Problem with licensing under Cadence 5.1.41

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by jwageneder, Dec 1, 2005.

  1. jwageneder

    jwageneder Guest

    Dear Ladies and Sirs,

    I have a Problem with licensing on a Sun workstation (see files below).
    There are cadence 5.0.32 and 5.1.41 USR2 installed on that machine and
    I want to start both license files under one lmgrd.

    If I execute lmgrd, I get warnings (see the log-file about that) and I
    cannot checkout the necessary licenses.

    Could you help me?


    # Keys mailed to: ()
    SERVER servername serverid licenseport
    DAEMON cdslmd /opt/cds5141/tools/bin/cdslmd
    DAEMON cdslmd /opt/cds/tools/bin/cdslmd
    FEATURE 111 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 CDF3E0D44C58D0160092 "UHD"
    FEATURE 12141 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 1D53F0C4B116FB39AE98 "UHD"
    FEATURE 14020 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 3D93F0D4701FF005A0DE "UHD"
    FEATURE 206 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 EDA36094335B47DB00CD "UHD"
    FEATURE 21060 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 1D33F034B119F241AF90 "UHD"
    FEATURE 21400 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 1DB3F054AD13F637AB96 "UHD"
    FEATURE 276 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 EDA350A42C5238E0F7CF "UHD"
    FEATURE 300 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 EDE350C4305443D801CE "UHD"
    FEATURE 305 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 EDB36044335949D501CE "UHD"
    FEATURE 32140 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 1D73E0F4B71DF341B987 "UHD"
    FEATURE 32150 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 1DD3E0E4B11CF33CB98C "UHD"
    FEATURE 32150 cdslmd 6.000 31-dec-2005 3 7D7330740ACDD889EA70 "UHD"
    FEATURE 32500 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 7D6330A413D1D888E563 "UHD"
    FEATURE 32500 cdslmd 6.000 31-dec-2005 3 7DB330A406D1D888EA70 "UHD"
    FEATURE 32501 cdslmd 6.000 31-dec-2005 3 7DA3309406D0D888E970 "UHD"
    FEATURE 32510 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 1DD3F024B518F738B58C "UHD"
    FEATURE 32760 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 1D73F0D4A9B3FD334BA3 "UHD"
    FEATURE 33301 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 3DE3F0A47B1DF309A2C8 "UHD"
    FEATURE 34500 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 0DD3E0F4A71BEB3DA59B "UHD"
    FEATURE 34510 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 0DB3E0E4A91AEB40A598 "UHD"
    FEATURE 365 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 9 DD3360443D5D430DFFA4 "UHD"
    FEATURE 3D_FieldSolver_Engine cdslmd 15.200 31-dec-2005 3
    2D0350F41641E479911A "J"
    FEATURE 550 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 DDE340D4253F46E5F0CE "UHD"
    FEATURE 570 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 DDE340342B393CDFEACE "UHD"
    FEATURE 940 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 CDE3F0243A5ACF06F3AC "UHD"
    FEATURE 945 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 6 FD1340F4174445DEF3D1 "UHD"
    FEATURE 960 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 CDE36004385C3D10F5A4 "UHD"
    FEATURE 994 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 CDA340D4413B4A11F09A "UHD"
    FEATURE ADE_ElectronStorm_Option cdslmd 4.000 31-dec-2005 3
    9D13F0D47C25DDF47D75 "J"
    FEATURE ADE_VoltageStorm_Option cdslmd 4.000 31-dec-2005 3
    FD33C034EE7F0AD58204 "J"
    FEATURE AMS_Option_to_Incisive cdslmd 5.500 31-dec-2005 3
    AD536074B9115A35C52C "J"
    FEATURE AMS_environment cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 2D5350F4ED7378712615
    FEATURE Adv_Encrypt_Std_64bit cdslmd 1.000 31-dec-2005 3
    EDD320E402F48BFA3F03 "S"
    FEATURE Affirma_3rdParty_Sim_Interface cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3
    ED7310C4CAA2B057F1B1 "UHD"
    FEATURE Affirma_AMS_distrib_processing cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3
    7DE3A0647DC7DF09C8C2 "UHD"
    FEATURE Affirma_NC_Simulator cdslmd 5.500 31-dec-2005 3
    4D43205409E56B8C312B "J"
    FEATURE Affirma_RF_IC_package_modeler cdslmd 6.000 31-dec-2005 3
    ADB3B07487B52F2C1A8D "UHD"
    FEATURE Affirma_RF_SPW_model_link cdslmd 6.000 31-dec-2005 3
    FD435074274AAE42A1A1 "UHD"
    FEATURE Affirma_model_packager_export cdslmd 5.500 31-dec-2005 3
    AD5350F4B2C5AAFB4BE7 "J"
    FEATURE Affirma_sim_analysis_env cdslmd 5.500 31-dec-2005 3
    8DA3E014E8B0769A8431 "UHD"
    FEATURE Affirma_sim_analysis_env cdslmd 6.000 31-dec-2005 3
    9DD390C4A972F05725C0 "UHD"
    FEATURE Allegro_PCB_Router_610 cdslmd 15.200 31-dec-2005 6
    1D43C0949933A093FFB3 "J"
    FEATURE Allegro_PCB_SI_630 cdslmd 15.200 31-dec-2005 3
    4D7390C4B93AE04C2256 "J"
    FEATURE Allegro_PCB_SI_630_Suite cdslmd 15.200 31-dec-2005 3
    ED13E03411C3357FC63E "UHD"
    FEATURE Allegro_Package_Designer_620 cdslmd 15.200 31-dec-2005 3
    7D13D0E4C2376502333E "J"
    FEATURE Allegro_Pkg_Designer_620_Suite cdslmd 15.200 31-dec-2005 3
    AD43E01411E0E7292963 "UHD"
    FEATURE Allegro_Viewer_Plus cdslmd 15.200 31-dec-2005 6
    3D63D02470E0CEEA8A1C "J"
    FEATURE Allegro_design_expert cdslmd 15.200 31-dec-2005 3
    BD9350F4A95B783E7963 "J"
    FEATURE Allegro_studio cdslmd 15.200 31-dec-2005 3 DD43F0D43D0074FF3BB2
    FEATURE Artist_Optimizer cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3
    5D233084BD1F384050E0 "UHD"
    FEATURE Artist_Statistics cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3
    6DE3F0B452FFB538C310 "UHD"
    FEATURE Assura_DRC cdslmd 3.100 31-dec-2005 3 CD13F0F454EFE7C1B708 "J"
    FEATURE Assura_DV_LVS_checker cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3
    0DE3201447DCF11719FF "UHD"
    FEATURE Assura_DV_design_rule_checker cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3
    5D03F0943ABC05074CF1 "UHD"
    FEATURE Assura_DV_parasitic_extractor cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3
    CD6320946F5A5AE177D4 "UHD"
    FEATURE Assura_LVS cdslmd 3.100 31-dec-2005 3 CD93F034711404A2FDFA
    FEATURE Assura_MP cdslmd 3.100 31-dec-2005 3 BDB32014C344BC2D89FD "UHD"
    FEATURE Assura_RCX cdslmd 3.100 31-dec-2005 3 CDF32054739CC5220563
    FEATURE Assura_RCX-FS cdslmd 3.100 31-dec-2005 3 3DC370148DCCC26DA14C
    FEATURE Assura_RCX-HF cdslmd 3.100 31-dec-2005 3 4DC350C47DC5A287A447
    FEATURE Assura_RCX-MP cdslmd 3.100 31-dec-2005 3 4DA360347FC0C26CA24C
    FEATURE Assura_RCX-PL cdslmd 3.100 31-dec-2005 3 FDC37024CDE7AAB7AE0D
