Hi, Folks, I try to generate a flat cdl netlist for my schematic from icfb. In my schematic, I have resistor which name is R22<0>, R22<1> .......... When I use si -batch to generate flat cdl netlist, it give me the following error: ( explain "Error in evaluating property value: 'ancNetlistFileInstOutput()'." probeType "instance" pathObjectName "R22<1>" pathList "/Itstrcvr_bscell/Itstrcvr" probeArgType "probeColor" ) ( explain "Error in evaluating property value: 'ancNetlistFileInstOutput()'." probeType "instance" pathObjectName "R22<0>" pathList "/Itstrcvr_bscell/Itstrcvr" probeArgType "probeColor" ) When I use si -batch to generate hier cdl netlist, I got the perfect cdl netlist. I checked the si.env settings. The only difference between my flat mode and hier mode is one setting difference: cdlNetlistType ='fnl or cdlNetlistType ='hnl Is there any settings I can use to solve the problem so I can generate a flat cdl netlist? Thanks a lot for your kind help. Best, singulaar