problem for addin uninstall (solidworks API)

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by beans, Dec 12, 2007.

  1. beans

    beans Guest

    Hi All:

    I finished a project with solidworks addin with wizard,they are
    "CreateCube" and "PMP". and it is very simple.

    the project has referenced "sldworks.tlb","swconst.tlb" etc., then I
    add a install project,use install wizard, after I have finished my
    install project, I get the program "setup.exe" etc, it is my program
    for install.

    I begin to install my solidworks addin,there is no problem. in
    solidworks system,I can find my addin. it is OK.

    but after I uninstall my addin, In vs2005 , I find many errors, the
    system cann't find the information of "sldworks.tlb" etc register

    I think that the uninstall program do it automaticly.

    my problem is:
    In my install project, what must I do, or write some code,in order to
    "sldworks.tlb" register information cann't be deleted.

    thanks a lot.
    beans, Dec 12, 2007
  2. beans

    That70sTick Guest

    Never include the SW references in your install packages. Distribute
    your addin with the assumption that these are already present on the

    How to fix? Not so sure. On, Scott Baugh posted a
    procedure to repair corrupt SW installs in the SW forum FAQ section.
    See also <>

    If your SW DLL's have actually been erased, you may need to
    reinstall. If they have only unregistered themselves, you may be able
    to re-register them from a command prompt.
    That70sTick, Dec 12, 2007
  3. beans

    jncope Guest

    Have you tried running regasm with the /unregister option? Also, if
    you don't want to redistribute the "redistributables" with your
    application, then you should use late binding and let COM resolve all
    of the object references for you It is a slignt performance hit and
    you lose intellisense but if you do it after you are "finished"
    developing then it shouldn't be a big deal. It will give you the
    added advantage of not having to worry quite as much (you will still
    have to worry a little bit) about SolidWorks versioning.
    jncope, Dec 18, 2007
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