Problem starting Solidworks 2007

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by -, Apr 17, 2008.

  1. -

    - Guest

    I have just started having a problem starting Solidworks 2007 (SP
    5.0). When I try to start it, the windows installer opens up and asks
    for an installation disk for DWGeditor. If I hit cancel, a box opens
    saying that windows is configuring Microsoft Publisher. Has anyone
    else seen this? The IT guy says he needs to wipe the hard disk clean
    and reinstall everything. Sounds like a painful solution to me. The
    VAR has been no help. Any ideas on this one?
    -, Apr 17, 2008
  2. -

    CarCrazy666 Guest

    Just a wild guess....but I'd try putting the install disk in there and
    see what happens.

    CarCrazy666, Apr 17, 2008
  3. -

    Cliff Guest

    What does your manual systems update log show? Who
    loaded or updated what after your SW install? And with
    what options was this done?
    Probably somebody overwrote some defaults set by your SW
    install later I'd guess.
    A reinstall would probably fix it but might mess something
    else up ..... best to know the specifics IMHO.
    Cliff, Apr 17, 2008
  4. -

    - Guest

    Thanks guys. I'll try those suggestions. I don't know why, but the
    IT guy is very resistant to just reinstalling the software--would
    rather reformat hard drive. Another IT control thing that doesn't
    make sense. ; )
    -, Apr 17, 2008
  5. -

    Cliff Guest

    If he reloads the same software in the same order I'd expect
    the same problems all over again (unless you are having disk
    problems & then just a reformat of a drive going bad might
    not fix much for long).
    Look at what was changed since SW last worked.
    Anything new installed or updated? If so, uninstalling it *might* work
    then check all the options one by one with a reinstall ... ?
    Cliff, Apr 17, 2008
  6. -

    JOJO Guest

    I would kick the DWG-Editor. IMHO it is useless marketing-crab
    only for autodesk users. Try deinstalling this DWG-shit, I am quite
    confident that SW will work again, afterwards. ;-)

    Good luck

    JOJO, Apr 17, 2008
  7. What? I use it almost every week to view/measure large layouts etc.
    and I'm very happy because we don't have to buy adesk license.

    About the problem, my guess is that the your user account has not
    enough rights to do what is necessery (need to write something to
    somewhere). Seen the same behavior many times with other softwares.

    Markku Lehtola, Apr 17, 2008
  8. -

    iQ Guest

    iQ here, just had this on a laptop. it was odd as all users that
    logged into this system could not use SWx, with the similar errors
    (DWGeditor and a MSoft product) and eventually crashed out. now when
    we logged in as the admin all worked fine. we ran the permissions
    gambit and there was nothing wrong, all of my engineering users have
    local administrative control. we tried wiping the registry with no
    help. i even uninstalled all SWx software, deleted any remaining
    directories, deleted all keys in the registry, defraged and re-
    installed SWx and all SP's. all to no avail. i even deleted all
    users profiles and started new and still did not work. we ended up
    rebuilding the laptop. i figure that a windows SP somehow killed it.
    no proof as we were able to run SWx fine after the rebuild. all MSoft
    SP installed prior to SWx install.

    something to look at is an image software (ghost, acronis, ...) to
    take an image of the hard drive after windows install and all software
    but SWx and supporting software. then it is a lot better to just plop
    the image on the system and install SWx and SP's. this works great if
    you have multiple of the same platforms. i have only seen this on SWx
    2007 so far. SWx 2008 has not done this to me as of this date, KOW
    (knock on wood). iQ
    iQ, Apr 17, 2008
  9. -

    pfarnham Guest

    This is due to the window installer program "normally".
    Go to add/remove programs and you should see it there. remove it.
    I would then re-install Solidworks as some registery items will be
    This happens a lot when the antivirus services are not stopped.
    It is not good enough, just to stop access scanning, you need to stop
    all of the antivirus process services.

    Good luck!
    pfarnham, Apr 18, 2008
  10. -

    - Guest

    So the IT guy decided to wipe out my profile and then reinstall.
    Problem solved. Thanks for all the great ideas. This is a great
    -, Apr 18, 2008
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