Printing settings

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Anton Nanchev, Jul 30, 2004.

  1. Hi,

    I have the following problem.
    Is it possible to make SolidWorks or SolidWorks viewer to print a
    drawing to the default system printer, but to take the orientation and
    paper size from the document settings?
    My customer has requirement this process to be automatic: in Windows
    explorer - RMB to the drawing and print from the context menu.
    For example: We want to print A4 landscape drawing. The default system
    printer settings are A4 portrait. The print setting for SolidWorks
    viewer is to use system settings. RMB to the *.SLDDRW and print - the
    document prints to the system printer, but not with the right
    orientation. For test: RMB to the *.DOC (landscape) file - print. The
    document prints and is properly oriented. Can SolidWorks(Viewer) do

    Best Regards!

    Anton Nanchev
    Application engineer
    DiTra Ltd., TechnoLogica Group
    Anton Nanchev, Jul 30, 2004
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