problem with CDL export using icfb menu!

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by bsrin, Nov 9, 2009.

  1. bsrin

    bsrin Guest

    Hi All,
    I am facing problem with CDL Export . I want netlist of a
    particular schematic but the resultant netlist doesnot consists of
    DIODES where as schematic consists of diodes. I am generating netlist
    using icfb->file->export->cdl , and giving inputs as schematic
    library , cellname, viewname. Please give me advice , what to do ?

    Thanks in Advance.
    bsrin, Nov 9, 2009
  2. bsrin

    Marc Heise Guest


    maybe check your logfile for any signs of problems. Or show it to us
    and we could suggest something.

    Marc Heise, Nov 9, 2009
  3. bsrin

    bsrin Guest

    Hi Marc,
    I have checked icfb log file and CDL environment
    setting file "si.env" , but still I'm not able to find where is
    problem. In log file some of warnings like "xxxxxx.cxt" file
    already loaded .... I thing we can ignore these type of warnings.
    In the form when we click on export->CDL , I have filled some of
    fields like, type---analog ,netlist output - "xxx.cdl" , schematic
    inputs like library , name, view, also switched on buttons of diode
    (both), capacitor (area) identification ,and also added Include file
    "./source.added" .
    Marc , Is any thing other files I have to add?

    When I am creating netlist using "Tools -> Analog Environment ->
    simulation-> create netlist " , It giving the diode specification .
    But could not in CDL..... ?

    Thanks ....
    bsrin, Nov 10, 2009
  4. bsrin

    ansalsha Guest

    use aucdl
    ansalsha, Nov 10, 2009
  5. bsrin

    bsrin Guest

    Hi ansalsha,
    What is this aucdl... Where can i found about this . Can u
    tell me what pdf should i refer .

    bsrin, Nov 10, 2009
  6. bsrin

    Marc Heise Guest

    For CDL export check <install_dir>/doc/transref/transref.pdf
    Marc Heise, Nov 10, 2009
  7. bsrin

    bsrin Guest

    Thank you . Really wondered by the reply what I get. Thank you
    Marc .....
    bsrin, Nov 10, 2009
  8. bsrin

    rick Guest

    I would look at the CDF's for the diodes, if the device properties are
    not defined correctly, then the device will not net list.
    Create a test schematic with one diode and see if it completes. The
    log file would be very helpful to isolate the issue.

    Good Luck

    rick, Nov 11, 2009
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