    FEATURE Assura_RCX-PLC cdslmd 3.100 31-dec-2005 3 6D53F0E431D4172DC00E
    FEATURE Assura_RCX_ACI cdslmd 3.100 31-dec-2005 3 ED939084833EF7729316
    FEATURE Assura_UI cdslmd 3.100 31-dec-2005 9 ADD3A044A8A5AA38985E "UHD"
    FEATURE Base_Verilog_Lib cdslmd 12.100 31-dec-2005 6
    4D43A044CEE5A956CD79 "UHD"
    FEATURE Cadence_chip_assembly_router cdslmd 11.200 31-dec-2005 3
    ED13E04459DD9AE23685 "J"
    FEATURE Celtic_NDC cdslmd 4.500 31-dec-2005 3 CD83D0F43E069649C9BB "J"
    FEATURE Composer_EDIF300_Connectivity cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3
    EDC3F0545620FF50FB3D "UHD"
    FEATURE Composer_EDIF300_Schematic cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3
    9DF310B4A3DC9C0360BC "UHD"
    FEATURE ConcICe_Option cdslmd 3.000 31-dec-2005 3 6DF3C0044E7AFECDAB67
    FEATURE Concept_HDL_expert cdslmd 15.200 31-dec-2005 3
    7D23E064F504DB5373BE "UHD"
    FEATURE Conformal_Asic cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 1D5350747DFECFB5C90A
    FEATURE Conformal_Ultra cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 DD7360B4E38582CAA07E
    FEATURE Corners_Analysis cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3
    0D637014289CB1164A28 "UHD"
    FEATURE DFM_Core_Technology cdslmd 3.000 31-dec-2005 12
    9DF3D0D46740B703CEA9 "S"
    FEATURE DFM_Core_Technology cdslmd 4.200 31-dec-2005 3
    DD03E0C4422A1A1353D4 "S"
    FEATURE DRAC2CORE cdslmd 4.900 31-dec-2005 9 9DE380A47CFE8A2C6D27 "J"
    FEATURE DRAC3CORE cdslmd 4.900 31-dec-2005 9 9DE370F47C1D781E8C3C "J"
    FEATURE DRAC3DRC cdslmd 4.900 31-dec-2005 3 3DF360D4A23D4021F6E2 "J"
    FEATURE DRAC3LVS cdslmd 4.900 31-dec-2005 3 5DB37094BEA568097EC6 "J"
    FEATURE DRACDIST cdslmd 4.900 31-dec-2005 9 2D23A0C45BA5E35B3680 "J"
    FEATURE DRACERC cdslmd 4.900 31-dec-2005 6 9DC32034F9E6664B756A "J"
    FEATURE DRACLPE cdslmd 4.900 31-dec-2005 3 ADB33064EFE67B368D90 "J"
    FEATURE DRACLVS cdslmd 4.900 31-dec-2005 3 9DB34044234C7D34D55C "J"
    FEATURE DRACPRE cdslmd 4.900 31-dec-2005 3 AD5330A4E96011A0019A "J"
    FEATURE Distributed_Dracula_Option cdslmd 4.900 31-dec-2005 9
    9DB360D49A650FD6200C "J"
    FEATURE ElectronStorm_Transistor cdslmd 3.000 31-dec-2005 3
    CD0390F49C4EF0B83782 "J"
    FEATURE Encounter_C cdslmd 4.100 31-dec-2005 3 9DF3B0B499E9492E3253 "J"
    FEATURE Encounter_Wave_Viewer cdslmd 4.100 31-dec-2005 3
    AD2300F41DDA7A7FA11C "UHD"
    FEATURE Envisia_PKS cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 ADA3B03444F68A49B3AD "J"
    FEATURE Envisia_SE_SI_place_route cdslmd 5.400 31-dec-2005 6
    4D33E0642673DE18DCEE "UHD"
    FEATURE Envisia_SE_ultra_place_route cdslmd 5.400 31-dec-2005 6
    CDD300E4DFEAF54A4980 "UHD"
    FEATURE Envisia_Utility cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 3D03D0649EFEE463D798
    FEATURE Extended_Verilog_Lib cdslmd 12.100 31-dec-2005 6
    8D332024C142E0CF846F "UHD"
    FEATURE Fire_Ice_Cell_NanoMeter cdslmd 3.000 31-dec-2005 3
    DD23B034968BEB400B9E "J"
    FEATURE Fire_Ice_Cell_Transistor cdslmd 3.000 31-dec-2005 3
    1D732034801F372A1D27 "J"
    FEATURE Fire_Parallel cdslmd 3.000 31-dec-2005 150 7D2380246992FC6E8A33
    FEATURE Fire_Parallel cdslmd 4.100 31-dec-2005 75 AD7310E491D852A35D74
    FEATURE Ice_Parallel cdslmd 3.000 31-dec-2005 150 8DE330245CC1AEEFAB93
    FEATURE Incisive_Verif_Engine cdslmd 5.500 31-dec-2005 3
    0DF3A0E4C6AB135829EA "J"
    FEATURE Incisive_Verif_Environ cdslmd 5.500 31-dec-2005 3
    3D43207447E4FF700A61 "UHD"
    FEATURE LEAPFROG-CV cdslmd 2.700 31-dec-2005 15 AD1380F4CB8783E52355
    FEATURE Multithread_Route_Option cdslmd 5.400 31-dec-2005 3
    7D53E0E4D8981D1014EE "J"
    FEATURE OASIS_RFDE cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 1D63A0344FE0ED9FC292 "J"
    FEATURE OASIS_Simulation_Interface cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3
    5DE330948523D43889AE "UHD"
    FEATURE PCB_design_expert cdslmd 15.200 31-dec-2005 3
    7DA3B0D4856BBEF71FBB "UHD"
    FEATURE PCB_librarian_expert cdslmd 15.200 31-dec-2005 3
    7DA3B084D3B44E6A413E "UHD"
    FEATURE PSpiceStudio cdslmd 15.200 31-dec-2005 3 BDF31024F67E4243DD35
    FEATURE Pearl_Cell cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 1D931044F72E4052F638 "J"
    FEATURE PlaceBase_ALL cdslmd 10.000 31-dec-2005 9 2D9320349E66E9E587AD
    FEATURE PowerIntegrity cdslmd 15.200 31-dec-2005 3 DD73A014C4E32D7CD149
    FEATURE RELXPERT cdslmd 6.000 31-dec-2005 3 8DA370B4B914CC3BED08 "J"
    FEATURE RTL_Compiler_Ultra cdslmd 4.200 31-dec-2005 3
    5D6380843D05FA6B1BA4 "J"
    FEATURE RouteMVIA_ALL cdslmd 10.000 31-dec-2005 12 5DD34034348681443CA1
    FEATURE SOC_Encounter cdslmd 4.100 31-dec-2005 3 ED73F0D40E61C1869CFA
    FEATURE SPECCTRAQuest cdslmd 15.200 31-dec-2005 6 ED0360F41EF7ED3989DB
    FEATURE SPECCTRAQuest_SI_expert cdslmd 15.200 31-dec-2005 3
    5DC33004F13760BC52E0 "UHD"
    FEATURE SPECCTRAQuest_signal_expert cdslmd 15.200 31-dec-2005 6
    4D8350243A6400D462F8 "J"
    FEATURE SPECCTRA_expert cdslmd 15.200 31-dec-2005 9
    4DB3502421A8AAA13829 "J"
    FEATURE SPECCTRA_expert_system cdslmd 15.200 31-dec-2005 3
    3D4380C4A7A9AFF8CB2A "J"
    FEATURE SignalStorm_Lib_Characterizer cdslmd 4.200 31-dec-2005 3
    CD133024CDE0229C8488 "J"
    FEATURE SignalStorm_Parallel_Sim cdslmd 4.200 31-dec-2005 6
    4D23F0D4B4D446A3165E "J"
    FEATURE Signalstorm_NDC cdslmd 4.200 31-dec-2005 3 EDD3F004E89646130F39
    FEATURE Silicon_Ensemble cdslmd 5.400 31-dec-2005 6
    9D63D094843EE0239B17 "UHD"
    FEATURE Silicon_Ensemble_DSM cdslmd 5.400 31-dec-2005 6
    5D2300B49AC43D88E77B "UHD"
    FEATURE SpectreRF cdslmd 6.000 31-dec-2005 3 DD13F004F336B99F9B37 "UHD"
    FEATURE Spectre_Burst_AllegroSI cdslmd 15.500 31-dec-2005 6
    4D0390344898FDC8D783 "J"
    FEATURE Spectre_Parallel_Analysis cdslmd 3.300 31-dec-2005 12
    DD53D0E4B5CD8A2FF1BD "J"
    FEATURE Spectre_Parallel_Analysis cdslmd 4.100 31-dec-2005 12
    AD535094F8FA1DE4EEAD "J"
    FEATURE Substrate_Coupling_Analysis cdslmd 6.000 31-dec-2005 3
    1DC340144AFEF3122E04 "UHD"
    FEATURE UET cdslmd 2.300 31-dec-2005 3 9D53D004C1741F75E252 "J"
    FEATURE ULTRASIM cdslmd 6.000 31-dec-2005 3 CDE3A0C4A0230EE00631 "J"
    FEATURE VERILOG-XL cdslmd 5.500 31-dec-2005 3 7DB310F42857F3456B56 "J"
    FEATURE VIRTUOSO_CM_OPTION_FOR_VSDE cdslmd 4.100 31-dec-2005 3
    9DE320E46FD785DD5D43 "UHD"
    FEATURE VIRTUOSO_SPEC_DRIVEN_ENVIRO cdslmd 4.100 31-dec-2005 3
    1D73A0C414BE778B9A59 "UHD"
    FEATURE Virtuoso_Layout_Migrate cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3
    2D7350D44ED95CC5E1CD "UHD"
    FEATURE Virtuoso_NeoCircuit_DFM cdslmd 3.200 31-dec-2005 3
