Problem encountered during simulating with spectreVerilog

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by charles, Apr 25, 2007.

  1. charles

    charles Guest

    The error message is:

    Message! Stable DC solution not found within 0 iterations. Using last
    calculated state to start transient analysis. See Artist Mixed-signal
    Simulation Help for more info on obtaining an initial solution.
    "IE.verimix", 5: $vmx_initialize("spectre", dc_mode_flag);

    Error! List of message(s) that are acceptable



    Invalid message introducer '$send_events',
    unrecognized. [Mixed_Sig-VMXIMI]
    "IE.verimix", 5: ...
    Error! Invalid message introducer '150438448',
    DONE_DC message. [Mixed_Sig-
    "IE.verimix", 5: $vmx_initialize("spectre",

    Does anyone know what it means? How to overcome this problem?
    charles, Apr 25, 2007
  2. I had a quick explore, and I think this is just a badly worded error message (in
    an obsolete tool - use AMS Designer rather than spectreVerilog if you can).

    I think the fundamental problem is that you failed to reach DC convergence - if
    you solved that, I think the subsequent error wouldn't occr.


    Andrew Beckett, Apr 25, 2007
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