probe context?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by adsfadsf, Jan 25, 2005.

  1. adsfadsf

    adsfadsf Guest

    What is a probe context and how can I find out
    what information is stored in it? How can I use
    the probe context?

    When I do the following Cadence crashes:

    Where is the probe information stored? That is,
    where does geGetAllProbe get its information? I
    assume from the window?

    If the probe information is stored with the window
    then why is it that when I open 2 windows for the
    same schematic and probe a net, that net is probed
    in both windows?
    adsfadsf, Jan 25, 2005
  2. Erik,

    The probe context is a data structure used to store the context (i.e. the
    design hierarchy information) that probes are created using. It looks as if it
    is not intended to have any data access slots - and accessing any slot causes
    it to crash.

    I see a PCR has been filed for this, and I believe the fix will prevent it
    crashing. I don't think the fix will allow you to see any information
    associated with the probe context.

    Essentially the probing system keeps stuff in its own internal (C level) data
    structures, and some of that is made available to the corresponding SKILL
    objects (probe objects have some slots providing information about the probe).
    This idea is true of many objects implemented in DFII; some data structures
    exist, and then SKILL accessor methods are provided to allow you to see some
    (or all, or none) of the aspects of these underlying objects.


    Andrew Beckett, Feb 14, 2005
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