    6DF370F457BB5F9E0302 "UHD"
    FEATURE Virtuoso_NeoCircuit_HSPICE cdslmd 3.200 31-dec-2005 3
    8DF330D4036E8D7CD103 "UHD"
    FEATURE Virtuoso_XL cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 5D93F0243AF3D3893240
    FEATURE VoltageStorm_Cell_Transistor cdslmd 3.000 31-dec-2005 3
    3D6320C43E55B6E8985B "J"
    FEATURE VoltageStorm_PE cdslmd 4.000 31-dec-2005 3 BD73806441D51F1E47C1
    FEATURE _21900 cdslmd 5.300 31-dec-2005 3 7D13C08454264FD1B570 "UHD"
    FEATURE adv_package_engineer_expert cdslmd 15.200 31-dec-2005 3
    7D13C034719AF5C873FB "UHD"
    FEATURE advanced_package_designer cdslmd 15.200 31-dec-2005 3
    1DC300D4EBE922AC3B88 "J"
    FEATURE expgen cdslmd 2.600 31-dec-2005 9 2D13F0B468442F43AE68 "J"
    FEATURE pcomp cdslmd 2.600 31-dec-2005 9 3D73704440F010B261AA "J"
    FEATURE plotVersa cdslmd 93.040 31-dec-2005 60 6D537024CCC395F86A59
    FEATURE skillDev cdslmd 96.040 31-dec-2005 6 CD8330F4AEC0BC74A87F "UHD"
    FEATURE tw01 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 7D2320C43E339DF95708 "UHD"
    FEATURE tw02 cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 7D2320B43E339DF85708 "UHD"
    FEATURE verifault cdslmd 3.200 31-dec-2005 3 8D1350842D05B8827AE3 "J"
    FEATURE 100 cdslmd 4.400 31-dec-2005 3 9D41A36E589FB06CC3C0 "UHD"
    FEATURE 12141 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 ADC1339E11D0DB871961 "UHD"
    FEATURE 14020 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 AD61336ED4CAD3860EA5 "UHD"
    FEATURE 21060 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 AD6133CE04B8E086FE70 "UHD"
    FEATURE 21400 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 9DA133AE10BCD48CFE70 "UHD"
    FEATURE 21900 cdslmd 5.300 31-dec-2005 3 DDF113FE6C9FEA40D0D9 "UHD"
    FEATURE 26000 cdslmd 4.300 31-dec-2005 3 0D41037E9C6D54668AC8 "J"
    FEATURE 276 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 5DB1B39EA473B3A3F3E2 "UHD"
    FEATURE 300 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 4D91A31E2849B2A3DF6F "UHD"
    FEATURE 305 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 4D61A31E2B50A6A8DF6F "UHD"
    FEATURE 32140 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 AD31334E17CBDB851663 "UHD"
    FEATURE 32150 cdslmd 4.400 31-dec-2005 6 DD31434E5E18FE2D26F4 "UHD"
    FEATURE 32150 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 6 ADD1532E0DE8D5871668 "UHD"
    FEATURE 32500 cdslmd 4.400 31-dec-2005 6 CDD1339E6825F23E32DF "UHD"
    FEATURE 32500 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 6 BD11335E09CCDB801668 "UHD"
    FEATURE 32501 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 AD4133BE13D2DB851363 "UHD"
    FEATURE 32502 cdslmd 4.400 31-dec-2005 6 CDD133BE6817EE4224E1 "UHD"
    FEATURE 32510 cdslmd 2.300 31-dec-2005 3 EDA113CE46E7DD4A21FD "UHD"
    FEATURE 32510 cdslmd 4.400 31-dec-2005 6 DD31338E6224F23932E4 "UHD"
    FEATURE 32760 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 BD1143AE09E5D3891663 "UHD"
    FEATURE 33301 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 9DA1430E1AD1D88C1065 "UHD"
    FEATURE 34500 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 AD7133AED5C9DD87109F "UHD"
    FEATURE 34510 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 AD7133BED5C9D78E109F "UHD"
    FEATURE 570 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 4D91A3CEB964B79CF6E7 "UHD"
    FEATURE 940 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 6D1193FEAA57B66DF911 "UHD"
    FEATURE 945 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 6 5D2193EEB95DAA9FF9E4 "UHD"
    FEATURE 960 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 6D11A31EA459B867FB1D "UHD"
    FEATURE 994 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 4D51A32EC34EB16EEC17 "UHD"
    FEATURE AMS_Option_to_Incisive cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3
    5DB103EEA9CF6DFA0ADC "J"
    FEATURE AMS_environment cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 0D5113BED3EC7B9D0B48
    FEATURE ANALOG_WORKBENCH cdslmd 3.400 31-dec-2005 6
    2D8173AE5C9E1616AFD9 "UHD"
    FEATURE AWB_BEHAVIOR cdslmd 2.300 31-dec-2005 3 ADE1437EBF21AC46EEB3
    FEATURE AWB_BEHAVIOR cdslmd 3.400 31-dec-2005 6 0DE133EEC325B7756A84
    FEATURE AWB_DIST_SIM cdslmd 3.400 31-dec-2005 6 BDC1738EF2304DC428AF
    FEATURE AWB_MAGAZINE cdslmd 3.400 31-dec-2005 6 BD01C31EC3B9F117018C
    FEATURE AWB_MAGNETICS cdslmd 3.400 31-dec-2005 6 CD7173BEBE5B4E55AFA5
    FEATURE AWB_MIX cdslmd 3.400 31-dec-2005 3 AD31738EF4523ABC1FB6 "UHD"
    FEATURE AWB_PPLOT cdslmd 3.400 31-dec-2005 6 5D7173DEDD36A4CBF193 "UHD"
    FEATURE AWB_RESOLVE_OPT cdslmd 3.500 31-dec-2005 6 2D41038E31E9A9212725
    FEATURE AWB_SIMULATOR cdslmd 2.300 31-dec-2005 3 ADB1F3DE9DC193F3E854
    FEATURE AWB_SIMULATOR cdslmd 3.500 31-dec-2005 9 2DA1A3DEFE0AC61AF891
    FEATURE AWB_SMOKE cdslmd 3.500 31-dec-2005 6 5D9113EEB8F9ED8917B3 "UHD"
    FEATURE AWB_SPICEPLUS cdslmd 3.400 31-dec-2005 6 DDA163EEEE45AF7BC8FD
    FEATURE AWB_STATS cdslmd 3.500 31-dec-2005 6 FD9153DEE28A86C9E289 "UHD"
    FEATURE Affirma_3rdParty_Sim_Interface cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3
    ED4103AE0E0B3E7550A8 "UHD"
    FEATURE Affirma_AMS_distrib_processing cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3
    BD31D32E91985D29D745 "UHD"
    FEATURE Affirma_NC_Simulator cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3
    0DB1430E521C940BFF25 "J"
    FEATURE Affirma_RF_IC_package_modeler cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3
    5D51B35E86B32E2DC48E "UHD"
    FEATURE Affirma_RF_SPW_model_link cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3
    FD41633E2B4FBA41A69E "UHD"
    FEATURE Affirma_model_checker cdslmd 3.700 31-dec-2005 3
    FD71934E1993ED446220 "J"
    FEATURE Affirma_model_packager_export cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3
    6DF143AE42C5EF2D863C "J"
    FEATURE Affirma_sim_analysis_env cdslmd 2.200 31-dec-2005 3
    9D61D39E0A539FDF157B "UHD"
    FEATURE Affirma_sim_analysis_env cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 6
    FDF163AE528CC6A59ABA "UHD"
    FEATURE Allegro_Designer cdslmd 14.000 31-dec-2005 3
    DD9163AE8BC8D24D0D2A "J"
    FEATURE Allegro_Expert cdslmd 14.000 31-dec-2005 3 8DE1F38E1E8EE37770D2
    FEATURE Allegro_Symbol cdslmd 12.200 31-dec-2005 6 0DC1830E207639D74B17
    FEATURE Allegro_Viewer_Plus cdslmd 14.000 31-dec-2005 6
    2D31330EFD3EF626C478 "J"
    FEATURE Allegro_studio cdslmd 14.000 31-dec-2005 3 AD71138E14B0FB93AAC7
    FEATURE Aptivia cdslmd 3.200 31-dec-2005 3 1DD1B36E4B9430C4CC90 "UHD"
