probing a net in schematic

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by kamal, Mar 21, 2006.

  1. kamal

    kamal Guest

    hi ,

    i am trying to probe a net in schematic .. the default setting says
    probeDisplayStyle = "object" , i am manually changing it to "flight" as
    i need a flight line between the instance nets every time i probe ..

    ----Is there any way i can make default probeDisplayStyle as "flight".

    Also if i probe a net that has a instance on one side and a pin on
    another , then it draws a flight line from instance points and pin both
    to all the instance points and pins whereever the net with the same
    name occur..

    --- is there any setting so that i can have a fight line say i probe
    one net and then i have a flight line from one point on that net
    (either from pin side or instance side) to all the instances that have
    a net with the same name..
    or do i have to write some skill code for it ??

    Thanks & Regards
    kamal, Mar 21, 2006
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