problem with identical mate refs on same part

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by roger.james, Jul 7, 2004.

  1. roger.james

    roger.james Guest

    Hi all,

    I am having mixed success with mate references. What I would like to
    do is to create two mate references with the same name on a single
    part. I have gotten this to work on larger parts (In which case, I've
    created as many as 8 of the same kind / name on a single part). But
    this seems to get twitchy when dealing with small components.

    Specifically, I would like to place a mate reference called connect at
    each end of a tube fitting. The reason for the identical constraint
    names at each end is that I may need to daisy chain these fittings. In
    which case, I need to insert the male end of one fitting into the
    female end of another and so on. As far as I can tell, if I gave the
    male end one name and the female end another, the constraints would
    not be applied when I tried to used the mate refereneces.

    The problem comes in when I try to switch which end is mated to the
    previous part. What I cannot seem to do is to toggle which one of the
    mate references is used. I know you can use the tab key to toggle
    which direction the part is pointing but I can't seem to find the key
    which toggles which of the multiple mate references (and therefore
    which end of the fitting) is used for the placement of the part.

    I am primarly using the alt drag method to activate the mate
    references. Also, all of the mate ref definitions are referencing the
    same entity types, constraint type, and alignments

    Thanks for your help,

    Roger James
    Erie Engineering
    Troy, Michigan
    roger.james, Jul 7, 2004
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