    FEATURE Aptivia_DCM cdslmd 3.200 31-dec-2005 3 1DC143DE8AF591624A07
    FEATURE Artist_Optimizer cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3
    6D91330ED49C16310E1C "UHD"
    FEATURE Artist_Statistics cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3
    FDD1F35E52381DE753BB "UHD"
    FEATURE Assura_DV_LVS_checker cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3
    FDA123AE3FC9E3D18E00 "UHD"
    FEATURE Assura_DV_design_rule_checker cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3
    ED81338EE71DCE4D5E8D "UHD"
    FEATURE Assura_DV_parasitic_extractor cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3
    CDD1B38E26B0DC1EC2DB "UHD"
    FEATURE Base_Digital_Body_Lib cdslmd 97.030 31-dec-2005 3
    5DB163BEAFE1F11B6ADC "UHD"
    FEATURE Base_Verilog_Lib cdslmd 12.100 31-dec-2005 9
    1D81B3BEF8615E793BAC "UHD"
    FEATURE CWAVES cdslmd 2.300 31-dec-2005 3 2D8163DE6EA3944EE535 "UHD"
    FEATURE Cadence_chip_assembly_router cdslmd 11.100 31-dec-2005 3
    EDE1D35E5CCC9CDE3E81 "J"
    FEATURE Composer_EDIF300_Connectivity cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3
    9D31A3AE254AEC386FF1 "UHD"
    FEATURE Composer_EDIF300_Schematic cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3
    6DC1D36E98D37FE5D770 "UHD"
    FEATURE Concept_HDL_expert cdslmd 14.000 31-dec-2005 3
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    FEATURE Corners_Analysis cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3
    6DF1D35E8F49453B1E2A "UHD"
    FEATURE DFM_Core_Technology cdslmd 3.000 31-dec-2005 15
    9D51D38E7F429822C88E "S"
    FEATURE DISCRETE_LIB cdslmd 3.400 31-dec-2005 6 BD11234E31020BBFA418
    FEATURE EditBase_ALL cdslmd 10.000 31-dec-2005 3 FDE123CEF3F05B2A3F03
    FEATURE EditFST_ALL cdslmd 10.000 31-dec-2005 3 3DE193AE1ED98F0C2BF3
    FEATURE ElectronStorm_Transistor cdslmd 3.000 31-dec-2005 3
    BDE1A31E9E22F3B50982 "J"
    FEATURE Encounter_C cdslmd 3.100 31-dec-2005 3 2DE1B37E08E940333255 "J"
    FEATURE Encounter_Wave_Viewer cdslmd 3.100 31-dec-2005 3
    AD71131E269F14E56B15 "UHD"
    FEATURE Envisia_PKS cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 6 BD11F32E5BD1D0389CA7 "J"
    FEATURE Envisia_SE_SI_place_route cdslmd 5.400 31-dec-2005 6
    3D21E37E3573DF18DCF0 "UHD"
    FEATURE Envisia_SE_ultra_place_route cdslmd 5.400 31-dec-2005 6
    7DC103CEDFE8F649F880 "UHD"
    FEATURE Envisia_Utility cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 6 1D21E32E9231EC5DE5A7
    FEATURE Extended_Digital_Body_Lib cdslmd 97.030 31-dec-2005 3
    FD61134EF96626095EEC "UHD"
    FEATURE Extended_Verilog_Lib cdslmd 12.100 31-dec-2005 6
    3D41230EC140E3CC356F "UHD"
    FEATURE FUNCTION_LIB cdslmd 2.300 31-dec-2005 3 0DB123DE4A6627D5DC50
    FEATURE FUNCTION_LIB cdslmd 3.400 31-dec-2005 6 EDB1236EA6121CE6F06F
    FEATURE Fire_Ice_Cell_Transistor cdslmd 3.000 31-dec-2005 3
    1D91231E7EED362BED27 "J"
    FEATURE Fire_Parallel cdslmd 3.000 31-dec-2005 150 6DF143FE6C61FA6E8A33
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    FEATURE Framework cdslmd 2.300 31-dec-2005 3 9D71D30E585DB6DC3626 "UHD"
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    FEATURE Ice_Parallel cdslmd 3.000 31-dec-2005 150 9DF1331E4DC1ADEFAB91
    FEATURE Incisive_Verif_Engine cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3
    7D1163DE2E7BCC9004F9 "J"
    FEATURE Incisive_Verif_Environ cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3
    BD11F3DEF7AB7176C586 "UHD"
    FEATURE LEAPFROG-CV cdslmd 2.700 31-dec-2005 15 3D2183EE388782E52357
    FEATURE LINEAR_LIB cdslmd 3.400 31-dec-2005 6 EDB1837EAFD3F6C0FD5F
    FEATURE LSE cdslmd 1.200 31-dec-2005 3 5D71733EAADA40C633C3 "J"
    FEATURE LSE cdslmd 2.300 31-dec-2005 3 0D31C38E8E3240C3DFDF "J"
    FEATURE MAG_LIB cdslmd 3.400 31-dec-2005 6 CDE1333E698A26B3A43B "UHD"
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    FEATURE Model_Check_Analysis cdslmd 3.700 31-dec-2005 3
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    7D51E3EED8951B4111BF "J"
    FEATURE OASIS_RFDE cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 9D41E3DE56DC03F599C6 "J"
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    ADB1A30E429E13BEC406 "UHD"
    FEATURE OpenModeler cdslmd 1.800 31-dec-2005 3 3D2153CE88466B1C986B "J"
    FEATURE OpenModeler_SFI cdslmd 1.800 31-dec-2005 3 FD81236EA3CB71F83E93
    FEATURE OpenModeler_SWIFT cdslmd 1.800 31-dec-2005 3
    8D0183FEB257A61F61A0 "J"
    FEATURE OpenSim cdslmd 4.700 31-dec-2005 3 3D7143EEED3879015FD5 "J"
    FEATURE OpenWaves cdslmd 4.800 31-dec-2005 3 2DB1336E0CCB8CFB50FB "J"
    FEATURE PCB_librarian_expert cdslmd 14.000 31-dec-2005 3
    3D51E3BE0A1088DEBEF2 "UHD"
    FEATURE PPRoute_ALL cdslmd 10.000 31-dec-2005 3 3D91439ED8ED1B08C6EC
    FEATURE PSpiceStudio cdslmd 9.200 31-dec-2005 3 7D81132EF67E45409635
    FEATURE PWM_LIB cdslmd 3.400 31-dec-2005 6 ED3183BE40C76A7FBB71 "UHD"
    FEATURE Pearl cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 7D6183CEFBBF4D44561F "J"
    FEATURE Pearl_Cell cdslmd 5.100 31-dec-2005 3 1D91233EF82E4F54F635 "J"
    FEATURE PlaceBase_ALL cdslmd 10.000 31-dec-2005 12 4D51D38E9716E8E89CB0
    FEATURE PowerIntegrity cdslmd 14.000 31-dec-2005 3 2D2143CE1F9D42920AA2
    FEATURE RapidPART cdslmd 2.200 31-dec-2005 3 8D2133FED437C8B5174A "J"
    FEATURE RouteMVIA_ALL cdslmd 10.000 31-dec-2005 9 5DB1632E29D48A816F6C
    FEATURE SOC_Encounter cdslmd 3.100 31-dec-2005 3 EDA1030E0B64D2759DFB
    FEATURE SPECCTRAQuest cdslmd 14.000 31-dec-2005 6 ED11130E3BC5AEB59761
    FEATURE SPECCTRAQuest_SI_expert cdslmd 14.000 31-dec-2005 3
    CDB1A3FE74E2539F9A34 "UHD"
    FEATURE SPECCTRAQuest_signal_expert cdslmd 14.000 31-dec-2005 6
    6D31F36E6D9C6E0EFE0A "J"
    FEATURE SPECCTRA_APD cdslmd 14.200 31-dec-2005 3 ED61533E917949D5D81B
    FEATURE SPECCTRA_VT cdslmd 14.200 31-dec-2005 3 5D11630E67CC2F27C246
    FEATURE SPECCTRA_expert cdslmd 10.000 31-dec-2005 6
    2D61F38E0F758D33AA36 "J"
    FEATURE SPECCTRA_expert_system cdslmd 10.000 31-dec-2005 3
    4D71D31E2A8B1C58C423 "J"
    FEATURE SQ_Digital_Logic_SI_Lib cdslmd 14.000 31-dec-2005 3
    1DA1239EBEA8FB594699 "S"
    FEATURE SQ_FPGA_SI_Lib cdslmd 14.000 31-dec-2005 3 ADE1A3CEE6854BA98C29
    FEATURE SQ_Memory_SI_Lib cdslmd 14.000 31-dec-2005 3
    3D01D3AEF03DA4DD746E "S"
    FEATURE SQ_Microprocessor_SI_Lib cdslmd 14.000 31-dec-2005 3
    0DD1535E7FF92F0B58EC "S"
    FEATURE SigNoiseEngineer cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 3
    3D71032E87465F60E623 "J"
    FEATURE SignalStorm_Delay_Calculator cdslmd 1.500 31-dec-2005 3
    6DB1E31EC3F1DAA7E827 "J"
