
Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by mmsubbu, Dec 5, 2006.

  1. mmsubbu

    mmsubbu Guest

    This is my first mail
    pls sent the different between pro-e 2001 and pro-e wide fire 2.
    mmsubbu, Dec 5, 2006
  2. mmsubbu

    John Wade Guest

    Main differences are in interface (a lot of work redesigning the front
    end look of the program), coupled with inprovements to rounds and
    chamfer capability. The program runs slower (benchmarking about 20%
    slower) due to being bigger, and some users report not thinking much of
    the 'windows style' ergonomics. Many changes arer poorly documented, if
    at all, and not very intuitive to use.

    Overall, if you can use 2001, and can take 3 days of poor productivity
    whilst you search the menu mapper for the new location of commands,
    you'll pick it up. If you're thinking 'do we need this? and aren't
    obliged to change by customer or supplier relationships, put your money
    back in your pocket.
    John Wade, Dec 5, 2006
  3. mmsubbu

    David Janes Guest

    Dear mmsubbu at gmail dot com,

    One would think that, given your need to practice writing in the English
    language and your newness to solid modelling software, that you might have
    taken this opportunity to talk, write, express yourself, in this completely
    open, free wheeling, unsupervised environment. This seems the perfect place
    to get chatty, to be evocative, effusive and loquacious... in other words,
    to introduce yourself to this group of your peers (not of any realm) in
    science, in practice and in the belief that these two, with the support of
    society, can solve hitherto unapproachable problems. Please, friend, tell us
    who you are and what you are thinking. Tell us WHY you pose this problem;
    AND tell us whether the 'problem' be real or hypothetical!!! What is YOUR
    stake in this difference. Or, as they say, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Dec 6, 2006
  4. mmsubbu

    graminator Guest

    Maybe he's just busy?
    graminator, Dec 7, 2006
  5. mmsubbu

    millpond Guest

    Maybe he's just busy?

    Yeah, what with football practice, band practice, homework, chasing girls, ... How'd he ever find the time?
    millpond, Dec 7, 2006
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