Pro/Engineer doesn't recognize network card

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by tobias b koehler, Apr 21, 2004.

  1. I tried installing Pro/Engineer Wildfire on my Windows 2000
    system. I have a Realtek RTL8139(A) PCI-Fast Ethernet-Adapter
    (connected to a cablemodem, forming my internet connection),
    which works with no problem, and got myself a license file at for this card's hardware address as reported by
    ipconfig /all.

    Now when running PTC.Setup and trying to install the license
    server, I get the message "PTC.Setup has not found a Host-ID.
    Make sure that you have installed and configured an ethernet
    network adapter ..." I have then removed and re-installed my
    network card in the device manager - no success.

    I managed to install Pro/Engineer without the license server,
    but of course when trying to start the program I get several
    error messages of not finding a license server and not finding a
    network adapter. My distributor's helpdesk has not found a
    solution today ....

    Any idea what could be wrong and how I could help PTC.Setup to
    find my network card?
    tobias b koehler, Apr 21, 2004
  2. tobias b koehler

    bellsouth Guest

    Is this computer a laptop with a WiFi card? Or does it have more tha one
    network adapter of any kind? Both of these will cause problems because the
    license manager will only see one of them. Run IPCONFIG /ALL again and look
    for more than one MAC address. Also, if the computer is not actually on the
    network (which for you is a cablemodem) the card still may not be recognized
    as existing at all. In other words if you have to run software of any kind
    to access the network make sure it is running and try again.

    Good Luck!!! I had a similar problem and never ever got a working answer
    from PTC and gave up.
    bellsouth, Apr 22, 2004
  3. tobias b koehler

    hamei Guest

    You don't want to install a license server. You need to choose
    "Nodelocked license" or something like that. The license server
    is a FlexLM deadly-bobber for one server serving licenses to many
    boxes on the network. You are using a node-locked license. Not
    the same thing at all. If I remember correctly there is a point
    early in the install routine which gives you the choice.

    You now have to uninstall the entire thing. Pro/E won't reinstall
    to the same place and most likely if you try to just reinstall it
    but choose another license method, it'll still remember the first
    method you chose and not give you the choice. You want to get
    EVERYTHING when you uninstall it, so use the Winshit uninstaller.
    Then do a clean install and watch for the nodelocked choice. If
    you didn't get asked for the location of your license file then
    you did it wrong the first time. I *think* it was the last of
    three choices you get in one of the windows during installation.

    It's true that having more than one NIC will confuse the licensing
    system. If you turn off the *second* NIC during the install (you can
    do that from the NIC-management folder in control panel, just rmb
    on the adapter's icon, then choose disable. You can re-enable later)
    then it seems that Pro/E will use that address fine in the future,
    even if you have two NIC's. No guarantees on that one, tho.

    It is NOT true that unless you are "using" the NIC, pro/e won't
    be able to use it. First, the cable modem is only a modem. The
    connection STILL has to go through the network interface card.
    If you're using cable you ARE using your NIC. Second, the computer
    is aware of the hardware even if it isn't being used. In the olden
    dayes before everyone was internetted people often had to install
    NIC's just for the MAC address for copy protection. I don't remember
    where to look for the MAC address, but free IP tools such as WinIP
    will be able to suss it out for you. Then look in your license file
    that came from PTC. Your MAC address should match the number in the
    license file.

    A couple hints : don't install Pro/E or ANYTHING into "My Programs"
    or wherever the H Microsoft insists on putting them. I put the os
    on one partition, the apps on a second, and the data on a third.
    When it comes cleanup time life is MUCH easier that way. I have a
    directory on the apps partition for licenses. Back it up. When you
    get the Pro and your other apps running nicely, zip 'em up and save
    the zip somewhere. Then when something Bad happens, format the partition
    and unzip 'em. Or if it's just a Minor Bad, erase the blown directory,
    defrag the drive (NTFS sucks) and unzip. Back again in business in
    less than twenty minutes. Much quicker, easier, and less stressful
    than trying to figure out how the hell Bill's Little Creation barfed
    *this* time when your back was turned.
    hamei, Apr 25, 2004
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