    FEATURE SignalStorm_Lib_Characterizer cdslmd 1.500 31-dec-2005 3
    6D01333E22159195BD31 "J"
    FEATURE SignalStorm_Parallel_Sim cdslmd 1.500 31-dec-2005 6
    5D61A3AEEB0C044D606A "J"
    FEATURE Silicon_Ensemble cdslmd 5.400 31-dec-2005 6
    9D61438E813E4F259B18 "UHD"
    FEATURE Silicon_Ensemble_DSM cdslmd 5.400 31-dec-2005 6
    ED31039E9AC23E87787B "UHD"
    FEATURE SpectreRF cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 DD1133EEF93907A09E30 "UHD"
    FEATURE Spectre_Parallel_Analysis cdslmd 3.200 31-dec-2005 12
    6DD1932EEE3722E0F3EF "J"
    FEATURE Substrate_Coupling_Analysis cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3
    1DD103DE49CDED152E04 "UHD"
    FEATURE Substrate_Noise_Analyst cdslmd 3.100 31-dec-2005 3
    8D11338EF7F8B040B88E "J"
    FEATURE UET cdslmd 2.300 31-dec-2005 9 ED41C3DE746E2283E242 "J"
    FEATURE VERILOG-XL cdslmd 2.800 31-dec-2005 3 AD21D34EF430947E5F59 "J"
    FEATURE VERILOG-XL cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 BDB1B35EABE3BD2B30B2 "J"
    FEATURE VHDLLink cdslmd 1.900 31-dec-2005 3 0D01F34E8D7E781BAAFE "J"
    FEATURE VXL-VCW cdslmd 2.300 31-dec-2005 3 3D81034E799386E84696 "J"
    FEATURE VXL-VET cdslmd 2.300 31-dec-2005 3 3D11035E6E7B680626A1 "J"
    FEATURE VXL-VLS cdslmd 2.800 31-dec-2005 3 7D7153CE0CEC8D591A1F "J"
    FEATURE VXL-VRA cdslmd 2.300 31-dec-2005 3 2D3103AE90B277F74A7F "J"
    FEATURE ViewBase_ALL cdslmd 10.000 31-dec-2005 9 1D2143BEF0D97F475E06
    FEATURE Virtuoso_XL cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 0D21D3FEE6368A86DA89
    FEATURE VoltageStorm_Cell_Transistor cdslmd 3.000 31-dec-2005 3
    0D5123BE6D55B5E8985D "J"
    FEATURE _21900 cdslmd 5.300 31-dec-2005 3 7D11C38E54214DA2B0A1 "UHD"
    FEATURE actomd cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 6 DD7123AEE5644B5C0263 "J"
    FEATURE adv_package_engineer_expert cdslmd 14.000 31-dec-2005 3
    6D21B3DE7B5B76EC6182 "UHD"
    FEATURE advanced_package_designer cdslmd 14.000 31-dec-2005 3
    5D71E3FE67FE72A1C5E3 "J"
    FEATURE allegro_dfa cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 6 DD61632E4B772AB35742
    FEATURE allegro_dfa_att cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 6
    FD81438EE408D35BEF23 "J"
    FEATURE allegro_non_partner cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 6
    AD61036E137B92244862 "J"
    FEATURE allegro_symbol cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 6 CD91535E56EABF87E9ED
    FEATURE archiver cdslmd 3.900 31-dec-2005 3 6D0133EE0886164E13FD "UHD"
    FEATURE arouter cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 3 9D51E39EAC0231862D1A "J"
    FEATURE cals_out cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 6 0DF173CEBB4ADE0276FC "J"
    FEATURE cbds_in cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 6 BD71039E9F4737B08609 "J"
    FEATURE cdxe_in cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 6 DD31939EBDDD45A890CD "J"
    FEATURE comp cdslmd 2.600 31-dec-2005 3 9D21E3FE1479FFA72F57 "J"
    FEATURE crefer cdslmd 3.900 31-dec-2005 3 5DE1F30EE4E540332B7F "J"
    FEATURE cvtomd cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 6 DDB1235EB87944571793 "J"
    FEATURE expgen cdslmd 2.600 31-dec-2005 12 FD01936E6ADF2E437F69 "J"
    FEATURE fethman cdslmd 2.700 31-dec-2005 3 5D61435E30180C9F8D87 "J"
    FEATURE fetsetup cdslmd 1.700 31-dec-2005 3 AD4123CED83E21EE0667 "J"
    FEATURE gbom cdslmd 10.600 31-dec-2005 3 AD81B39E65A8FCC9A8E5 "J"
    FEATURE glib cdslmd 10.600 31-dec-2005 3 FD61034EA584FAB22E65 "J"
    FEATURE gloss cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 3 0D81034EEA95FAD4A14E "J"
    FEATURE gphysdly cdslmd 10.600 31-dec-2005 3 7D81B3BE1099295E0314 "J"
    FEATURE gscald cdslmd 10.600 31-dec-2005 3 4DE1F3BE22573538773C "J"
    FEATURE gspares cdslmd 10.600 31-dec-2005 3 DD21538E1245784033A8 "J"
    FEATURE hp3070 cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 6 9D61939EBCF5163A0606 "J"
    FEATURE intrgloss cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 6 8D51432EF3A9ACCA1BC4 "J"
    FEATURE intrroute cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 6 EDB1034EF7F38F3CA90B "J"
    FEATURE intrsignoise cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 3 0D81437E7E646C2D4C0E
    FEATURE ipc_in cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 6 6D0113BE33BE86A809A3 "J"
    FEATURE ipc_out cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 6 0DC1D37E5A1AF3B35A09 "J"
    FEATURE lwb cdslmd 4.800 31-dec-2005 3 ED4163AE7C2FCDAC65C5 "UHD"
    FEATURE mdin cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 6 AD61F39EC1BD97187EA2 "J"
    FEATURE mdout cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 6 ED3103EE6451EED936E3 "J"
    FEATURE mdtoac cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 6 8DE1831EEDBD4A3FC684 "J"
    FEATURE mdtocv cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 6 AD31833EC2BF4A3FDBAF "J"
    FEATURE multiwire cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 6 DD01E3FEC569F9B6CC0C "J"
    FEATURE packager cdslmd 6.400 31-dec-2005 3 CD91533EBF98D9E69C0E "J"
    FEATURE pcb_editor cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 3 5D81336ED7735EE9FD48 "J"
    FEATURE pcb_interactive cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 3
    4DD1539E28C0117DFE92 "J"
    FEATURE pcomp cdslmd 2.600 31-dec-2005 9 3D51731E42ED1FA361AA "J"
    FEATURE placement cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 3 8D71035EC69CE5DFD62C "J"
    FEATURE plotVersa cdslmd 93.040 31-dec-2005 54 AD2123BEDB759CEAB869
    FEATURE quanticout cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 6 4D81439E212A23D902BA "J"
    FEATURE realchiplm cdslmd 4.700 31-dec-2005 3 ED41C30ED0022900A382 "J"
    FEATURE signoise cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 3 ED31B38E756AB45B9D82 "J"
    FEATURE skillDev cdslmd 96.040 31-dec-2005 6 CD81A3EEADC02B76A87E "UHD"
    FEATURE swap cdslmd 12.000 31-dec-2005 3 5D01C3BEE477A40A67D7 "J"
    FEATURE tscr.ex cdslmd 3.900 31-dec-2005 3 ED61136E1E0711934EB3 "UHD"
    FEATURE tw01 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 FD0143CEC5EE159F978A "UHD"
    FEATURE tw02 cdslmd 5.000 31-dec-2005 3 FD0143DEC5EE15A0978A "UHD"
    FEATURE verifault cdslmd 2.800 31-dec-2005 3 3D1103FEAB4087FE65D1 "J"
    FEATURE vloglink cdslmd 1.900 31-dec-2005 3 7D4133FEFE817B26C16A "J"
    DAEMON attcad ./attcad
    FEATURE fcengine attcad 6.000 31-dec-2005 3 DBF801DFC976C49CB340 "15"
    FEATURE fcheck attcad 6.000 31-dec-2005 3 5B08A1DFBA7767A13E60 "15"
    FEATURE odan attcad 6.000 31-dec-2005 3 1B38114F82993DA58284 "15"


