Problem with AWD Results->Direct Plot->Main

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Dee, Jan 13, 2004.

  1. Dee

    Dee Guest

    I have a simulation that saves current at several nodes in my design.
    With AWD, I have it set up properly so that those nodes are saved/etc.

    The problem happens when I start with a fresh plot window and try to
    plot the waveforms of the aforementioned saved nodes using:
    Results->Direct Plot->Main

    If I have the form set to replace (current, terminal, AC dB20), it
    appears to plot the graphs properly... Although, as I go through the
    terminals I have saved (10 of them), the plot window 'flashes' as if
    it was sequentially going through the previously selected terminals,
    plotting them, and then deleting them before it stops with the last
    terminal selected. I actually SEE the plots of the previous terminals
    appear and then disappear.

    However, if I have the form set to append (current, terminal, AC dB20)
    the following happens:

    select Node1: the current at Node1 gets plotted once
    select Node2: the current at Node2 gets plotted once, but Node1 is
    plotted twice.
    select Node3: Node3 gets plotted once, Node2 is plotted twice, and Node1
    is plotted three times
    select Node4: Node4 is plotted once, Node3 is plotted twice, Node2 is plotted
    three times, Node1 is plotted four times

    At the end of this, there are a total of 10 plots in the plot window.

    I am reading the plot labels as they appear, all four terminals have
    AC dB20 plots that look different. Furthermore, when I delete the waveforms,
    I must click the wave and press 'delete' four times to delete
    Node1. So the plot really appears 4 times and is not a labelling problem.

    I am using IC5.0.33 (with stock RH8.0), on a Dell 650 dual xeon,
    ATI Radeon 9600 video card and using:

    XFree86 Version 4.2.0 (Red Hat Linux release: 4.2.0-72) / X Window System
    (protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6600)
    Release Date: 23 January 2002

    Does anyone else have this problem?

    Dee, Jan 13, 2004
  2. Dee,

    I tried to reproduce this with (on RH7.3),, and plotting
    either currents or voltages from AC results with the Direct Plot->Main Form
    worked fine. I tried playing with a few settings, but it always behaved

    So I'm not sure what is going on here. There was a problem with the
    direct plot form which was fixed in (it wasn't always using
    the modifier properly on the first plots done from the form), but that
    doesn't really sound related to me... might be worth trying the
    latest ISR though (if you're not already).


    Andrew Beckett, Jan 15, 2004
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