Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by rec . music . makers . percussion . hand-drum, Jul 5, 2006.

  1. hI
    I've only had some simple tutorials at uni for pro/mechanica, and I'd
    like to use it on a beam
    The beam I'm designing has a funny shape, otherwise I'd stick with
    simple hand calc's.
    To check whether I'm going down the right path, I started with a hand
    calc of a square beam, simply supported.(Not cantilevered)
    However, when i try and use mechanica, I dont get anywhere near the
    same results.
    I suspect that I'm not using the right constraints. however I havent
    much expereince in picking them.
    Can anyone give me some pointers on picking the right constraints on a
    beam? I'm just wasting time at the moment

    rec . music . makers . percussion . hand-drum, Jul 5, 2006
  2. rec . music . makers . percussion . hand-drum

    John Wade Guest

    rather than consider a square beam, why not use the section properties
    for the beam, which are available in the model analysis - x sec
    analysis tool? then your 'by hand' calc shouls be pretty well bang on
    and you'll know if your mechanica model is predicting accurately
    John Wade, Jul 5, 2006
  3. Thanks John
    However, eventually i need to put the actual shape in pro/mechanica, it
    is a thin extruded section with some funny details. I would like to
    'benchmark" what i'm doing, so that I can be confident of the results
    when i am doing the complicated shape. so i would like to do a simple
    beam with the same constrints and loads, but preferably 3d

    rec . music . makers . percussion . hand-drum, Jul 5, 2006
  4. rec . music . makers . percussion . hand-drum

    David Janes Guest

    The Zen of constraints say:
    "You don't pick them; they pick you." So, you must ask yourself (perchance to tell
    us, your spirit guides): 'what constrains my beam (really)' ~ if you can answer
    that, Sensai Dave says, 'You'll know the chosen when you see them: Physics 101.'
    (Or, are you having, as yet unrevealed, procedural problem [what button to push to
    do suchandsuch]!?!) We wait to be enlightened.
    David Janes, Jul 6, 2006
  5. thank you for your words of wisdom Sensei Dave. I have in fact worked
    out the correct constraints for pins, ie allowing the z axis free to
    rotate. Results line up with expected hand calcs. I now feel free to
    move onto more esoteric shapes than simple beams, using sketcher to
    draw them

    rec . music . makers . percussion . hand-drum, Jul 6, 2006
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