Problem DXF file

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by emmakane, Apr 16, 2007.

  1. emmakane

    emmakane Guest

    I have a DXF/CAD file that was created in Cadintosh for OSX.
    Unfortunately none of the suppliers I have emailed it to can read it
    (neither tha CAD or the DXF). Could some kind person please have a
    look at my CAD or DXF files and perhaps resave them for me in a more
    recent version of Autocad? I can't find any utility on the mac that
    would help me out.

    Thanks in advance - its a project I've been working on for ages and
    this is a real stumbling block.

    The files are here
    emmakane, Apr 16, 2007
  2. emmakane

    Bob Morrison Guest

    In a previous post wrote...
    The DXF file appears to be blank. It's only 25K. Pretty small for a DXF

    Bob Morrison, PE, SE
    R L Morrison Engineering Co
    Structural & Civil Engineering
    Poulsbo WA
    bob at rlmorrisonengr dot com
    Bob Morrison, Apr 16, 2007
  3. emmakane

    emmakane Guest

    its a pretty small diagram...but maybe something is getting lost in
    translation. Can you try and see if you can read either of these files

    emmakane, Apr 16, 2007
  4. emmakane

    Bob Morrison Guest

    In a previous post wrote...
    There are no layer names and no entities that I can find.

    Bob Morrison, PE, SE
    R L Morrison Engineering Co
    Structural & Civil Engineering
    Poulsbo WA
    bob at rlmorrisonengr dot com
    Bob Morrison, Apr 16, 2007
  5. emmakane

    Bob Morrison Guest

    In a previous post Chris.Cheney wrote...
    I could not get either file to open In Bricscad version of Intellicad, but
    I get emmakane5.dxf to open in Visualcadd.

    Bob Morrison, PE, SE
    R L Morrison Engineering Co
    Structural & Civil Engineering
    Poulsbo WA
    bob at rlmorrisonengr dot com
    Bob Morrison, Apr 16, 2007
  6. emmakane

    Mr. B Guest

    They all crapped out on me EXCEPT for:

    That I could Import (Acad 2005).

    Mr. B, Apr 17, 2007
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