Problem with cropped views in SW assemblies

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Josh, Dec 16, 2005.

  1. Josh

    Josh Guest

    Hello all,

    I found what appears to be a glitch in SW drawings when attempting to
    crop a view. The entire crop outline shows up on the drawing instead
    of only the part that intersects the models. Specifically, this occurs

    when cropping an assembly drawing view, when referencing a Display
    State with hidden components. I have created a very simple example if
    someone can tell me how/where to post the files, I would love to get
    some feedback on this issue, and see if there might be a work around.
    My guess is that if I used configurations to hide components (the old
    way), that this problem would go away, but I have begun using Display
    States recently, and am trying to make them work if possible. Any help

    would be greatly appreciated.

    Update: Apparently using configurations vs. Display States makes no
    difference. The problem exists either way with assembly components
    hidden. Suppressing them is the only way I've found to fix the
    problem, however this is not an option for me in my "real-life"
    example, since I have inter-part relationships which would be affected.

    Any ideas???
    Josh, Dec 16, 2005
  2. Josh

    Josh Guest

    Can anyone suggest a way for me to post some example files to the group
    for help with this issue? I'm a bit stuck since my drawing view needs
    to be cropped, but the result does not look right. My only other
    solution is to export the finished drawing to AutoCAD and then manually
    edit the visible crop boundary for the sake of a good plot, however
    this is obviously not the best case scenario, as text and dimensions do
    not always look the same when exported to .dxf/.dwg. Please provide
    any suggestions you may have.


    Josh, Dec 16, 2005
  3. Josh

    rider89 Guest

    you might try putting files on

    i haven't tried it myself, so you're on your own.

    rider89, Dec 19, 2005
  4. Josh

    Josh Guest


    I figured out how to post files using my existing Yahoo! Briefcase.
    Please find my example files zipped at the URL below...

    Please advise if anyone has a workaround or fix for the above mentioned


    Josh, Dec 19, 2005
  5. Josh

    cntryfun Guest

    Is your problem only occuring when you have hidden parts that overlap
    the border of your crop? If this is the case, then I don't believe you
    will find a work around, becuase SWs is doing exactly what it should
    do. Those parts are hidden, but are still being evaluated, so it should
    show the crop edges.
    If you problem is occuring when your crop goes completely outside of
    your assembly area, then I don't know what to tell you, becuase I have
    never seen that.
    cntryfun, Dec 19, 2005
  6. Josh

    Josh Guest

    I can understand why SolidWorks is doing this when parts are simply
    hidden, however if they are suppressed, wouldn't this be a different
    scenario? The only thing I can think of is to create a duplicate
    assembly minus the parts that I don't want to show, and then use it to
    create the cropped drawing view. While I think this would work, I
    don't think it is the best practice, since then I would need to
    maintain updates in two separate assemblies. Still pondering...Has
    anyone else seen this problem?

    Josh, Dec 19, 2005
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