pro - wildfire, part disappear when rotating.

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by PJ, Nov 23, 2004.

  1. PJ

    PJ Guest


    Is it anyone who has problems with the new rotate function?
    You can rotate the part around the point og where your mouse
    is pointing at the part. But some times the mouse cant grab a point
    to ratate about, and the part flies far out of the screen. And you has to
    refit the part.
    It looks like it grabs a point far behind the part.
    Does anyone have a solution to this problem?
    (whitout turning the spin center on....)

    PJ, Nov 23, 2004
  2. PJ

    meld_b Guest

    I used to have this problem a lot... I'm not sure what happened but it
    seems to happen less now. Maybe I got better at picking the point to
    rotate around. I did realize that if you don't let go after flys away
    you can bring it back by watching that weird axis/distance cursor thing,
    and bringing the line back down to nothing.

    I also found that it was jumping to pivoting around the annotations
    after I had a detail with a longish note floating around. Turning those
    off helped. I see that control and the middle mouse button is "turn" so
    you might try that instead of just the middle mouse button.

    refit on a mapkey strikes me as something I might do next time I'm
    plagued with this.

    meld_b, Nov 24, 2004
  3. PJ

    J. Perry Guest

    This problem has to do with whether or not the 'Spin Center' is turned on.
    You'll notice in Wildfire and Wildfire 2, the 'Spin Center' icon is visible
    on the toolbar by default. If the 'Spin Center' isn't turned on, you'll
    experience the problem that you've described. The model will rotate about a
    cursor location point from a previous point in time instead of about the
    'Spin Center'. Try to turn on the 'Spin Center' and then test out model
    rotation and see if this doesn't make more sense to you.

    J. Perry
    J. Perry, Nov 26, 2004
  4. PJ

    David Janes Guest

    : Hi
    : Is it anyone who has problems with the new rotate function?
    : You can rotate the part around the point og where your mouse
    : is pointing at the part. But some times the mouse cant grab a point
    : to ratate about, and the part flies far out of the screen. And you has to
    : refit the part.
    : It looks like it grabs a point far behind the part.
    : Does anyone have a solution to this problem?
    : (whitout turning the spin center on....)

    The solution is to turn on Geometry in the selection filter, prehighlight a vertex
    or edge (or any other suitable geometry) and depress the middle mouse button to
    spin the part. The preselected geometry should now be the new 'spin center'. Click
    dragging with the mouse pointer 'out in space' (i.e., you don't know where) is a
    bit of a gamble. Prehighlighted geometry is not. I believe this also works with
    assemblies. Then you are safe to dump the stupid spin center.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Nov 29, 2004
  5. PJ

    Pete Guest

    I saw a TAN about this a few weeks ago, though I can't locate it right
    now. It is a reported bug, but I don't know in what datecode it will
    be resolved. If I see it in the Knowledge Base Monitor again, I will
    let you know.

    Pete, Nov 29, 2004
  6. PJ

    Dan Richards Guest

    One thing that can solve that is to make sure you have established the
    center of rotation first, or if you display the "spin center" in
    environment, it will become the center of rotation and it shouldn't do that
    Dan Richards, Nov 29, 2004
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