Pro E WF Student Edition

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Andrew, Jan 15, 2006.

  1. Andrew

    Andrew Guest

    I am having a problem installing Pro E WF Student Edition for personal use.
    I recently purchased the software from Journey Ed and obtained a license
    file from PTC. Upon start up of the program, I get a momentary glimpse of
    the Pro E screen and an error message. The error message is:

    "License request failed for feature PROE StudentEdition: 37:
    Invalid VENDOR_STRING in feature line."

    I received the license e-mail and copied the text to a file as specified in
    the installation instructions. The path to the text file is specified
    correctly in my Pro E install. Journey Ed's website has some installation
    help, but it does not address this specific issue. I can't access the PTC
    knowledge base as I'm not a paying customer. An e-mail to JourneyEd has
    gone unanswered, and now it is Saturday.

    Does anyone have any advice?


    If you would like to respond to me via e-mail, please delete the "filter" in
    my e-mail address.
    Andrew, Jan 15, 2006
  2. Andrew

    David Janes Guest

    Yes, the integrity of the license file is all important. The active lines are the last 6 starting with INCREMENT PROE_StudentEdition ptc_d 25.0 01-jan-0 uncounted \
    and ending with NOTICE="Your Name, Location" SIGN=B3BCDA4E5D4F or some such number/character string. In between is stuff like HOSTID= and VENDOR_STRING= These are the active content of the license. If anything is missing, corrupted or doesn't match the computer you're running the software on, it won't run. The reason I mention this is becauses you wrote of "copying" text: the license file comes as an attachment and need only be saved to any place that's accessible to the installation program. Finally, your description of the process also makes me wonder if you completed the installation. You can determine this by checking <loadpoint>\text\licensing. In this directory you should find the license file and a license.res file. The .res file is a list of amendments to the license; I'm not sure if it's needed to run (haven't tried deleting or renaming it), but it's presence there is an indication that the PTC.Setup installer completed license installation. Have you tried rerunning PTC.Setup?
    David Janes, Jan 15, 2006
  3. Andrew

    Andrew Guest


    Thanks for the suggestion. Everything in the license file appears OK.
    Andrew, Jan 15, 2006
  4. Andrew

    Andrew Guest

    Thanks for the help. I have a license.res file, and I re-installed the software. I still have the same problem.

    My license file didn't come as an attachment as I was expecting. It came in the body of an e-mail with instructions to copy the text and paste into a text file. The six lines you mentioned are identical to those in my license file e-mail, and I suspect I may need some vendor help.

    Thanks again for your reply.

    Andrew Hurley
    Yes, the integrity of the license file is all important. The active lines are the last 6 starting with INCREMENT PROE_StudentEdition ptc_d 25.0 01-jan-0 uncounted \
    and ending with NOTICE="Your Name, Location" SIGN=B3BCDA4E5D4F or some such number/character string. In between is stuff like HOSTID= and VENDOR_STRING= These are the active content of the license. If anything is missing, corrupted or doesn't match the computer you're running the software on, it won't run. The reason I mention this is becauses you wrote of "copying" text: the license file comes as an attachment and need only be saved to any place that's accessible to the installation program. Finally, your description of the process also makes me wonder if you completed the installation. You can determine this by checking <loadpoint>\text\licensing. In this directory you should find the license file and a license.res file. The .res file is a list of amendments to the license; I'm not sure if it's needed to run (haven't tried deleting or renaming it), but it's presence there is an indication that the PTC.Setup installer completed license installation. Have you tried rerunning PTC.Setup?
    Andrew, Jan 15, 2006
  5. Andrew

    Jeff Howard Guest

    ... with instructions to copy the text and paste into a text file. ...

    I don't have the foggiest if this is a factor, but if the end of file is at the
    end of the last line of text you might try adding a single carriage return (or
    Jeff Howard, Jan 15, 2006
  6. Hello Andrew,
    Sounds as if there is an error in the license file. Try commenting out
    line 37 by adding a # as the first character.

    If this does not work, if you want to send the license file to me I will
    have a look at it for you.

    Steve, who used to do Pro/E support...
    Steve Borland, Jan 16, 2006
  7. Andrew

    Yareddy Guest

    your folder name in which licence is copied should be without any
    spaces in its name. for example your folder name is "Pro E" - then
    change it to "proe" (spaces removed)
    Yareddy, Jan 21, 2006
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