Problem in loading application

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Sinisa Knezevic, Jun 29, 2004.

  1. Hi,

    I need an advice.
    I have developed application that uses Vlax.cls v1.4. It extracts data from
    ACAD drawing, tranfers them to *.dll, takes some data from Excel, calculates
    and process all data and finaly returns results to drawing.
    It runs fine on AutoCAD2000 and AutoCAD2002 on WindowsME and 2000, but when
    I want to run it on AutoCAD2004(on WinXP) or 2002 that uses settings of
    R14(version 2002 and R14 are installed together on same computer, Win98)
    there are occuring problems.
    AutoCAD returns: error AutoCAD: Problem in loading application.

    How to solve the problem?
    Is maybe solution that version 2004. does not use VL.Application.1( Set VL
    = acdApp.GetInterfaceObject("VL.Application.1") ) than VL.Application.2 or
    And for the case of R14 joined with 2002 is possible solution that because
    of installed R14, version 2002. cannot reach VL.Application?
    Is there any problem with certain OS and registering *.dll? Dll is
    registering from code with function

    Private Declare Function RegConWriter Lib _
    "C:\Program Files\IP Tools\ConWriter 1.0\con.DLL" _
    Alias "DllRegisterServer" () As Long



    CAD Solutions:
    Sinisa Knezevic, Jun 29, 2004
  2. Sinisa Knezevic

    MP Guest

    "VL.Application.15" ? - 2002
    or .16 ? - 2004
    MP, Jun 29, 2004
  3. Hi,
    Yes, it is VL.Application.16 for ACAD2004, I checked in previous posts on
    discussions. For the case of 2002 it has nothing to be changed beside next:

    Set acdApp = GetObject(, "AutoCAD.Application.16")

    instend of

    Set acdApp = GetObject(, "AutoCAD.Application") for the case of using more
    version of ACAD on same computer.

    Just to check, is ACAD2004 version 17 or 18?

    I guess that "VL.Application.1" is same as for version 2000?



    CAD Solutions:
    Sinisa Knezevic, Jun 30, 2004
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