
Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by w.p.m.heijnen, Jun 23, 2006.

  1. Printout2(fromPage, toPage, Copies, collate, printer, scale,
    printToFile, printFilename)

    collate is boolean which can by True to collate, False to not

    What means collate?
    w.p.m.heijnen, Jun 23, 2006
  2. It means that if you have a document with 5 pages, and want 18 copies of
    those 5 pages, it can put them together as 18 groups of the 5 pages, rather
    than giving you 5 stacks of 18 pages. Some copy machines will also staple
    the packets for you so they are ready to hand out.

    Wayne Tiffany, Jun 23, 2006
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