    11:56:45 (lmgrd) -----------------------------------------------
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) Please Note:
    11:56:45 (lmgrd)
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) This log is intended for debug purposes only.
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) In order to capture accurate license
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) usage data into an organized repository,
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) please enable report logging. Use Macrovision's
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) software license administration solution,
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) FLEXnet Manager, to readily gain visibility
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) into license usage data and to create
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) insightful reports on critical information like
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) license availability and usage. FLEXnet Manager
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) can be fully automated to run these reports on
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) schedule and can be used to track license
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) servers and usage across a heterogeneous
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) network of servers including Windows NT, Linux
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) and UNIX. Contact Macrovision at
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) for more details on how to
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) obtain an evaluation copy of FLEXnet Manager
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) for your enterprise.
    11:56:45 (lmgrd)
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) -----------------------------------------------
    11:56:45 (lmgrd)
    11:56:45 (lmgrd)
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) -----------------------------------------------
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) Solaris Note:
    11:56:45 (lmgrd)
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) We recommend adding the following command to the
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) scripts due to a bug in the Solaris operating
    11:56:45 (lmgrd)
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) Solaris 2.1-2.6:
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) /usr/sbin/ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_close_wait_interval
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) Solaris 2.7 and higher:
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) /usr/sbin/ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_time_wait_interval
    11:56:45 (lmgrd)
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) By default on Solaris, upon stopping a license
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) 1 to 5 minutes are required for the port to free up
    so it
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) will restart, which can result in checkout failures.
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) The command above resets this default to 2.4 seconds
    11:56:45 (lmgrd)
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) -----------------------------------------------
    11:56:45 (lmgrd)
    11:56:45 (lmgrd)
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) The license server manager (lmgrd) running as root:
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) This is a potential security problem
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) and is not recommended.
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) FLEXnet Licensing (v10.1.3) started on ws0 (Sun)
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) Copyright (c) 1988-2004 by Macrovision Corporation.
    All rights reserved.
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) US Patents 5,390,297 and 5,671,412.
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) World Wide Web:
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) License file(s):
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) lmgrd tcp-port (portnumber)
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) Starting vendor daemons ...
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) Started cdslmd (internet tcp_port 34190 pid 3009)
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) license daemon: execute process failed: (./attcad or
    ../attcad) -T servername 10.1 4 -c
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) license daemon: system error code: No such file or
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) Started attcad (internet tcp_port 34191 pid 3010)
    11:56:45 (lmgrd) Please correct problem and restart daemons
    11:56:45 (cdslmd) FLEXnet Licensing version 10.1.3

