager_export Affirma_sim_analysis_env
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Affirma_sim_analysis_env Allegro_PCB_Router_610
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Allegro_PCB_SI_630_Suite Allegro_Package_Designer_620
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Allegro_Viewer_Plus Allegro_design_expert
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Artist_Optimizer Artist_Statistics Assura_DRC
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Assura_DV_LVS_checker Assura_DV_design_rule_checker
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Assura_LVS Assura_MP Assura_RCX
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Assura_RCX-FS Assura_RCX-HF Assura_RCX-MP
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Assura_RCX-PL Assura_RCX-PLC Assura_RCX_ACI
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Assura_UI Base_Verilog_Lib
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Celtic_NDC Composer_EDIF300_Connectivity
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) ConcICe_Option Concept_HDL_expert Conformal_Asic
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Conformal_Ultra Corners_Analysis DFM_Core_Technology
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) DFM_Core_Technology DRAC2CORE DRAC3CORE
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) DRAC3DRC DRAC3LVS DRACDIST
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) DRACERC DRACLPE DRACLVS
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) DRACPRE Distributed_Dracula_Option
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Encounter_C Encounter_Wave_Viewer Envisia_PKS
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Envisia_SE_SI_place_route
    Envisia_SE_ultra_place_route Envisia_Utility
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Extended_Verilog_Lib Fire_Ice_Cell_NanoMeter
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Fire_Parallel Fire_Parallel Ice_Parallel
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Incisive_Verif_Engine Incisive_Verif_Environ
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Multithread_Route_Option
    OASIS_RFDE OASIS_Simulation_Interface
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) PCB_design_expert PCB_librarian_expert PSpiceStudio
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Pearl_Cell PlaceBase_ALL PowerIntegrity
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) RELXPERT RTL_Compiler_Ultra RouteMVIA_ALL
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) SOC_Encounter SPECCTRAQuest SPECCTRAQuest_SI_expert
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) SPECCTRAQuest_signal_expert SPECCTRA_expert
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) SignalStorm_Lib_Characterizer
    SignalStorm_Parallel_Sim Signalstorm_NDC
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Silicon_Ensemble Silicon_Ensemble_DSM SpectreRF
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Spectre_Burst_AllegroSI Spectre_Parallel_Analysis
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Substrate_Coupling_Analysis UET ULTRASIM
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Virtuoso_Layout_Migrate Virtuoso_NeoCircuit_DFM
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Virtuoso_XL VoltageStorm_Cell_Transistor
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) _21900 adv_package_engineer_expert
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) expgen pcomp plotVersa
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) skillDev tw01 tw02
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) verifault 100 21900
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) 26000 32502 ANALOG_WORKBENCH
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) AWB_STATS Affirma_model_checker Allegro_Designer
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Allegro_Expert Allegro_Symbol Allegro_Symbol
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Aptivia Aptivia_DCM Base_Digital_Body_Lib
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) CWAVES DISCRETE_LIB EditBase_ALL
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) EditFST_ALL Extended_Digital_Body_Lib FUNCTION_LIB
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) FUNCTION_LIB Framework Framework
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) IPlaceBase_ALL LINEAR_LIB LSE
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) LSE MAG_LIB MIXAD_LIB
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Model_Check_Analysis OpenModeler OpenModeler_SFI
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) OpenModeler_SWIFT OpenSim OpenWaves
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) PPRoute_ALL PWM_LIB Pearl
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) RapidPART SPECCTRA_APD SPECCTRA_VT
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) SQ_Digital_Logic_SI_Lib
    SQ_FPGA_SI_Lib SQ_Memory_SI_Lib
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) SQ_Microprocessor_SI_Lib SigNoiseEngineer
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Substrate_Noise_Analyst VHDLLink VXL-VCW
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) VXL-VET VXL-VLS VXL-VRA
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) ViewBase_ALL actomd allegro_dfa
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) allegro_dfa_att allegro_non_partner archiver
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) arouter cals_out cbds_in
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) cdxe_in comp crefer
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) cvtomd fethman fetsetup
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) gbom glib gloss
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) gphysdly gscald gspares
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) hp3070 intrgloss intrroute
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) intrsignoise ipc_in ipc_out
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) lwb mdin mdout
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) mdtoac mdtocv multiwire
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) packager pcb_editor pcb_interactive
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) placement quanticout realchiplm
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) signoise swap tscr.ex
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) vloglink
    11:56:47 (cdslmd)
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) All FEATURE lines for this vendor behave like
    INCREMENT lines
    11:56:47 (cdslmd)
    11:56:47 (lmgrd) cdslmd using TCP-port 34190
    jwageneder, Dec 6, 2005
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