Problem Exploding Blocks (from an ACAD DWG).

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by alphawave, May 29, 2008.

  1. alphawave

    alphawave Guest

    I have just got some ACAD DWG files from a client that i need to
    import & edit.

    The problem I am having is exploding the blocks.

    I have tried importing directly into SWX 2007 - this was not
    successful as a large number of entities would not import.

    I have tried opening with DWG editor 2008 and the file imports without
    any issues however, it shows 2 tabs - model and layout1, I can explode
    the blocks in the model view but not in the layout view?
    The consequence is that i cannot pick single entities in the layout to

    Any Ideas welcome!


    alphawave, May 29, 2008
  2. alphawave

    alphawave Guest

    Another issue I've just found is that when I explode a block in the
    model tab it disappears from view in both the model view and the
    layout view.

    alphawave, May 29, 2008
  3. alphawave

    Guest Guest

    Only the solids import
    Layout has two modes model space and paper space. in model space mode it is
    the same thing as editing in model space but you have to unlock the viewport
    which can lead to unintended consequences.
    Edit them in model space.
    The layout tab is for formatting to plot.
    Guest, May 29, 2008
  4. alphawave

    Guest Guest

    The drawing editor is not exactly the same as using AutoCAD. It does not
    work quite right. Close but no cigar.

    Guest, May 29, 2008
  5. alphawave

    alphawave Guest

    I thought it might be something like that.

    alphawave, May 29, 2008
  6. alphawave

    mr.T Guest

    This must be mechanical desktop file

    In model view is the part 3D? see if u can rotate it

    Depending on what do u need to correct in this file you may ask for a different format
    mr.T, May 29, 2008
  7. alphawave

    Guest Guest

    From where I am at I do not know exactly what you have so I can not reallly
    tell you how to proceed.

    Guest, May 29, 2008
  8. alphawave

    alphawave Guest

    The part as you call it is in fact a plant layout - and yes I can
    rotate it - but it's only a 2D drawing (there are no 3D features) just
    lines, curves, annotations and blocks.

    My client needs to add his tuppence worth (pipe routings) so he can
    manufacture then install them.

    alphawave, May 30, 2008
  9. alphawave

    mr.T Guest

    That is a different cat to skin.

    If I remember it right (I used to be good in this autoCRAP junk, just don't tell anyone)

    If by block you mean big square around the drawing layout, it must be viewport (no, you can't explode it)

    Work with model view this way your scale should be correct unless there was some real aCAD genius and draw that thing
    scaled (oh I have seen things like that) then when you go back to layout the changes should show
    mr.T, Jun 2, 2008
  10. alphawave

    Guest Guest

    The OP probably needs to draw in model space full size is preferred if the
    original drawing was done that way, or scaled if it was scaled. People do
    some weird stuff when they draw in AutoCAD. My preference is to draw full
    scale and setup the plotscale in paperspace. The inference is that the
    drawing actually has some blocks in it.

    Guest, Jun 2, 2008
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