problem with knit surface

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Ramangahazo barabasy, Feb 10, 2004.

  1. Hey everybody!

    I'm having a hard time with knit surface and I need your help.
    I created some surfaces and I made a symetry of the most difficult ones to
    avoid repeating drawing those splines over and over.
    When I tried to knit the surfaces, SW kind of erases some of the symetry
    made surfaces. I tried to create a volume (inclosed within these surfaces)
    SW did create the volume but with holes.
    I noticed that when I click on the surface of the created body the surface
    (the hole) is there but kind of transparent.

    Any help will be hihgly apreciated.
    Ramangahazo barabasy, Feb 10, 2004
  2. Ramangahazo barabasy

    daniel Guest

    If I understand your problem, it is that SW does not automatically hide the
    original surface. If you RMB on the surface, you may have the option to
    "hide surface". Also, if you are using 2004, you may see 2
    directories/folders at the top of the feature manager - one names solid
    bodies, and the other surface bodies (you only see surface bodies if you
    have them). You can also go there and select the surface bodies and hide

    Hope that helps!
    daniel, Feb 10, 2004
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