Problem with Design Table

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Andrew Troup, Jun 14, 2004.

  1. Andrew Troup

    Andrew Troup Guest

    I'm modelling (in SldWks 2003 sp3.1) a range of cast gearbox housings, of
    similar form but spanning a range of sizes.

    The different sized models are driven by a design table. At the end of the
    process I am tweaking a few sizes to reflect reality, as measured from
    evolved actual castings, rather than the 2D drawings whose updates have been
    In order to easily tweak those sizes, I turned on the "Allow model edits to
    update the design table" switch.

    Shortly thereafter, my model went pear shaped (almost literally). The
    problem sketch was *not* one I had fiddled with.

    The "problem" sketch in configuration 3 has spontaneously reset all its
    dimensions to match those of the same sketch in configuration 4

    My best guess is that the substitution was triggered by a dangling relation
    problem in configuration 4 causing that sketch to be unable to solve, and
    "locking in" the config 4 dimensions, so that when I switch to config 3 the
    "locked in" dimensions for that sketch are seen as having changed for config
    3, and are accordingly propagated to the design table, over-writing the
    correct ones.

    Has anyone struck a similar situation? Any insights?
    Andrew Troup, Jun 14, 2004
  2. Andrew Troup

    Andrew Troup Guest


    I know what you mean (that is a trap) but in this case I hadn't changed
    those dimensions in ANY configuration. As I mentioned, I hadn't fiddled with
    that sketch at all.

    The dimensions in the sketch for the various configurations had not been
    touched since they were created (not from the spinbox input, but by typing
    into the design table worksheet). All the dimensions in that sketch, in
    config three, changed spontaneously to match those in config four.
    Andrew Troup, Jun 15, 2004
  3. Andrew Troup

    James Guest

    Not sure... but when you changed the dim.. was the 'This configuration only'
    displayed in the dimension dialog? This one has caught me more than once..

    James, Jun 15, 2004
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