    CADENCE_WARN_MSG: FEATURE "PSpiceStudio" with a lower version "15.200"
    will override a higher version "9.200" because lower version was
    generated at a later date.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "12141" with code "ADC1339E11D0DB871961" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "14020" with code "AD61336ED4CAD3860EA5" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "21060" with code "AD6133CE04B8E086FE70" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "21400" with code "9DA133AE10BCD48CFE70" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "276" with code "5DB1B39EA473B3A3F3E2" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "300" with code "4D91A31E2849B2A3DF6F" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "305" with code "4D61A31E2B50A6A8DF6F" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "32140" with code "AD31334E17CBDB851663" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "32150" with code "DD31434E5E18FE2D26F4" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "32150" with code "ADD1532E0DE8D5871668" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "32500" with code "CDD1339E6825F23E32DF" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "32500" with code "BD11335E09CCDB801668" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "32501" with code "AD4133BE13D2DB851363" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "32510" with code "EDA113CE46E7DD4A21FD" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "32510" with code "DD31338E6224F23932E4" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "32760" with code "BD1143AE09E5D3891663" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "33301" with code "9DA1430E1AD1D88C1065" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "34500" with code "AD7133AED5C9DD87109F" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "34510" with code "AD7133BED5C9D78E109F" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "570" with code "4D91A3CEB964B79CF6E7" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "940" with code "6D1193FEAA57B66DF911" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "945" with code "5D2193EEB95DAA9FF9E4" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "960" with code "6D11A31EA459B867FB1D" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "994" with code "4D51A32EC34EB16EEC17" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "AMS_Option_to_Incisive" with code "5DB103EEA9CF6DFA0ADC" is
    not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "AMS_environment" with code "0D5113BED3EC7B9D0B48" is not the
    same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Affirma_3rdParty_Sim_Interface" with code
    "ED4103AE0E0B3E7550A8" is not the same as the allowed start date
    "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Affirma_AMS_distrib_processing" with code
    "BD31D32E91985D29D745" is not the same as the allowed start date
    "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Affirma_NC_Simulator" with code "0DB1430E521C940BFF25" is not
    the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Affirma_RF_IC_package_modeler" with code
    "5D51B35E86B32E2DC48E" is not the same as the allowed start date
    "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Affirma_RF_SPW_model_link" with code "FD41633E2B4FBA41A69E" is
    not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Affirma_model_packager_export" with code
    "6DF143AE42C5EF2D863C" is not the same as the allowed start date
    "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Affirma_sim_analysis_env" with code "9D61D39E0A539FDF157B" is
    not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Affirma_sim_analysis_env" with code "FDF163AE528CC6A59ABA" is
    not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Allegro_Viewer_Plus" with code "2D31330EFD3EF626C478" is not
    the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Allegro_studio" with code "AD71138E14B0FB93AAC7" is not the
    same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Artist_Optimizer" with code "6D91330ED49C16310E1C" is not the
    same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Artist_Statistics" with code "FDD1F35E52381DE753BB" is not the
    same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Assura_DV_LVS_checker" with code "FDA123AE3FC9E3D18E00" is not
    the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Assura_DV_design_rule_checker" with code
    "ED81338EE71DCE4D5E8D" is not the same as the allowed start date
    "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Assura_DV_parasitic_extractor" with code
    "CDD1B38E26B0DC1EC2DB" is not the same as the allowed start date
    "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Base_Verilog_Lib" with code "1D81B3BEF8615E793BAC" is not the
    same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Cadence_chip_assembly_router" with code "EDE1D35E5CCC9CDE3E81"
    is not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Composer_EDIF300_Connectivity" with code
    "9D31A3AE254AEC386FF1" is not the same as the allowed start date
    "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Composer_EDIF300_Schematic" with code "6DC1D36E98D37FE5D770"
    is not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Concept_HDL_expert" with code "4D41D35EC14CF6F40098" is not
    the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Corners_Analysis" with code "6DF1D35E8F49453B1E2A" is not the
    same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "DFM_Core_Technology" with code "9D51D38E7F429822C88E" is not
    the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "ElectronStorm_Transistor" with code "BDE1A31E9E22F3B50982" is
    not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Encounter_C" with code "2DE1B37E08E940333255" is not the same
    as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Encounter_Wave_Viewer" with code "AD71131E269F14E56B15" is not
    the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Envisia_PKS" with code "BD11F32E5BD1D0389CA7" is not the same
    as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Envisia_SE_SI_place_route" with code "3D21E37E3573DF18DCF0" is
    not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Envisia_SE_ultra_place_route" with code "7DC103CEDFE8F649F880"
    is not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Envisia_Utility" with code "1D21E32E9231EC5DE5A7" is not the
    same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Extended_Verilog_Lib" with code "3D41230EC140E3CC356F" is not
    the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Fire_Ice_Cell_Transistor" with code "1D91231E7EED362BED27" is
    not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Fire_Parallel" with code "6DF143FE6C61FA6E8A33" is not the
    same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Ice_Parallel" with code "9DF1331E4DC1ADEFAB91" is not the same
    as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Incisive_Verif_Engine" with code "7D1163DE2E7BCC9004F9" is not
    the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Incisive_Verif_Environ" with code "BD11F3DEF7AB7176C586" is
    not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "LEAPFROG-CV" with code "3D2183EE388782E52357" is not the same
    as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Multithread_Route_Option" with code "7D51E3EED8951B4111BF" is
    not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "OASIS_RFDE" with code "9D41E3DE56DC03F599C6" is not the same
    as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "OASIS_Simulation_Interface" with code "ADB1A30E429E13BEC406"
    is not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "PCB_librarian_expert" with code "3D51E3BE0A1088DEBEF2" is not
    the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "PSpiceStudio" with code "7D81132EF67E45409635" is not the same
    as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Pearl_Cell" with code "1D91233EF82E4F54F635" is not the same
    as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "PlaceBase_ALL" with code "4D51D38E9716E8E89CB0" is not the
    same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "PowerIntegrity" with code "2D2143CE1F9D42920AA2" is not the
    same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "RouteMVIA_ALL" with code "5DB1632E29D48A816F6C" is not the
    same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "SOC_Encounter" with code "EDA1030E0B64D2759DFB" is not the
    same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "SPECCTRAQuest" with code "ED11130E3BC5AEB59761" is not the
    same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "SPECCTRAQuest_SI_expert" with code "CDB1A3FE74E2539F9A34" is
    not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "SPECCTRAQuest_signal_expert" with code "6D31F36E6D9C6E0EFE0A"
    is not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "SPECCTRA_expert" with code "2D61F38E0F758D33AA36" is not the
    same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "SPECCTRA_expert_system" with code "4D71D31E2A8B1C58C423" is
    not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "SignalStorm_Lib_Characterizer" with code
    "6D01333E22159195BD31" is not the same as the allowed start date
    "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "SignalStorm_Parallel_Sim" with code "5D61A3AEEB0C044D606A" is
    not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Silicon_Ensemble" with code "9D61438E813E4F259B18" is not the
    same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Silicon_Ensemble_DSM" with code "ED31039E9AC23E87787B" is not
    the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "SpectreRF" with code "DD1133EEF93907A09E30" is not the same as
    the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Spectre_Parallel_Analysis" with code "6DD1932EEE3722E0F3EF" is
    not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Substrate_Coupling_Analysis" with code "1DD103DE49CDED152E04"
    is not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "UET" with code "ED41C3DE746E2283E242" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "VERILOG-XL" with code "AD21D34EF430947E5F59" is not the same
    as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "VERILOG-XL" with code "BDB1B35EABE3BD2B30B2" is not the same
    as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "Virtuoso_XL" with code "0D21D3FEE6368A86DA89" is not the same
    as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "VoltageStorm_Cell_Transistor" with code "0D5123BE6D55B5E8985D"
    is not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "_21900" with code "7D11C38E54214DA2B0A1" is not the same as
    the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "adv_package_engineer_expert" with code "6D21B3DE7B5B76EC6182"
    is not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "advanced_package_designer" with code "5D71E3FE67FE72A1C5E3" is
    not the same as the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "expgen" with code "FD01936E6ADF2E437F69" is not the same as
    the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "pcomp" with code "3D51731E42ED1FA361AA" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "plotVersa" with code "AD2123BEDB759CEAB869" is not the same as
    the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "skillDev" with code "CD81A3EEADC02B76A87E" is not the same as
    the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "tw01" with code "FD0143CEC5EE159F978A" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "tw02" with code "FD0143DEC5EE15A0978A" is not the same as the
    allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.

