Problem inserting jpg images 2005 LT

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Mark, Dec 15, 2005.

  1. Mark

    Mark Guest

    We have a Win.2000 PC with AutoCAD 2005 LT. When inserting a logo in
    jpg format, it appears as an icon with the filename underneath (not
    the actual image). This happens with all images. The same command
    (insert -> OLE object -> create from file) works fine on another Win.
    XP machine (same AutoCAD version). I've checked that the "Display as
    icon" box is un-ticked. Can anyone help? Is this a Windows OLE problem
    rather than AutoCAD? Thanks in advance.
    Mark, Dec 15, 2005
  2. Mark

    gruhn Guest

    Not an actual answer:

    Does LT have "insert image"? In ACAD full, I find that to be a more useful
    approach than OLE. It wouldn't solve your problem, but it might make it go
    gruhn, Dec 15, 2005
  3. Mark

    Mark Guest

    No there's no insert image command.
    Mark, Dec 16, 2005
  4. Mark

    Gary D'Arcy Guest

    There is an insert image for LT if you use !slingshot

    Regards Gary
    Gary D'Arcy, Dec 20, 2005
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