Problem in drawing sheets...."smearing"

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Dennis, Mar 3, 2004.

  1. Dennis

    Dennis Guest


    when I'm working in drawing view, and moving
    views around they "smear" . It's not a real
    big problem at this point, but does anybody
    know the cause? Is it a slow video card, perhaps?


    Dennis, Mar 3, 2004
  2. Dennis

    MM Guest


    Moving slow and flashing are signs of a slow video card, and CPU. Smearing
    is a sign of either a bad driver, poorly (or un-supported) card, (like
    Radeon), or both.


    MM, Mar 3, 2004
  3. Dennis

    Todd Guest

    I'd say usually this is the case.

    But it did happen to me last week with Quadro FX 1000 in a P4 3ghz.
    Repaint and Rebuild did nothing.

    Just shut SWX down and restart -- quite often this tactic works on
    intermittent issues. (or at least for me it was intermittent)

    Todd, Mar 3, 2004
  4. Dennis

    Dennis Guest

    It occurs only when in the 2d drawing mode.

    Dennis, Mar 3, 2004
  5. Dennis

    kellnerp Guest

    What video card are you using?
    What OS are you using?
    What video driver are you using?
    kellnerp, Mar 3, 2004
  6. Dennis

    Dennis Guest

    Radeon 9000 AGP Pro Video Card

    ATI driver

    XP Pro OS

    Dennis, Mar 3, 2004
  7. Dennis

    MM Guest


    According to the SW website, the driver your using has "significant
    stability and repaint problems" should solve some of the problems, You'll probably still have
    the multi-window slowdown though.



    MM, Mar 4, 2004
  8. Dennis

    kellnerp Guest

    kellnerp, Mar 4, 2004
  9. Dennis

    Dennis Guest

    Thanks one and all. I'll download the other driver,
    and try it.

    Dennis, Mar 4, 2004
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