    CADENCE_ERROR_MSG: Start date "30-oct-2004" for the permanent license
    FEATURE "verifault" with code "3D1103FEAB4087FE65D1" is not the same as
    the allowed start date "4-sep-2005". Ignored.
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Server started on ws0 for: 111
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) 12141 14020 206
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) 21060 21400 276
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) 300 305 32140
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) 32150 32150 32500
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) 32500 32501 32510
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) 32760 33301 34500
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) 34510 365 3D_FieldSolver_Engine
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) 550 570 940
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) 945 960 994
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) ADE_ElectronStorm_Option ADE_VoltageStorm_Option
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) AMS_environment Adv_Encrypt_Std_64bit
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Affirma_AMS_distrib_processing Affirma_NC_Simulator
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Affirma_RF_SPW_model_link
    Affirma_model_packager_export Affirma_sim_analysis_env
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Affirma_sim_analysis_env Allegro_PCB_Router_610
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Allegro_PCB_SI_630_Suite Allegro_Package_Designer_620
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Allegro_Viewer_Plus Allegro_design_expert
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Artist_Optimizer Artist_Statistics Assura_DRC
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Assura_DV_LVS_checker Assura_DV_design_rule_checker
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Assura_LVS Assura_MP Assura_RCX
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Assura_RCX-FS Assura_RCX-HF Assura_RCX-MP
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Assura_RCX-PL Assura_RCX-PLC Assura_RCX_ACI
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Assura_UI Base_Verilog_Lib
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Celtic_NDC Composer_EDIF300_Connectivity
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) ConcICe_Option Concept_HDL_expert Conformal_Asic
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Conformal_Ultra Corners_Analysis DFM_Core_Technology
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) DFM_Core_Technology DRAC2CORE DRAC3CORE
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) DRAC3DRC DRAC3LVS DRACDIST
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) DRACERC DRACLPE DRACLVS
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) DRACPRE Distributed_Dracula_Option
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Encounter_C Encounter_Wave_Viewer Envisia_PKS
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Envisia_SE_SI_place_route
    Envisia_SE_ultra_place_route Envisia_Utility
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Extended_Verilog_Lib Fire_Ice_Cell_NanoMeter
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Fire_Parallel Fire_Parallel Ice_Parallel
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Incisive_Verif_Engine Incisive_Verif_Environ
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Multithread_Route_Option
    OASIS_RFDE OASIS_Simulation_Interface
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) PCB_design_expert PCB_librarian_expert PSpiceStudio
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Pearl_Cell PlaceBase_ALL PowerIntegrity
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) RELXPERT RTL_Compiler_Ultra RouteMVIA_ALL
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) SOC_Encounter SPECCTRAQuest SPECCTRAQuest_SI_expert
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) SPECCTRAQuest_signal_expert SPECCTRA_expert
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) SignalStorm_Lib_Characterizer
    SignalStorm_Parallel_Sim Signalstorm_NDC
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Silicon_Ensemble Silicon_Ensemble_DSM SpectreRF
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Spectre_Burst_AllegroSI Spectre_Parallel_Analysis
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Substrate_Coupling_Analysis UET ULTRASIM
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Virtuoso_Layout_Migrate Virtuoso_NeoCircuit_DFM
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Virtuoso_XL VoltageStorm_Cell_Transistor
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) _21900 adv_package_engineer_expert
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) expgen pcomp plotVersa
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) skillDev tw01 tw02
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) verifault 100 21900
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) 26000 32502 ANALOG_WORKBENCH
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) AWB_STATS Affirma_model_checker Allegro_Designer
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Allegro_Expert Allegro_Symbol Allegro_Symbol
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Aptivia Aptivia_DCM Base_Digital_Body_Lib
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) CWAVES DISCRETE_LIB EditBase_ALL
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) EditFST_ALL Extended_Digital_Body_Lib FUNCTION_LIB
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) FUNCTION_LIB Framework Framework
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) IPlaceBase_ALL LINEAR_LIB LSE
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) LSE MAG_LIB MIXAD_LIB
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Model_Check_Analysis OpenModeler OpenModeler_SFI
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) OpenModeler_SWIFT OpenSim OpenWaves
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) PPRoute_ALL PWM_LIB Pearl
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) RapidPART SPECCTRA_APD SPECCTRA_VT
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) SQ_Digital_Logic_SI_Lib
    SQ_FPGA_SI_Lib SQ_Memory_SI_Lib
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) SQ_Microprocessor_SI_Lib SigNoiseEngineer
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) Substrate_Noise_Analyst VHDLLink VXL-VCW
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) VXL-VET VXL-VLS VXL-VRA
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) ViewBase_ALL actomd allegro_dfa
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) allegro_dfa_att allegro_non_partner archiver
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) arouter cals_out cbds_in
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) cdxe_in comp crefer
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) cvtomd fethman fetsetup
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) gbom glib gloss
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) gphysdly gscald gspares
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) hp3070 intrgloss intrroute
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) intrsignoise ipc_in ipc_out
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) lwb mdin mdout
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) mdtoac mdtocv multiwire
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) packager pcb_editor pcb_interactive
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) placement quanticout realchiplm
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) signoise swap tscr.ex
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) vloglink
    11:56:47 (cdslmd)
    11:56:47 (cdslmd) All FEATURE lines for this vendor behave like
    INCREMENT lines
    11:56:47 (cdslmd)
    11:56:47 (lmgrd) cdslmd using TCP-port 34190

    Best Regards

    jwageneder, Dec 1, 2005
  2. From somewhen in 5.1.41 Cadence changed the
    license server version to FLEXlm v10.1
    and updated the license file feature lines appearance,
    because of that.

    I think this could cause your problem.

    Check with:

    lmgrd -v
    => lmgrd v10.1. ...

    Your feature lines look to me like old
    lmgrd v8.4 feature lines.

    For more information:

    In brief you try to run an old license file with on a new license manager.
    I believe you can't do that with 5.0.33 lmgrd v8.4 and 5.1.41 lmgrd v10.1.

    Also for e.g. PSpiceStudio and many more you have two feature lines in
    one file if you do that you need something like INCREMENT or feature lines
    that behave like that. I believe the old Cadence license server does not
    support this.

    FEATURE PSpiceStudio cdslmd 15.200 31-dec-2005 3 BDF31024F67E4243DD35

    FEATURE PSpiceStudio cdslmd 9.200 31-dec-2005 3 7D81132EF67E45409635


    PS: I missed your hostid ;-)
    Bernd Fischer, Dec 1, 2005
  3. jwageneder

    fogh Guest

    remove the second daemon line in your licfile. That should serve 5.1 and
    below just OK.
    fogh, Dec 2, 2005
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