Problem with Cadence AMS simulator

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Guneet Singh, Dec 15, 2003.

  1. Guneet Singh

    Guneet Singh Guest

    Hello everyone,
    I am in the process of setting up the Cadence-AMS 2.0 environment for
    Verilog-AMS and am facing problems with the cds.lib and hdl.var files.
    On debugging the cds.lib file using the 'nchelp -cds.lib' command, I
    am getting the following error: ~/verilog11-9> nchelp -cdslib
    nchelp: v03.35.(s016): (c) Copyright 1995 - 2002 Cadence Design
    Systems, Inc.
    Parsing -CDSLIB file ./cds.lib.
    nchelp: *W,VHCLAF: CDS.LIB (fatal): Syntax error 'DEFINE NCSIMRC (
    ../ncsimrc, ~/.ncsimrc )' on line 4 of
    nchelp: *W,VHCLAF: CDS.LIB (fatal): Syntax error 'DEFINE VHDL_SUFFIX
    ( .vhd, .vhdl )' on line 5 of
    nchelp: *W,VHCLAF: CDS.LIB (fatal): Syntax error 'DEFINE
    VERILOG_SUFFIX ( .v )' on line 5 of

    cds.lib files:
    1: ./cds.lib
    2: /opt/CAD/Cadence/AMS-2.0/tools.sun4v/inca/files/cds.lib
    included on line 2 of ./cds.lib
    3: /opt/CAD/Cadence/AMS-2.0/tools.sun4v/inca/files/cdsvhdl.lib
    included on line 2 of
    4: /opt/CAD/Cadence/AMS-2.0/tools.sun4v/inca/files/cdsvlog.lib
    included on line 3 of
    5: /opt/CAD/Cadence/AMS-2.0/tools.sun4v/inca/files/hdl.var
    included on line 3 of ./cds.lib
    6: /opt/CAD/Cadence/AMS-2.0/tools.sun4v/inca/files/hdlvhdl.var
    included on line 20 of
    7: /opt/CAD/Cadence/AMS-2.0/tools.sun4v/inca/files/hdlvlog.var
    included on line 21 of

    Libraries defined:

    Defined in /opt/CAD/Cadence/AMS-2.0/tools.sun4v/inca/files/cdsvhdl.lib:
    Line # Filesys Verilog VHDL Path
    ------ ------- ------- ---- ----
    1 std std STD
    2 synopsys synopsys SYNOPSYS
    3 ieee ieee IEEE
    4 ambit ambit AMBIT
    5 vital_memory vital_memory VITAL_MEMORY

    Defined in /opt/CAD/Cadence/AMS-2.0/tools.sun4v/inca/files/hdl.var:
    Line # Filesys Verilog VHDL Path
    ------ ------- ------- ---- ----

    Defined in ./cds.lib:
    Line # Filesys Verilog VHDL Path
    ------ ------- ------- ---- ----
    10 worklib worklib WORKLIB ./worklib

    I would be grateful if someone could point out the mistake I am
    making in the whole process.

    Thanks and regards,
    Guneet Singh, Dec 15, 2003
  2. Guneet,

    From the error messages, I would guess that you have an INCLUDE or a SOFTINCLUE
    in your cds.lib file which is including an hdl.var file. That's not the correct
    thing to do. An hdl.var file (whilst similar syntax) needs to be kept separate
    from the cds.lib file.

    I managed to get similar error messages by doing the above.

    You didn't actually post your cds.lib file, so it's hard to be certain, but
    this seems a likely explanation to me.

    Also, AMS20 is a rather early version of AMS Designer, and I'd definitely
    recommend moving to a newer one (e.g. LDV51) if you can. Things have
    moved on a lot in AMS Designer.


    Andrew Beckett, Dec 16, 2003
  3. Guneet Singh

    Guneet Singh Guest

    Thanks a lot for the responses both here and on the Verilog forum. I am very grateful to you for
    that. As suggested, I have got LDV-5.1 installed and am in the process
    of getting the license matters resolved.
    For the time being, I am still trying to get AMS-2.0 running so
    that I could so do something on it before making the switch to LDV
    I am getting the following error(s) on executing the ncsim
    ncsim: v03.35.(s016): (c) Copyright 1995 - 2002 Cadence Design
    Systems, Inc.

    Analog Kernel using -ANALOGCONTROL ancont.scs.
    ERROR! cdsInit has not been called
    ERROR! can't determine installation root from PATH
    ncsim: *internal* (rts_seghandler - SIGSEGV unexpected violation
    pc=0xfeab2fb0 addr=0x00000000).

    I have the following paths specified in my startup file:

    setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    set path = (/opt/CAD/Cadence/AMS-2.0/tools/bin $path)
    set path = (/opt/CAD/Cadence/AMS-2.0/tools/inca/bin $path)

    Do I need to make some changes to the the .cdsinit file in the
    Cadence install directory?
    It would be extremely helpful if you could suggest me what to do
    from here.
    Thanks again,
    Guneet Singh
    Guneet Singh, Dec 23, 2003
  4. Hi Guneet,

    Not sure whether the segmentation fault is caused by this, but you
    shouldn't need the tools/inca/bin in the path - this may well be what is
    causing the cdsInit problem, and not being able to determine installation


    Andrew Beckett, Dec 23, 2003
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