problem for generating flatten cdl netlist

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by singulaar, Jun 1, 2009.

  1. singulaar

    singulaar Guest

    Hi, Folks,

    I try to generate a flat cdl netlist for my schematic from icfb. In
    my schematic, I have resistor which name is R22<0>, R22<1> ..........
    When I use si -batch to generate flat cdl netlist, it give me the
    following error:
    ( explain "Error in evaluating property value:
    'ancNetlistFileInstOutput()'." probeType "instance" pathObjectName
    "R22<1>" pathList "/Itstrcvr_bscell/Itstrcvr" probeArgType
    "probeColor" )
    ( explain "Error in evaluating property value:
    'ancNetlistFileInstOutput()'." probeType "instance" pathObjectName
    "R22<0>" pathList "/Itstrcvr_bscell/Itstrcvr" probeArgType
    "probeColor" )

    When I use si -batch to generate hier cdl netlist, I got the perfect
    cdl netlist.

    I checked the si.env settings. The only difference between my flat
    mode and hier mode is one setting difference:
    cdlNetlistType ='fnl or cdlNetlistType ='hnl

    Is there any settings I can use to solve the problem so I can generate
    a flat cdl netlist?

    Thanks a lot for your kind help.

    singulaar, Jun 1, 2009
  2. The only similar occurrence I could find for this was where the termOrder in the
    CDF was incorrect. Not sure if that's the case for you.

    Are you using a current version of the tools?

    Probably the best thing is to contact Cadence customer support with a testcase
    to reproduce the problem.

    Best Regards,

    Andrew Beckett, Jun 1, 2009
  3. singulaar

    singulaar Guest

    Hi, Andrew,
    Thanks a lot for your quick answer.

    I used the latest version of cadence tool.

    In the schematic, I build a resistance array by name one single
    resistor "R22<3:0>", there are four resistor indside. I guess when I
    do flatten, cadence tool couldn't identify it as a resistor array, but
    nets connecting are all 4bit bus, so the tool thinks this is a
    connectivity problem.

    Thanks again.
    singulaar, Jun 3, 2009
  4. singulaar wrote, on 06/03/09 18:39:
    How latest is "latest version"? What does Help->About say in the CIW?

    I'm very surprised about this - I've not seen it before. I still think
    contacting customer support with a testcase is your best avenue.


    Andrew Beckett, Jun 8, 2009
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